• Members 21 posts
    April 18, 2023, 5:07 p.m.

    Have just ordered a mk4 . I just hope it’s as good as they say 😁

  • Members 360 posts
    April 18, 2023, 5:21 p.m.

    I have hard times chewing that price to let the camera even enter my intesrest. Mayby it is me, but while already having a camera (ILC), I am thinking of buying a bridge/superzoom camera instead of a lens. The RX10 IV costs $2500 in my country. Adequate telephoto setup costs something around $400-1500 range. So this is steep. I would really love to, I am looking for years, but it isn´t working for me. Maybe I´m just poor, but I wonder, who would have bought a bridge camera for that money, when one can have full APS-C setup with it. What am I missing? It must be ME who is wrong about that.

  • Members 21 posts
    April 18, 2023, 6:28 p.m.

    It’s just been on sale here in the uk for £1299
    I’ve had the apsc and m4/3 set ups and issue is size weight and needing to switch lens Lens depending on the scene in front of me .
    The rx has a nice sharp 600mm f4 which is hard to compete with , then there’s the flash sync at any shutter speed which comes handy 24 fps if you feel the need

  • Members 142 posts
    April 18, 2023, 7:06 p.m.

    RX10iv is hard to beat as a one camera-one lens combination, but I agree that if you already have a larger-sensor setup and don't mind carrying around various lenses it's hard to justify it as an addition to the mix.

  • Members 142 posts
    April 18, 2023, 7:54 p.m.

    Thank you. I look forward to seeing the RX10v release announcement in the near future.

  • Members 72 posts
    April 18, 2023, 8:26 p.m.

    @ CrashpcCZ,
    I don’t think it’s an issue of right or wrong but more like different folks’ compromises. I have both an ILC system as well as a bridge camera, in this case the FZ1000ii.
    I find my bridge camera highly useful as a grab-and-go general purpose camera. But for more specialised work I’ll go to my ILCs.
    My personal opinion is that if I were to spend so much on the RX10iv I may as well spend it on another lens for my ILC.
    The much cheaper FZ seems the right balance, for me, as well as being a more practical carry-around. No ILC could offer that balance of FL range, and portability and price IMO.

  • Members 360 posts
    April 18, 2023, 9:23 p.m.

    Indeed. Matter of preferences.
    I was thinking that even dedicated telephoto bridge camera with finetuned 40-800mm lens could exist (especially in past, not so much in current market), but no manufacturer went that way either.

    600mm isn't much further from EF-S 55-250mm lens for $250 like new. That is 400mm equivalent on nice big APS-C 32Mpx sensor. Not a significant upgrade. 800mm is really needed to outdo that setup for an "investment" to be justified.

  • Members 514 posts
    April 18, 2023, 10:26 p.m.

    I got my Fz1000 for £475 new. It's an excellent all in one camera, the MKii is improved a little. It doesn't stretch out to the 600mm of the Sony but 600mm is a bit of a handful, I doubt you need it that often. IMO, my camera is probably good enough for an awful lot of photographers who won't really benefit that much by going down the ILC. It takes away a lot of the stress of trying to decide which gear to take. It's also not a tacky P&S, there's nothing unsophisticated about it, it's a proper camera that feels pretty much the same to use as a MILC. Not that much difference between it and a lot of m4/3 cameras. However, I tend not to use it that much any more. I prefer to carry my G9 with the 14-140. But if I was forced to use the FZ1000 as my only camera, I reckon I could get along just fine for my sort of photography. I just wish they would build these things with mechanical zooms like the Minolta A200 or A2 instead of flaky power zoom lenses.

  • Members 72 posts
    April 18, 2023, 10:43 p.m.

    Then of course there are the Nikon Coolpix P900, P950 and P1000.
    My partner swaped her Pana FZ200 for a Nikon P900 which goes up to a crazy 2000mm EFL. I wasn't in favour of it at the time but she's surprising "okay" with it.

  • Members 72 posts
    April 18, 2023, 10:48 p.m.

    I tend to agree with you. The FZ1000ii, for the price, is remarkably good value and very capable.
    Interestingly I just got rid of all my MFT system including the lovely G9 and bought into EOS-M. The M6ii with 18-150 lens is a compact alternative and I may well use that more than the FZ1000. Only time will tell.

  • Members 36 posts
    April 19, 2023, 4:55 p.m.

    Yes it is as good as they say because I once had one but sold it because I found it too heavy and bulky, however, the lens is super sharp all the way through and the AF is super fast

  • April 19, 2023, 6 p.m.

    I am right behind you Labe. My wife and I have been discussing our situation and I am now gathering up all the cameras I can both old and new. Some exciting work coming through our camp soon!

  • Members 63 posts
    April 30, 2023, 9:37 a.m.

    Good that you did!
    Now the V can finally come! 🥳