• Members 676 posts
    April 28, 2023, 2:20 p.m.

    I think I've reached an age and health state such that I find I am no longer am interested in critiques or critiquing ..... so I think I'll stop …. maybe …. age does have it's lapses … These are a few soft pictures that I find entertaining as the participants seem so human ….

    Finches 1.jpg

    Finches 2.jpg

    Finches 3.jpg

    Finches 4.jpg

    Finches 5.jpg

    Finches 6.jpg

    Here the DOF is about 10 inches but only about 4inches toward the camera where the birds can move... Would I like these sharper .. Maybe .. but I'm not sure how that would change the story .. I think I'll just post pictures in the future and not worry out loud about any technical problems except maybe to ask for advise ...

    I hope you found a story here that you might have enjoyed, I did but then I have an active imagination .. still … I've been doing photography and enjoying the process for more than 70 years and will not stop now .. I enjoy this community and will continue here until I wear out my welcome which I hope is not soon … So pull up a chair and have a cup of coffee with me … as I always enjoy your company and the discussions … …. no charge …..


    BTW I'm having a few internet problems and may be unable to be here ... yesterday was an example ....

    Finches 6.jpg

    JPG, 957.8 KB, uploaded by WhyNot on April 28, 2023.

    Finches 5.jpg

    JPG, 786.9 KB, uploaded by WhyNot on April 28, 2023.

    Finches 4.jpg

    JPG, 1.5 MB, uploaded by WhyNot on April 28, 2023.

    Finches 3.jpg

    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by WhyNot on April 28, 2023.

    Finches 2.jpg

    JPG, 1.1 MB, uploaded by WhyNot on April 28, 2023.

    Finches 1.jpg

    JPG, 663.6 KB, uploaded by WhyNot on April 28, 2023.

  • Members 318 posts
    April 28, 2023, 3:54 p.m.

    I am sitting here having a coffee its 5pm in Ireland I don't know what ur thinking WN but the red one seems to be giving the other two a stern telling off I don't know what they done Paul

  • Members 676 posts
    April 28, 2023, 4:17 p.m.

    Looks like a family squabble to me .. but then I like these finches as they have so many tales to tell ... did more of this a decade ago and may spend some time with them next winter when they tend to congregate about the feeders a bit more (these were from this last January) and the light will be better ... maybe I'll understand ProCapture by then .... Anyway the coffee is getting cold and I need to warm it up .. I'll be back later ...


  • Members 567 posts
    April 28, 2023, 4:48 p.m.

    It appears that the female cardinal did not like the squabbling and decided to come back later!

  • Members 336 posts
    April 29, 2023, 4:39 a.m.

    I like these pictures, WhyNot. They do show a lot of personality in the birds. They appear argumentative and contentious like humans. Too bad for them. The red one should take a chill pill. Rich

  • Members 80 posts
    April 29, 2023, 6:41 a.m.

    I like this series WN. It perfectly illustrates a domestic squabble. I've always believed all animals, including us humans, have similar behavioural traits. Maybe it's just as well these other animals don't carry cameras.😉


  • Members 281 posts
    April 29, 2023, 12:50 p.m.

    Great series WN.
    Must be something about your weather...
    our birds never squabble up here!

  • Members 676 posts
    April 30, 2023, 2:57 a.m.

    Thank you Andrew for stopping by ... I have been watching them as they carry on their daily lives and animated discussions for a decade or more I always enjoy finches ..

    Thanks Rich .. They do have distinct personalities .. The red one gave up and left ..

    Good to have you stop by Dave.. I have the coffee hot and a new set of pictures to look through .. I assume you brought yours ... and as we sit here in the yard we can watch the squabbles go on over at the feeders ...

    Now that I find hard to believe, Jim!!!! ... Thanks for srtoping by ..

    Again Thank you all for your kind comments.. Much appreciated ...


  • Members 71 posts
    May 2, 2023, 10:38 a.m.

    I love this series of a squabble between the two finches! I don't know if extra sharpness would add anything to the story. I especially like the first photo; you can almost hear the cardinal saying, "Now, children . ."

  • Members 676 posts
    May 3, 2023, 6:32 p.m.

    Thanks for stopping by ..... The cardinal wanted nothing to do with this squabble and left to come back later ....
