From a local exhibit. A handful of retired railwaymen bid a few thousand dollars on a storage auction, only to find several tens of thousands of dollars worth of models and equipment inside. So they decided to turn it into a non profit museum.
Fantastic, do they have a link ?
This is a pretty amazing layout. Good to see that it was rescued and turned into a local attraction.
Modelling is a bit like our photography, that seems to have lost a lot of practitioners. My sons generation have never had the pleasure of building Airfix kits and such. A lot of manual skills are disappearing.
Building cranes with Meccano, is probably the reason I drifted into Engineering, after a false start, after leaving school. My passion is structural steelwork; the big boys Meccano.
Very nice shots.
I sometimes wonder if the man hours that go into model railways is much different than the real thing.
The father of one of my high school friends was the head fitter and turner at a large paper mill where I grew up. He was also one of the main people behind the local model steam engine society. They had fully functional to scale models that the kids could ride on. I think he and the others made everything.