• Members 2365 posts
    Jan. 3, 2025, 10:50 p.m.

    cut Jim some slack πŸ€”he posted 2 images of the same scene one from his MF and one from his Z8 and claimed the MF image had better colour . so i took both his images into photoshop and adjusted the WB so each image matched. the Z8 image was equal to the MF image you couldn't tell them apart. i call scam on that comparison, if Jim is as good as he makes out how could you not get the WB correct in post πŸ€” its a beginners adjustment.

  • Members 452 posts
    Jan. 3, 2025, 11:04 p.m.


    I'm not sure there is any vibe on our MF forum here. It's dead as the proverbial doornail.

    But, I know what you mean.


  • Members 726 posts
    Jan. 3, 2025, 11:29 p.m.

    Please post a link(s) to those 2 images for my interest, thank you. Would like to see both the images where the Z8 was "better".

  • Members 2365 posts
    Jan. 4, 2025, 1:54 a.m.

    im on holidays and wont be home for 2 weeks, the images are on my desktop pc. i have the thread saved to but havnt sync my new laptop i just bought yesterday.

  • Members 1766 posts
    Jan. 4, 2025, 2:03 a.m.

    I'd be interested in having a look at those as well. All my previous experience with Jim Kasson suggests he has integrity and knows what he is talking about. I don't shoot digital MF but I have friends that do. Looking at their images, especially large prints, I'd have been surprised if the FF were as good or better. Whether this could be seen on an average monitor... I don't know.
    Neither do I know what I am looking for with regard to "better colour." Generally in MF this is taken as meaning more subtle degrees of transition between colours.

  • Members 2365 posts
    Jan. 4, 2025, 3:07 a.m.

    subtle transitions is exactly how i see better image quality as well but the 2 images that were posted were miles apart in WB correction. dont worry it surprised me as well. he took the z8 image with the plena lens that just came out. so dof was equal to the MF in fact it had smoother bokeh.

  • Members 29 posts
    Jan. 4, 2025, 4:10 a.m.

    Y'know ?
    It looks like DPRevived could use a DPR Dumpster Forum.
    I'm surprised there isn't one, given it's parentage.
    All discussion emanating from DPR really needs to be in it's own Forum, for a whole bunch of reasons; and, definitely NOT based on individual fora.
    This thread is HIGHLY unlikely to attract new users to this MF forum, quite the contrary.
    Not saying all these issues don't need airing, they do, type on and damn the torpedoes; DPR is not a perfect world.
    But, they need a suitable home.

  • Members 1975 posts
    Jan. 4, 2025, 5:58 a.m.

    Guys, I believe this discussion has run its course. Remember this is an open forum and the Mods at DPR, can read this thread. I got a ban on DPR for what I wrote here in the early days. So watch out. Sounds like that poor Greg fellow was a pain in the rear, like a recently departed member here, who will not be missed.

    Those that frequent that forum can PM their online mates and tell them that there is a more tolerant policy here, of just shifting bullshit to the dumpster. To the best of my knowlege, nobody has ever been banned here.

    I posted on DPR from about 2014 onwards. It was a bit of a free for all, and as long as you avoided insults and bad language, you could pretty much post what you wanted. Then the moderation policy changed. They wanted a much tamer forum where bashing other brands and formats was to be eliminated, talking frankly about certain subjects was to be discouraged. Dancing along the line being hyper polite did not cut it anymore. A lot of us fell foul of this change of direction. I was exploring a second system, and my comparisons on a certain forum were not appreciated. Fanboy reaction to this post that I ported to my blog got me banned. A policy was obviously put in place, where contentious posts could lead to a ban.

    Kasson is correct in one of his replies. If you do not like the Moderation policies and style of DPR, leave and find another forum. It is what I have done.

  • Members 514 posts
    Jan. 4, 2025, 10:22 a.m.

    I've had posts silently deleted from Greg posts. Turned out it was Greg's post that got deleted but a quirk of the DPR forum software is that replies to deleted posts get taken as well. A deleted post is not necessarily a deliberately deleted post and you shouldn't jump to conclusions about that.

    You might also be interested to know that the mods decided on an approach of excising sections of posts that they felt broke the rules rather than just wholesale deleting posts. I protested about this because they were doing it silently which, aside from the censorship aspect, meant they could risk effectively deciding the meaning of a post even to the point they might end up changing the original meaning and putting words in the mouth of the original poster. I suggested they left a comment to indicate when they had made an edit, which they agreed to. That is their policy now. They do listen.

