Thanks for interesting responses. To correct, I have only dropped one camera, and that was my little Sony Rx100 Mk.3 (in the Tate Gallery). As the zoom lens was extended and got bent, that was the end of that! The drop I referred to at the beginning of this thread was actually when my EOS 5D with heavy EF 17-40 lens was knocked off a table and, of course, landed butter and jam side down! To mix metaphors, the filter saved my bacon. Since then I have always used Peak Design cuffs to prevent drops. They will also safely allow you to let go of the camera while changing lenses.
I generally do not use lens hoods, as they take up space. On rare occasions when I shoot against the sun, I shield with my free hand.
But back to protective filters, I mean just that, not UV filters, but, for instance, the HD2 protective “filters” made by Hoya. Yes, they cost €40-50, but in the context of the cost of a decent lens I consider them worth the price. I have never had to clean a lens and risk damaging the coatings, and I have yet to be convinced that the extra bit of glass reduces image quality. If the worst happens, having to pay for a replacement “filter” is a minor inconvenience, in my opinion.