• Members 10 posts
    April 7, 2023, 6:48 p.m.

    I use a X-H1 with a battery of Fujinon lenses. I am looking to buy an H2 or less likely, H2s to add to the H1. I am not keen on H2s since I don't need the speed. I'm not crazy about the x-H2 since I lost some useful dials I love on H1. I would go to X-T5 but Fuji crippled it with the buffer, fps and no-power drive/battery charger option. So i am interested to hear from those members who made a choice like I face, already. What did you choose and why did you make that decision?

  • Members 6 posts
    April 7, 2023, 7:15 p.m.

    Not quite the same position as I came from the X-T3. I rented both the H2 & the H2S, totally expecting to like the H2 the best as I shoot landscape most of the time.
    I ended up buying the H2S as I just preferred the photos from it. I also loved that I could bracket a shot handheld as the speed between the bracketed frames is just so fast.

  • Members 17 posts
    April 7, 2023, 8:31 p.m.

    X-H2 here, from X-T2. The new sensor is a lot better. Just better. Blue sky rendering much better, but better all round.

  • Members 4 posts
    April 8, 2023, 7:21 a.m.

    I used (and still use!) the X-H1 from launch. It's my back up camera to the X-H2S. For me it was a no-brainer given the frame rates and AF advancements. Even from the earliest pre-production model and firmware it was quite a leap.

    In recent years, I think Fujifilm have presented a bit of a muddle to users with the X-H1, X-T3 and X-T4 but now, there is a much clearer distinction and direction each product is taking. From a users point of view, the first decisions which have to be made are which user interface do you prefer and which do you feel is most beneficial for your photography. It's kind of pointless in debating which one is better than the other, it's about which one you prefer.

    For my wildlife photography I find the PASM interface much more intuitive with the custom settings. That said, I've always enjoyed using the multiple dials on the X-T but more when I have time to work at a slower pace, for me a spot of landscape photography. For a recent trip I was going to get the X-T5 to work with alongside my X-H2S but despite what I've just said and having previous X-T bodies, I ended up favouring the X-H2 as my mindset is back in PASM.

    You've said you don't need the speed of the H2S, so I just think you need to work out which user interface you prefer.

  • Members 10 posts
    April 8, 2023, 2:32 p.m.

    thanks. I use exposure sequences too. And 2s is the choice.

  • Members 308 posts
    April 12, 2023, 2:03 p.m.

    My wife learned photography using my XH1. Until then it was only a snapshot or two on the iPhone. Here second year she earned the "outstanding photographer of the year" award from the Tampa Camera camera club. I've helped her along the way but talked her into getting involved with the Tampa Camera club and a smaller local one so she can hear from other people also.

    I recently got her the XH2 and while a camera does not make the photographer - better tools provide more options. I gave it to her and she stated, "you do not touch this camera, I want to learn it from scratch and set it up for myself." She did starting with fully manual and worked from there. The XH2 is a much more capable camera than the XH1. The AF is worlds ahead. She has found the electronic shutter to be quite nice. I have not noticed any issues related to rolling shutter even when she aims the camera at one of the many bluebird and woodpecker houses I have put up around the house. While the XH1 could be a bit "fiddly" - the XH2 is rock solid.

    As far as UI - she didn't have enough experience with the XH1 UI to be biased. As she learns the XH2 and how she wants to work with it - she is evolving her programming of the settings to get the most out of it. We often discuss initial setting for a the programs. She much prefers the XH2 UI since the settings can be pre set and tweaked from there. She does not need to check a number of buttons and dials. To her that has been liberating. Now if a couple of bluebirds land on one of the boxes - she can grab the camera, pot on the 50-140 with the 1.4 TC and a simple twist of the program know - is ready to rock and roll no matter the initial settings on the camera. She really likes that.

    Granted UI is a matter of personal preference and we humans tend to like what we are used to, but for a general purpose do all camera like the XH2 I think the PSAM is the appropriate UI. For a "slower" camera like the XT5 - there probably is little advantage to the PSAM dial. For example on a Leica M - a PSAM UI would be ridiculous, but on the XH2/XH2s the preferred UI.

    Just our experience here in Lake Wobegon where all the men are strong, all the women are beautiful and all the kids are above average.

  • Members 421 posts
    April 12, 2023, 7:08 p.m.

    Having been mostly a stills photographer in my career I stopped at the X-T2 after a laundry list of everything from the X100 on. I skipped the T-3, T4, H1, and H2S but when the H2 was released I jumped right in. 40MP and an updated body/controls, a very nice cam, indeed. A couple of caveats, though. More MP packed onto an APS-C sensor means a little more noise as the ISO goes up. Easily corrected with software these days. One other....with 40MP to get every gram of IQ out of the sensor you need to be a little more aware of technique. If you have the time when shooting landscapes use a tripod. If you have truly steady hands and body then less of an issue. If I am shooting hand held I try to use a SS of 1/3x or 1/4x FL even with IS. But that's me. The X-H2 will be a good choice. Also want to mention the X-T5 is easier to hand hold and has the same innards as the H2..... and dials as well.

    Edit: I also agree with acskinner... The sky rendering is a lot better.


  • Members 4 posts
    April 13, 2023, 2:18 a.m.

    I have both, I just got the H2 on Saturday but initial testing I am SO impressed with it. The H1 is a solid landscape/street camera but I needed the improved AF for my portrait business. I have a full Canon R6-lens rig so I wanted a smaller/lighter rig in the H2. My longest lens is the 75mm 1.2 and I wanted the 40mp for cropping ability.

    I am on vacation next week so I plan on blowing this camera up using it on day trips!

  • Members 1 post
    April 14, 2023, 11:41 p.m.

    I defn like your B&W shots, and curious if you have compared the XH2 to the XH1 for monochrome capture? And as an aside, in 82 attended a PHC radio broadcast from StPaul. In those days the women were strong and the men good looking in the monologues. But, times change perhaps, in the land of 10,000 lakes.

  • Members 621 posts
    April 14, 2023, 11:49 p.m.

    I’ve been considering that as well. I still love the XPro series, but this would be a new experience