Hi everyone, I owe you an update on the state of this project.
It's actually on pause, life got quite busy and the DSU came to a difficult moment (at least for me).
The way I was caching data on the FPGA proved to be very jittery and ends up corrupting the image, so this was discarded.
I wanted to use an SPI SPRAM but this was also quite hard to implement on the FPGA. I believe the FPGA side went as far as it can, now is time for another device to take place on the data bus and store the data from the ADC.
This presents a new challenge since a new device means a new programming language, i'm moving overseas in two months so I don't have the time to learn that.
I've decided to pass the project, at least for now, to a friend.
He's more skilled on the coding stuff than me and is very passionated about the Kodaks, you can read about him on my PSA post about the caps on the NC2000 on NikonWeb.
I've also acquired another DC3 digital back that was orphaned, this is very useful since I suspect mine has a problem, the image presents a white vertical stripe and 2 of the 4 ISO settings gave me only white images. The newly acquired DC3 works even worse, it makes the camera go crazy and no image can be obtained, I suspect it needs a recap, those tantalums die quite easily.
So, right now the DCS sits dormant on a box, but when advances are made on it i'll be posting it over here.
Stay tuned