As nzmacro guessed, the green swallows are indeed violet-green swallows. They're incredibly fast and maneuver unpredictably - they make for delightfully challenging subjects compared to barn swallows or cliff swallows (also found here). They are my absolute favourite species of bird! I look forward to shooting them every year.
All violet-greens shared by OP are females (juveniles also look the same but it's too early in the year for them). The males are a lot more vividly coloured. The green on their heads is a deep emerald green instead of a fainter jade of the females, and they have a distinctive 'mickey mouse' pattern on their faces.
Here are a couple of my older shots to illustrate the colours of the male and the face pattern (seen on the blurred male in the background, chasing after the female in the foreground). Both shots were taken with my E-M1ii and 300mm Pro. The OM-1 is of course a lot more consistent but these are the ones I have on hand - I'm too lazy to process most of my shots. 😀

The blue swallows are tree swallows (both genders look identical). The duck is a bufflehead - that's a great shot because these ducks are small and it's hard to fill the frame with them.