• Members 568 posts
    June 4, 2023, 4:07 p.m.

    Don't have much else but I have a lot more of these!!! Some quilts from a show a few weeks ago but ....


    Also an image of my son's summer ride since it was parked in the area I was walking, and a tractor air screen clogger!

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    JPG, 3.7 MB, uploaded by 19andrew47 on June 4, 2023.

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    JPG, 2.9 MB, uploaded by 19andrew47 on June 4, 2023.

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    JPG, 2.8 MB, uploaded by 19andrew47 on June 4, 2023.

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    JPG, 3.7 MB, uploaded by 19andrew47 on June 4, 2023.

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    JPG, 3.1 MB, uploaded by 19andrew47 on June 4, 2023.

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    JPG, 3.5 MB, uploaded by 19andrew47 on June 4, 2023.

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    JPG, 9.4 MB, uploaded by 19andrew47 on June 4, 2023.

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    JPG, 3.5 MB, uploaded by 19andrew47 on June 4, 2023.

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    JPG, 4.2 MB, uploaded by 19andrew47 on June 4, 2023.

  • Members 281 posts
    June 4, 2023, 6:04 p.m.

    Your flower photos are exquisite Andrew.
    Even the despised dandelion head!
    Didn't know they offered v8's in the small 4x4 pickups.
    Bet he'll have fun with that!

  • Members 336 posts
    June 4, 2023, 6:45 p.m.

    I like your flowers, Andrew. Especially the irises and of those especially the last one.

    I miss having a truck. I'm going to have to rent one to move a huge jointer.

    Here's another air cleaner clogger for you from The Humboldt Rose Society. Rich

    M6029811-1aCrp12x12p.jpg Rich


    JPG, 3.9 MB, uploaded by RichZ on June 4, 2023.

  • Members 568 posts
    June 5, 2023, 2:21 a.m.

    Thanks Jim. The truck is a Z71 version and he tells me it is rare and a collector's vehicle. I wouldn't know about that. It is nice but jacked up and difficult for a geezer like me to get in and out. The opposite of a sports car. With those I fall in and have to pry myself out. With the truck I have to go mountain climbing to get in and then fall out!


  • Members 568 posts
    June 5, 2023, 2:28 a.m.

    Thanks Rich.

    I have a six foot jointer. I think I only used it a couple of times while building a small cabinet. I had intended to build some kitchen cabinets but I needed the garage to do that. It had a Corvette in it, then a Miata. The cabinets did not happen and now I have lost interest. When it comes to tools, I have no shortage! I still use some but used to use them more than now. I hope you have found someone to purchase the jointer from you and that you have help loading it. I took the six footer, crated in three crates, home in a Toyota Matrix. Honest! The coffin like crate that held the jointer bed fit on the passenger side with the front seat folded forward. It was over seven feet long and very heavy. The other two boxes fit into the rear hatch area. The store helped me load it into the car. They said I should have a picture of it and that Toyota should use it for advertising!

    It is very dry here at the moment. Weeks since we have had rain. None forecast in the immediate future. I don't think I will likely be mowing again for a while!


  • Members 676 posts
    June 5, 2023, 2:10 p.m.

    Flowers are great .. you seem apologetic for them and not sure why you should be ... I'm always glad to find flowers and birds in the yard and hope I can find a story there ... So more flowers and innovations ....



  • Members 336 posts
    June 5, 2023, 4:46 p.m.

    The one I have is six feet and it is huge. I won't try to move it myself. I arranged to put it on sale at a local lumber center which specializes in used tools. Now I just have to get it there.

    The rain is over here but we have had more than enough. It never gets dry here at the coast. It is foggy nearly every night and everything is dripping wet in the morning. Then the sun burns it all off and the days are bright....about half the time. Sometimes the fog stays for the day, or doesn't burn off until afternoon. It is so bright outside right now that it hurts my eyes to look out the window. It was sunny but hazy yesterday and I went out for flowers as the strong haze ruins landscapes. I went to The Humboldt Rose Society garden and got invited to their indoor rose show next Sunday. I also went to Gill's Garden and found one of the most pleasing roses I have ever seen. I wish I had caught it a day earlier as it has a boo boo but still beautiful. That puny little bush produces beauties every year and often the strong wind there at the beach destroys the quickly, but I got this one. Rich




    JPG, 3.8 MB, uploaded by RichZ on June 5, 2023.


    JPG, 3.7 MB, uploaded by RichZ on June 5, 2023.

  • Members 510 posts
    June 5, 2023, 5:40 p.m.

    The car and the blue flower after it for me.

  • Members 568 posts
    June 5, 2023, 7:17 p.m.

    Thanks WN. Shot more flowers a few minutes ago. The peonies will not last long so I have to get them while they are there.


  • Members 568 posts
    June 5, 2023, 7:22 p.m.

    Rich, that rose is indeed a beauty!

