And for the tech enthusiasts.
The camera right now is controlled by an Altera Cyclone IV, it handles the task of talking to the Altera EP910 EPLD inside the winder that converts 8bit commands (via 8 pins on the 15 pin connector in the winder) into actions to perform. (button pressing on the F3, shutter winding, setting the CCD preamp, etc.), there is a signal called Latch Data that handles the direction of the port and that is how achieves bidirectional communication to the DSU.
The back of the DCS contains all the analog electronics to drive the CCD and deliver an analog video signal to the winder that contains an 8bit ADC.
Whenever the ADC is on, the CCD clock is running (called HGATE in this design) and the Latch data is in direction to the DSU the EPLD inside the winder engages another latch and the ADC output is visible on the same 8 pins that receives the commands so the DSU can sample that and buffer it and finally save it to disk.
At the moment my design handles all that except the buffering and saving part. I have 8 dedicated pins on the FPGA board to act as my read port, while developing this was essential to fine tune all the timings and now it serves the purpose of only deliver pixel information to be read with a logic analyzer connected to a PC.
The next step is to capture that and save it to a file, sounds simple but is not that simple, the ADC spits data at a steady rate of 6Mhz, which is too fast for simple microcontrollers like an Arduino uno and the frame size is also quite big, 1.3M Bytes, which is far more than what most microcontrollers can buffer, so a little bit of RAM is needed.
My available options are not much because i'm in Argentina and you cannot buy things overseas, you can only get the basic stuff.
So, it's an Arduino with atmega328, an ESP32, the most basic STM32 and maybe a Raspberry pico.
On another forum I got the suggestion of using PSRAM that now comes in a fancy QSPI protocol that can work up to 144mhz, thats faster than what my FPGA can work and like 20 faster than I need, then again, I cannot buy that unless I got an ESP32-CAM which comes bundled with a 4MB PSRAM and that's what I did.
I now have an ESP32 with PSRAM that has a port to connect some models of cameras that are actually 8 bits with PCLK (same output as the ADC on the DCS) but they work with their own library and talk via I2C to set the sensor settings, if that i2c signal is not there, the library fails so I can't use that.
Coding the library from scratch exceeds my knowledge on coding so I though on connecting the QSPI bus of the PSRAM to the FPGA so it handles the buffering part directly and the the ESP32 uses that same bus to read back from the PSRAM and dumps that to a file on a SD card.
I'm still making decisions at this point so I'm reaching the community for ideas and of course if anyone wants to help with the code is more than welcomed.
Thanks everyone and I hope we talk a lot about these unique pieces of hardware.