Continuing the image editing thread, 15th issue!
General rules:
A previous round winner presents a busy or just not so interesting image, having at least some potential for different crops or visions.
Anyone (except author of original image) can edit the presented image, up to three distinct edits in separate posts are permitted.
All edits must be based on original image, not on another people's edits (of course borrowing ideas would not be a problem).
Short explanations about your editing intentions are encouraged, but not required.
Once the deadline for images has been reached, no new image versions will be accepted. Questions and (polite) discussions of techniques are welcome, so that we can learn from one another how certain edits were achieved.
The edited version gathering most likes within the announced period, wins and its author will start next round.
On the closing day for voting, if there is a draw in the number of likes for two or more edits, then the person that posted the original image will decide the winner.
Editing rules:
All "normal" adjustments (brightness, colours, curves etc) are permitted (both local and global ones).
All geometric adjustments (perspective, cropping etc) are permitted.
Artistic effects (brushes, textures etc) are allowed.
No additions or replacements may be made to the main subject matter of the image; non-essential objects may be removed, and parts of the original image can be "moved" to a different position in the image. Sky replacements are OK unless the sky is the main subject. (We are still refining this rule).
Generative AI must not be used
Get your images posted by Jan 11. As always, you can vote during the entire contest plus one day after the image submission deadline. I'll post reminders. You can peruse the entries and finish up voting on January 12.
The photo:
Below you can find the jpg image below and here’s a link to the RAW image
This shot was taken back in 2018 on a trip to Iceland. We were in our 4 wheel drive car and drove up over the top of a hill and suddenly saw all these ponies. I only had time for a quick shot so our car is still in the way in the shot. The next shot was without the car but the ponies weren’t in such a good position anymore.
If you’ve been to Iceland you’ll know about the wonderful colours of the landscape all covered in moss.
Took this using an Olympus OMD EM1 ii and the wide angle Leica zoom 8-18. Limited to 20MPixel, but cropping m43 images is still possible 😊
Have fun.