    Perhaps you have someone there that will take it for you from its location to the lumber yard at a reasonable fee. That said, I have no idea what value it has and perhaps the fee and the lumber yard's fee would make it a give away instead of a sale for value. Put it on facebook market place and someone will come and get it and give you cash. Well maybe. It is a pretty small market for that I assume. On the other hand I have seen $40000 long arm quilting machines used on it for $14000 so who knows!

    I had to have help to assemble the planer when I got it home, and I was much younger then!


  • Members 568 posts
    June 5, 2023, 7:23 p.m.

    Thanks Charlotte.

    The flower is an iris. We have many in bloom now and some that have recently finished. Thankfully they don't all appear at the same time!


  • Members 336 posts
    June 5, 2023, 8:10 p.m.

    Yeah, I'm hoping for more of those roses from that bush.

    Don't worry about me trying to tackle that big jointer, Andrew. I've already had an old guy in the neighborhood offer to help me pick it up and toss it into his truck....yeah, right. I turned him down, on the spot. I am not going to get hurt stupidly. It's hard enough to avoid getting hurt accidentally at this stage when it is so easy to do. My brother bought that jointer new, a few years ago when it was discontinued and got a deal, $2,000. He hardly used it and it looks new, no longer in production, used value $1,300. or so. The building center gets 25%. Probably a couple hundred $ to hire a truck and two guys to move it 50 miles down to the coast. I'm not going to get worked up about $750 if it doesn't come together.

    I had hoped to be on the road by now. I had planned a three day drive down the coast to The Golden Gate Bridge, not cross it, then back north along the coast to home. Then another up the coast to the north and see how far I'd get. I wasn't ruling out British Columbia. Too bad, the escrow had to be extended and will now extend into late July, then working with the new owner to demolish the house carefully so I can get into the blocked rooms where the family property I want is. I'll be damn lucky if I get it all done before the days begin to shorten. ' There should have been clowns. Well, maybe next year.' Rich

  • Members 568 posts
    June 6, 2023, 3:54 a.m.

    It is very unfortunate Rich that this has dragged on for so long. I hope it comes to an end soon and you get to do the things you have planned.

    I have not checked my vinyl collection yet but I just went through my CDs, burned as wave files to hard drives, and I do not have a recording of Judy Collins, or any one else for that matter, performing 'Send in the Clowns'. I listened to a few versions on you tube. I was shocked to see all the people that have performed it and many not vocalists that I new of but actresses. I like Judy's recording but likely because it is the one I am familiar with from my youth. Music has the ability to last through the ages and trigger feelings that I don't get from other sources. Likely why the 'gas' I get is not for photographic gear so much but for sound reproduction equipment. I have been looking at more headphones and headphone amps/dacs. Like I need any more! My listening at this stage in my life is mostly at night after others have retired and headphones are the only choice.

    So you have stirred the nostalgia and I have cued up a greatest hits of Judy's to listen to and I will have a look through some more flower images.


  • Members 336 posts
    June 6, 2023, 7:56 a.m.

    Thanks, Andrew. This, too, shall pass.

    No more ardent fan than me has Judy Collins, Andrew. A pretty girl who can sing beautifully. Oh, I remember her guesting on The Smothers Brothers Show in 1969 singing "Someday Soon" in a very short skirt. I was gratified to regard her nice legs, which reached all the way to the ground ! 😍 Besides Gordon Lightfoot, I am also a great fan of Ian Tyson and Sylvia Fricker. Back in the sixties, Judy helped me through the hard times of The Vietnam Debacle. " Someday Soon," one of my favourite songs, was great by Ian and Sylvia, Ian wrote it. When Judy sang it, it was beautiful and heart wrenching. Many years later I watched Ian Tyson on a CBC show. he was asked how he felt about Judy making his song a huge hit. He said he was grateful to her for making the song important and also for making it so beautiful. He said that Judy hits every note right in the middle, and never fails to do that. I later heard Judy say, in an interview, that she hadn't considered recording it but her boyfriend, Stephen Stills, urged her to record it and shazam! Back in 1969 if 'Someday Soon' and then Sylvia Tyson's "You Were On My Mind" by We Five were played back to back, the waterworks would come on and I'd have to hide. You should try " Walking My Cat Named Dog" by Norma Tanega, too, followed by "Time: by The Pozo Seco Singers and then Gale Garnett's "We'll Sing In The Sunshine." Then, Gordon Lightfoot's " For Lovin' Me. Mix in Rick Nelson singing, "Since I Don't Have You" and hitting the high notes right in the middle, and also "Lonesome Town." and "It's Up To You." I just realized that this queue would not have the same effect on you, married over fifty years, that they have on me. Oh, well, that's racin'.

    I started writing this early in the evening, Andrew. Now it's one o'clock and I end up listening to Matthew, Gunnar and Sam Nelson singing their dad's songs. I guess it's no surprise all three of them can sound exactly like their dad when they want to.

    Here's a nice potential bouquet from yesterday at The Humboldt Rose Society's garden. I must go back tomorrow and see how it is progressing. Rich



    JPG, 3.8 MB, uploaded by RichZ on June 6, 2023.