Interestingly I don't find my X100VI limiting at all. It is the most used of my cameras and the only one I took on holiday last year to Tuscany. As a GAS exercise I've gone through all of my images for the last 12 months to see what I haven't used recently and it seems like my X-H2 kit hasn't been out for nigh on 6 months and not been missed, my GFX50 weekly and X100VI pretty much whenever I leave the house, and most times with the WCL attached which gives a 28(ish)mm FF equiv lens which matches the new GFX.
Being honest, i've also accumulated far too much stuff
So, by selling the X-H2 kit, along with an unused laptop and my X100VI mean I can pony up the cash to buy one, assuming its around £5k, but, that also brings a Leica Q3 into the mix.
From what I can see either of the GFX100RF or Leica Q3 have enough mp to give crop images up to 50mm ff equiv which does sound interesting. The Leica does have a f1.7 lens though, which might sway things. So, I could replace my X100VI with one of these Or I can keep the X100VI and have a chunk of money. Decisions decisions
Photographically speaking I'm also changing what I do so want to cut the gear down to just 1 high quality every day carry and a kit based around my GFX50s ii