• Members 1785 posts
    March 28, 2023, 12:40 p.m.

    Every other photo forum has a section for users to get/give critique, not brand specific.

    For many years, the Oly SLR forum has housed a critique weekly thread that has always been open to all brands. (It's been years since anyone submitted a photo taken with an Oly SLR to the thread.) It makes more sense to house such a thing in a non-brand-specific section where it is more visible to all. The group who has led/"moderated" that effort is considering where our new home should be.

    Critique is one of those sections that can occasionally get contentious, so at the same time I'm suggesting you add such a section I'm offering to help moderate it. I've moderated such sections on other forums so the joys and pitfalls are known entities. The other leaders of the weekly thread on DPR may be willing to help as well.

  • March 31, 2023, 7:56 p.m.

    Thanks. BobN2 is looking after who is a mod and what roles they play. I am sure he will have seen this thread.
