• Members 643 posts
    May 8, 2023, 4:36 p.m.

    Here are some more Canada Goose goslings, as usual taken with my Olympus E-M10 II and m.Zuiko 40-150mm f/4-5.6 R lens.




    I thought I'd be adventurous and include a short video I took at the same time. I know this Olympus is known as doing video poorly compared to it's Panasonic rivals, but it's certainly better than nothing.



    JPG, 9.0 MB, uploaded by Dunlin on May 9, 2023.


    JPG, 8.5 MB, uploaded by Dunlin on May 9, 2023.


    JPG, 8.2 MB, uploaded by Dunlin on May 9, 2023.

  • Members 569 posts
    May 8, 2023, 5:55 p.m.

    An alien species on its way to taking over the planet! They always look better to me in someone else's backyard! They are protected here and their numbers are ever increasing! I would be interested in learning of spots on the earth other than Antarctica that they are not found!

    They are still cute as goslings though!

    Not sure how much these are cropped or if they are close to the full image size. They do appear overexposed and very soft, perhaps from severe resizing. The camera and that lens can produce much sharper images than these. Below I have included a image taken while snowing through my kitchen window with the original EM5, 16 MP camera and that lens. The image has been cropped to approximately 25% of the original size by area resulting in about a 4 MP file. The file is an uncompressed jpg for showing in this situation.

    I hope you are not offended by this response but I think you can do much better with that combination than shows in these images. Your camera body is not all that different from the one I used for the image below and it was taken through not so clean window glass. It is not my intention nor my usual practice to offer comments like these, especially since I don't really know you so I am hoping you will take the comments about the images (not the geese, not my favourite bird after spending years trying to avoid walking in their droppings at local parks) in the spirit in which I intended them which was to say and show that you can get better images with your equipment!!!


    View this image full size by clicking on it and choosing the full size fit option. You will see pretty decent, but not perfect, feather detail. Sharpening using Topaz Photo Ai has produced some artifacts in the details but even without that the details are decently clear but somewhat bothered by sensor noise.

    _1285033 -1HC.jpg

    _1285033 -1HC.jpg

    JPG, 4.2 MB, uploaded by 19andrew47 on May 8, 2023.

  • Members 643 posts
    May 8, 2023, 6:29 p.m.

    No offence taken at all Andrew.
    They have been pretty heavily resized, to 900px on the long edge to be specific.
    I just don't want to make it too easy for my images to be stolen. Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying my photos are worth stealing, but it's important to get into good habits.
    Mind you, it probably doesn't make much difference with all the AI-resizing apps available.

    I'll adjust and experiment with my resizing settings. Thanks for the advice.

  • Members 569 posts
    May 8, 2023, 6:53 p.m.

    Anyone that does not want their images stolen should likely never put them on the web, period! I have no delusions about my images being of value to anyone other than myself so I long ago gave up caring if anyone wants to use them for non commercial purposes. I began uploading full size images about six months ago after we switched our internet to fibre and the full size images did not bog down the uploads. Before that I would upload a full size image on occasion for someone I knew that had requested it.

    There really is little point, in my opinion, of showing one's work in a lesser light than one could. At this point in my life if someone 'borrows' one of my images for their own use then at least the image will not die with me because I do not think anyone is going through the thousands of images I have stored on drives on my computer or NAS.

    That is my take on it anyway. There are people that do sell images so I understand their desire to protect their financial interests. Trying to make money from photography sounds too much like work to me at the 3/4 century mark.

    By the way, I have tried several Ai resizing apps and from my experience have found each that I tried to be far less than promised. If there was any improvement it was miniscule. I never once saw what they showed on the application sites for improvements! Perhaps a bit like Ai noise reduction, sometimes it works wonders but often it is no better than what I could achieve before and one application might work for one image but totally mess up the next. I have seen that with both DXO and Topaz deNoise Ai.


  • Members 336 posts
    May 8, 2023, 6:57 p.m.

    We have those foul Canadian geese here on the Redwood Coast on The Pacific Flyway. They are a scourge. I call them The RCAF Expeditionary Force. They bomb everything, including my Kia. Andrew gets to practice his gymnastics whenever he steps on one of their large turds. He says the goslings are cute. I say they are just pan sized. They eat the grass in the pastures and the cattle and dairy farmers used to shoot them, but that's not allowed anymore. The best thing about them is that they are great fun to complain about. Thanks for the opportunity. Rich

  • Members 643 posts
    May 8, 2023, 7:05 p.m.

    Sounds like a good mentality.

  • Members 643 posts
    May 9, 2023, 4:47 p.m.

    @19andrew47 I updated the post with higher quality files.

  • Members 569 posts
    May 9, 2023, 8:30 p.m.

    They look better!
