• Members 510 posts
    June 3, 2023, 12:40 a.m.

    I don't think Andrew did that intentionally. I got humongous text when I used a hash a while ago. That's probably what happened here too.


  • Members 568 posts
    June 3, 2023, 1:09 a.m.

    Yep, not my choice Rich. No idea how that happened It looked fine and normal. I was going to edit it but cancelled the edit. Maybe it happened there? I don’t even know how to do that! Honest! Even if I did I wouldn’t Ever!

    Apparently Charlotte knows though!


  • Members 510 posts
    June 3, 2023, 3:01 a.m.

    You probably typed a hash sign before 140. That's what I did to produce big text in my post above. Click Edit to check - it should still be there in edit view.

    It's the troublesome Markdown. I like good old BBCode better for forum use. You don't write BBCode accidentally.

    Now I'm going to test if the hash can be escaped so it's printed to the page instead of producing huge text.
    #1 000 000

    Yup. Type a backslash in front of the hash if you want to use it as a hash.

  • Members 336 posts
    June 3, 2023, 3:25 a.m.

    You know, of course, I already know all of that, Andrew. You had better know.
    Part of what makes it funny is that just the font change is entirely out of character for you..;..however, I did enjoy the way you acidly ticked off the poor wretch who wants to pretend he has larger genitals than he has by advising us who we should discriminate against. I wrote a nice response to him and enjoyed how wicked and cutting I was....and them deleted it. No point in giving a deviant what he wants.
    I think it's funny, full stop. Yeah, Charlotte knows too much. It is interesting to me that this forum software chose to change the font, thus changing the tone of the message just when you and I were suffering an acute figure of speech. In fact, I read it wrong, my reading comprehension slipped. You said entry #140, but I didn't get it. I was looking at file number. I just wonder if Loki, in his iteration as Charlotte, is into the software. She conveniently knew of other cases of big font ****up. Loki can change gender, and that is when he/she is at his/her most mischievous and obstreperous. She'll have to look that one up. 🤔

    Just to make you feel better after your peccadillo, 🤣 here's a nice picture I got today. The Coast Guard are delivering cracked crab and beer to first responders having a picnic on the beach, and they deserve at least that. Rich



    JPG, 3.8 MB, uploaded by RichZ on June 3, 2023.

  • Members 568 posts
    June 3, 2023, 7:48 a.m.

    Yep, I put the number sign In front of the 140! Dumb asses have taken away my a ability to do normal things and have them turn out normal!

    Crab and beer, sounds good!!!!

    I sent messages to both Albert and Keith explaining that this is ‘MY’ sub forum created at my request for ‘OUR’ use. I asked Bob2N for it and he had AlanSH create it for us as a community of refugees from DPR. The title was not my choice and may be part of the confusion. The other Weekly threads run as they did back on DPR but without the threaded view. They have the disclaimer/allower at the start Of each weekly thread. We lost that by foregoing the weekly thread part to make the exercise more cohesive .

    I am reasonably happy with how this works but much less so with the loss of long time community members. I confess to missing many other old friends from the past here and go back through the archives to see some of their old posts, click on their names and see if they are still active at dpr. Some were.

    Four hours sleep and now I am awake, possibly for the night. Minor pain that required moving from the bed to the barka lounge. I will play games on my phone now for a while and if lucky, go back to sleep.


  • Members 510 posts
    June 3, 2023, 12:12 p.m.

    I think Markdown really messes up. I still have habits from email lists and Bulletin Boards with no option to format text and tend to use asterisks and such to emphasize words. With markdown things happen when you do.

    I didn't know the function of hash in Markdown until I did the same as Andrew and tried to refer to an image with hash+number.

  • Members 510 posts
    June 3, 2023, 1:04 p.m.

    You really got a post deleted? That must be a first. I didn't think that happened around here. I was asked to delete my first and highly praised avatar that celebrated Amazon because some people were offended. I assumed it was because it contained a "bad word", so I changed it to a nice picture of Jesus, thinking those people would appreciate that. That was found offensive too. I guess they actually understood the irony, which I didn't expect. But I was asked nicely. I did't take offense.

  • Members 336 posts
    June 3, 2023, 3:37 p.m.

    No, I deleted it instead of posting it, Charlotte. I decided not to give those skitstövlar the attention they crave. Rich

  • Members 510 posts
    June 3, 2023, 6:57 p.m.

    And I'm supposed to be the ESL one...😋

    Funny. I realized "them" was a typo. I thought you meant to write "they". But you meant "then". That option didn't even occur to me. 😂

  • Removed user
    June 3, 2023, 7:24 p.m.

    I guess by now you know that a back-slash in front of a character cancels it's BB action ...

    ... for example ** not bolded ** and #140 ...

    Written as

    \*\* not bolded \*\* and \#140

  • Members 568 posts
    June 3, 2023, 8:05 p.m.

    More effort than I want or expect to need to use to type!

    But thanks for the information!
