• Members 40 posts
    April 2, 2023, 7:09 a.m.

    I agree, specific photos from fellow users can be useful information & interest but isolated pics from different makes only complicate matters. Two different camera output comparisons are valid to illustrate specific points & are a different matter.

  • Members 79 posts
    April 3, 2023, 5:30 p.m.

    As do I. I think many people look to the brand forums not only for help in gear related issues but also to see great examples of what can be done with that gear. And it's hard to totally separate gear discussions from examples of the images that the gear creates. Very often, discussing both in the same thread makes a lot of sense and would be of great interest to many who read those threads. If the image is of interest, but a bit of gear talk in the same thread isn't, then it's very easy to simply skip over it. I think over restricting this will hurt rather than help these forums thrive. But... that's JMHO.


  • Members 50 posts
    April 5, 2023, 8:44 p.m.

    But why? This site is about photos.

  • Members 42 posts
    April 6, 2023, 12:05 a.m.

    I ended up here primarily to get some some information/share information about one particular and rather obscure model of camera.

    One of the things I'm working on now is showing comparisons of different post-processing options for photos from that camera(since dropping them into Lightroom like I do everything else gave me terrible results). I doubt anyone cares to see the mundane, every day photos I've been playing with other than people who might want to use the same camera and see what post processing route got me to a certain result.

    I don't tend to share a lot of my "real" photos online(i.e. the ones I take for other people to enjoy looking at) because many of them are just things I don't want out circulating on the internet-especially people photos. I will share a lot of my macro and similar work because there's no such concern over that, and the subject/topic is far more relevant than the equipment used to take it.

    I have very little posting history here, but in other places where I've participated I've been known to haul out gear for a comparison. If someone asks about how the performance of the D850, D810, and D800 compare at different ISOs(a not uncommon question/topic of discussion), it would be very relevant for me to post photos I'd taken comparing the three side by side. If I want to show a specific use case for a certain lens, I'd say even if it's a "real" photo that stands in its own right(not one specifically taken for a comparison) it's very much appropriate to post that photo in a brand-specific thread.

  • Members 79 posts
    April 6, 2023, 12:30 a.m.

    The problem is that your approach may not be seen by many as a “good idea.” Your “totalitarian” regime comment is truly laughable —as with any forum, the admins make the rules. Deal with it or find another forum that operates more in the manner you desire. The proposed approach is tried and true and has been employed for years in DPR with very high participation every week. Yes, there may be other ways to do it, but I don’t see any reason whatsoever to tinker with what’s been a very popular and sensible approach. If you object… then feel free not to participate and perhaps find a forum that operates more to your liking.

  • Members 153 posts
    April 6, 2023, 12:42 a.m.

    I couldn't find your username on DPR. Any chance you'd provide it?

    I think you have a poor attitude regarding a site that needed change, not a live with it or leave comment. If it hadn't been owned by a mega corporation it probably would have changed, or wouldn't have turned into what it did in the first place.

    To this "The proposed approach is tried and true and has been employed for years in DPR with very high participation every week." I'll say. It's closing. It didn't work.

  • Members 284 posts
    April 6, 2023, 12:49 a.m.

    I think we should be free to use these forums as we see fit. If want to share a picture I took with my Canon, I will share it at the Canon forum. If I want to share a picture I took with my Leica then I will post it there on the Leica forum, very simple.

  • Members 132 posts
    April 6, 2023, 1:09 a.m.

    Absolutely not. Talk about gear often involves a mixture of how to use the gear, how to get the most from the gear and, yes, images produced with the gear - often to illustrate the image quality properties of said gear, often in comparison with said gear being used in different ways, and sometimes in comparison with images produced with other gear.

    Images are a vital part of any serious photographic gear discussion and when posted together with (but independent of) the usual gear discussion, also provides some necessary balance and creative inspiration for the folks discussing all the gear. This has worked just fine for years on the DPR forums (in the Fuji X forum, anyway) and it will work fine here too.

  • Members 79 posts
    April 6, 2023, 1:20 a.m.

    Sorry, but that just pure bullpucky. The closing of DPR had absolutely nothing to do with the success or failure of the forum, but rather Amazon’s interests and plans for where they wanted to take the overall business. If it wasn’t compatible with their business model (whether previously successful or not), then it simply didn’t jive with their plans, no matter how successful or popular DPR had been. The problem is that your approach may not be seen by many as a “good idea.”

