• Oct. 6, 2024, 6:31 a.m.

    There was a post which I have moved to the dumpster about whether it was allowed to edit other peoples pictures. It started to get out of hand, so I moved it.

    For this site, let's make it clear. Unless the poster gives explicit permission to do so, or the thread (e.g. a competition) starter post says it's OK to do so, then please do NOT edit other peoples images.

    If you think something could be done better by some post processing, then ask permission first.

    If this all goes against what has been mentioned before, then take this as an updated rule enhancement.


  • bookmark

    Thread has been pinned globally.

  • lock_outline

    Thread has been closed.

  • Oct. 6, 2024, 1:52 p.m.

    Sagittarius asked:

    Can a host of the individual thread reverse this rule? I understand that this rule is void in the threads like "Edit me image". But what about "C&C" threads?

    My answer:

    If the thread originator says it's OK for others to edit pictures (not his own) in any post in that thread, then unless the poster of a particular post says not to do it, then it's OK. No explicit permission to edit is needed - for that thread only.

    I hope that makes it clear.

    I will move any other posts on this subject to the dumpster. If you have queries about this, then PM me and I will update this post if I agree with your query.


  • Oct. 10, 2024, 6:25 a.m.

    And to add more clarification. If the OP says "please", they are just being polite. If it includes the words "do not edit this image", or similar words (such as "alter") then take it as read, even if incudes "please", somewhere and DON'T EDIT the image.

    FFS - how hard is it to understand?