    Deleting a post, editing/censoring posts or any other mod strategy is a slippery slope/risky policy. Any form of moderation brings with it the risk of bad decision making. But anyone who has used DPR forums must surely understand that moderation in some form is essential, it's the wild west at times. I've privately disagreed with some stuff, but at no point have I ever felt in my discussions about MF forum mod policies that they have been doing anything but trying their best to be scrupulously fair. It's just in the nature of such things that not everyone will agree with their decisions.

    The bigger problem DPR moderation faces in my opinion is that the sheer size of their forums (compared to most photo sites) makes it all but impossible to properly police moderator decisions and whatever appeal process that exists is unlikely to satisfy someone who has got on the wrong side of mods. Another problem is that there is no official method of explaining mod decisions to the community, the result being that banned posters just disappear, which is unsatisfactory to say the least. But don't blame the mods exclusively for this, they work within the system established by DPR management. The massive size means the need for better management of the forums, something which requires more resources than have been committed. But to be fair to them, moderation wouldn't be necessary if posters could reign themselves in a bit. A bit of self-discipline is all that is needed to keep things civil, but at the first excuse people just let go... Does anyone remember the original Rob Galbraith forum site? It billed itself as a forum for professionals with very high standards. The moderation was draconian. For instance, mentioning hopes about the specs of a yet unreleased upcoming product would bring the mods down on your head. A free-speecher's nightmare. But it was a very polite place to post and very professional. If that was what you wanted from a forum it was the place to be. DPR is severely un-moderated in comparison and it sometimes shows in flame wars that would would have made a UseNetter proud.

  • Members 2365 posts
    Jan. 4, 2025, 9:17 p.m.

    I frequent FM now, DPR is dead by Comparision, conversations are very lively and the image quality from members is on another level, they also cross link forums which is great and members can discuss/compare all brands with no walking on egg shells. the debates never get out of control providing you keep to the facts in what your posting as the threads make a turn around and the facts obviously win ,which is not what i see on DPR the facts are actually deleted and shut down before the thread can run a course of truth. thats the part i dont like about dpr as its sales driven not fact driven.

  • Members 827 posts
    Jan. 4, 2025, 10 p.m.

    What forum(s) do you frequent?

    I find that site very, very strange. Digital Medium Format images are found (barely) by going to the "Leica and Alternative Gear" forum!

    Then, "Medium Format Digital Images" is a thread there that scrolls down the list with all other threads. To find it, it's necessary to read down the list, item by item, page by page, through each chronologically listed thread. Today it's on the third page of that thread list. Sometimes it's on the first page.

    Someone please explain such "logic."

    Participants there tend to dump large numbers of images without explanation. The page layout is atrocious. It's very difficult to address individual posts or images with replies or to follow a series of responses.

    There are some very interesting images but no discussion. No community at all.


  • Members 2365 posts
    Jan. 4, 2025, 10:25 p.m.

    its so out dated, i designed better systems in the 80s. but you are right its weird, its just off the shelf program, but i find i just go to my activity page to see whats been posted responding to my posts. its taken a while to get used to the system and i have to post my images via flicker buts thats ok as least i get some comments. im posting some never shot before live bug shots that dont even get a look-in. on dpr most are that intimidated, a crappy image will get 20 likes and comments and my extreme macro images dont even get a comment. a couple of older members comment but the rest just want to throw away there macro gear. ive had in the past admin send me emails to delete my gallery because im told its out of reach for members. i love looking at great images that im incapable of shooting, landscapes, street, architecture ,its just that i specialize in extreme macro.

  • Members 15 posts
    Jan. 7, 2025, 11:02 p.m.

    I’m late to the party here, but wanted to add my experience.

    After a bit of toing and froing with Jim and that Doppler thing, Jim got all Bolshie and essentially invited me to bugger off and go elsewhere. He’s lost a lot of Brownie points as a result.

    Their actions epitomised exactly what I have often said about the type of moderation installed at DPR. It discourages honest comment and opinion, and cultures group-think. It is not a good thing when creating a post, when one is forced to review one's message to see if it will meet with moderator’s approval, prior to sending. This is becoming almost Stalinist and not a little unhealthy.

    It is abundantly clear the majority of DPR’s moderators have had NO prior experience with moderation of any flavour, nor have they had any, or sufficient, relevant training in how to be effective moderators.

    They may be blind to the damage they are causing to the forums, but it is very evident to myself and others.

    Sad, but true.

  • Jan. 8, 2025, 3:57 p.m.

    I'm closing this thread off. It's going nowhere and people are starting to denigrate the mods on DPR - whether justfied or not, doesn't matter, it shouldn't be said over here without their right to reply (and they may not know this thread is doing that).


  • lock_outline

    Thread has been closed.