    Your “totalitarian” regime comment is truly laughable —as with any forum, the admins make the rules. Deal with it or find another forum that operates more in the manner you desire. The proposed approach is tried and true and has been employed for years in DPR with very high participation every week. Yes, there may be other ways to do it, but I don’t see any reason whatsoever to tinker with what’s been a very popular and sensible approach. If you object… then feel free not to participate and perhaps find a forum that operates more to your liking.

  • Members 284 posts
    April 6, 2023, 2:36 a.m.

    Seems to me that me @Shmoopix only wants to make waves and pick the first fight here.

    He is free to not participate in posts where pictures are shared. This shouldn't be a discussion.

  • Members 29 posts
    April 6, 2023, 3:56 a.m.

    Today's cameras are extremely versatile with many features. And that leads to a lot of complexity in using that camera. Often one can get insight on the proper use of some of those features by sharing information with folks having similar gear. So, what better place to post questions and examples of what a specific camera can do than in a forum dedicated to that group of cameras?

    And why not share photos from that camera group on that group.

    In a number of brand group forums that were at DPR, there were threads and challenges that solicited photos that were not brand specific. Nobody got upset with them.

    After all, we are all photographers. Taking pictures is our passion. So why not share them with our peers?

  • Members 16 posts
    April 6, 2023, 10:50 a.m.

    I also disagree with this.
    I think, every user should decide him/herself wether to post in the camera/lens brand group or in a "genre" forum.

    When I want to decide, what camera or lens to by I'm interested in samples and therefor would look in the brand forums.
    When I want to look at pictures of a specific genre I would look in the apropriate "genre" forum

    So I think sometimes cross posting is apreciated too.

  • Members 273 posts
    April 6, 2023, 3:23 p.m.

    If you just want to post pretty pictures for critique or whatever, do that in the photography forums. If you want to post something about the specific hardware you're using, trying, or testing, do that in the hardware forums.

    My opinion, at least.

  • Members 75 posts
    April 7, 2023, 5:43 p.m.

    People post things in particular forums for many different reasons. Obviously posting a photo taken with a particular lens, for example, is relevant for a discussion of that lens in a manufacturer's forum. But even beyond that, folks like myself who hang out in a manufacturer's forum to get and share information about equipment also build relationships over time with other posters. Each forum is its own community, and people like to hang out and share things with the people they know and trust.

    You're quite free to make suggestions, but just be aware that not everyone shares your motivations and priorities. We're all different, and that's a good thing because otherwise this place would probably be very boring.

  • Members 243 posts
    April 7, 2023, 6:25 p.m.

    When researching gear, its natural to look at images online taken with that specific gear. Its part of the research process. Can you imagine how tedious it would be looking in the landscape forum to find images produced through a particular lens you are researching? There are a number of threads on the Miranda forum where images posted are from a particular body or lens, and it works great. It can make or break the gear to the researcher. Those threads have way more posts in them than in the images regardless-of-gear threads. And Miranda isn't necessarily seen as a gear site.

  • Members 678 posts
    April 7, 2023, 6:37 p.m.

    But can you imagine when I want to look at let's say landscape pictures or wild life pictures, I will have to browse through all camera/lens forums? IMO, if you want to support with your picture a point in the gear discussion, post it in the camera forum, if you want to show a genre picture post it in a genre forum.

  • Members 535 posts
    April 7, 2023, 6:39 p.m.

    I asked and obtained a Sub "Pots&Garden" under it there are threads "CP Carnivorous Plants".

    If anybody with Nikon Canon YZnon BXnon ... wants to share images where the interest is more on the plants than the photo itself...
    I feel it's correct to post there.

    If I'm trying to obtain some effects shooting one of my Carnivorous, I will post in Nikon Z, as I feel is the most appropriate Sub,
    because the subject is secondary.

  • Members 153 posts
    April 7, 2023, 7:53 p.m.

    On the totalitarian regime, you have no idea. I dealt with it, but please don't tell me what to do if you don't like it. The approach in the last few years was tried and Kim Jong-un like. At least a dozen forum members here in these threads on Moderation have the same opinion.

    Since you're not willing to provide your user name from DPReview, which many of us were only too glad to use ours, I wouldn't be surprised if someone thought that you might have been a mod over there.

    Again, this is not your suggestion to make. "If you object… then feel free not to participate and perhaps find a forum that operates more to your liking."