@simplejoy you probably know that UV Induced Visual Fluorescence (UVIVF) is done with a stock, unmodified camera. You just need a filtered UV light source. This can be a modified electronic flash, an UV flashlight, or the Adaptalux with UV arms. It also helps to use a filter on the camera lens to block UV. Most of my UVIVF images use a stock Pentax 645Z.
Reflected UV can sometimes be done with a stock camera. But, just like IR with a stock camera, exposure times are very long. I used to do IR with a 6mp Pentax *ist DS DSLR. It had a much weaker internal filter that let at least 1 stop more IR thru than other cameras. I've also done IR with the stock 645Z at 3200 or higher ISO. Long exposures are required but high ISO looks ok on that camera. No doubt for reflected UV and IR a modified camera is best.
The US has Kolari Vision, Lifepixel, and Max Max doing conversions. I went with Kolari because they modify Pentax and Lifepixel doesn't. Didn't learn about Max Max untill later. To find a company willing to modify your camera in Europe check out robertreiser.photography/infrared-camera-conversion-service/
This site has a listing of worldwide modification services. Be careful, not all companies do all types of cameras or mods.
UVIVF of Kiwi plant. Two Adaptalux Pod Mini with UV arms, Pentax 645Z with Pentax 645 120mm macro lens and Tiffen Haze 2E filter.
Thanks for looking,