To say any believer in God gives Him credit for every single thing and event in the entire universe and for all time is just plain nonsensical. Can you post a link to anyone who has ever claimed that?
Like many believers in God I believe God created the universe (Big Bang) and everything in it (not necessarily all events involving humans) either directly or indirectly through the laws of physics, nature, biology etc etc etc He defined. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that everyone is obliged to believe in God and follow Him.
Every human through all of time has had the choice to either follow God's teachings and examples or to totally ignore them. Over the 000s and 000,000s of years since God created humans He has slowly given us the resources and ability to discover new technologies and all sorts of things over time. Now, whether humans choose to use those technologies for the betterment of all humankind or for self serving purposes is everyone's choice to make.
At the end of the day no-one can conclusively prove the existence or non-existence of God. It comes down to faith whichever side of the fence one falls on.
The way I look at is that I assume those who choose to not believe in and follow God hope with all their fingers and toes crossed that God does not exist when their turn comes to leave this planet because if it turns out there is a God eternity is a hell (pun intended) of a long time to spend in hell for having stuffed it up for a microscopically short 80 years or so, on average, here on planet earth.
I remember one time listening to a priest speaking where he described the Bible as - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
Whether someone chooses to follow the Bible or not is their personal choice to make.