Hi all. Hope this post is ok, I generally don't like to spam a link but as new things are being set up over the demise of DPReview I thought it may be ok.
I noticed the post by Peter regarding digicamfinder.com/ he and those involved have done a great job pulling as much of the data as they can and setting something up so quick. Hats off to them, done an awesome job!
I do have a version myself which I have been building over the past year and just thought I would like to point it out. cameraspecs.co.uk
Feedback is welcome good and bad. I have no doubt there is the odd bug etc and I have a list as long as my arm of things I need to change.
I don't have as much on there as digicamfinder but I do have most of the data stored in spreadsheets that will be added in the future.
We have a decent specification range, ability to compare side by side cameras and lenses, ability to save to favourites, ability to sign up and leave reviews on the cameras and lenses. I also do the odd bit of news although I am no journalist haha.
Hopefully an app will be added in the future but works well on mobile devices as it stands.