• Members 676 posts
    March 30, 2023, 3:48 p.m.

    Just a wild idea that is very cumbersome but then ...why not .. Generate a picture Thead and then for every picture entry generate and send a private message including everyone from this Thread or at least everyone you want to listen to … one cahn then add new members to that private message as new entries are posted and start the conversation about your entry. Sounds very cumbersome … Is it worth a trial run ???? … Will think about it for the On The Street post .. if it gets too complicated or time consuming will terminate the trial ….

    Just a wild idea that is very cumbersome but then ...why not .. Generate a picture Thead and then for every picture entry generate and send a private message including everyone from this Thread or at least everyone you want to listen to … one cahn then add new members to that private message as new entries are posted and start the conversation about your entry. Sounds very cumbersome … Is it worth a trial run ???? … Will think about it for the On The Street post .. if it gets too complicated or time consuming will terminate the trial ….


    One problem is that I cannot start a private message that includes you unless you first post a picture and I am here to see it --- a bit awkward and maybe klls this idea ... but then


    It would simplify things if I could add to the private message from "Follows:" or "Followers" but I guess we cvan copy and paste?? ....

  • Members 676 posts
    March 30, 2023, 4:57 p.m.

    Well I started trying this with Gary on his "Street" entry but it occurs to me that this works only if the responder starts this private message!!! Of course that also works if the responder isn't looking for a reply and chooses not to start that PM Furthermore, the responder can choose who he wants responses from by who he chooses to include in the PM. . .. ... and these can be discarded whenever the the responder no longer wants or wants to see repies to his post!!..


  • Members 164 posts
    March 30, 2023, 4:58 p.m.

    Look, people should just try and be kind and get along.

    That’s my view.

  • Members 676 posts
    March 30, 2023, 5 p.m.

    That's true but all are doing today is testing an idea .. it seems a bit awkward but


  • Members 164 posts
    March 30, 2023, 5:03 p.m.

    Sorry, was just making a bad joke. Carry on!

  • Members 676 posts
    March 30, 2023, 6:32 p.m.
  • Members 676 posts
    March 30, 2023, 6:40 p.m.

    It occurs to me that tthe PM is the best and for long threads the only way to carry on a coherent conversation without the threaded view ... However, we need a faster way to access and add people to those private conversations. Now I cannot select from a list but have to remember all names and spelling!! ...

    Just thinking out loud and waiting for alternative ideas!!!


  • Members 1457 posts
    March 30, 2023, 7:34 p.m.

    Bless you for thinking about it. My head is about to blow up from thinking of ways around this dilemma. We are planning to start the Critique thread here next week, and just see how it goes. I'll follow your "thinking out loud". You seem to be coming up with more than I have. Appreciate.

  • Members 676 posts
    March 30, 2023, 8:17 p.m.

    Thank you for coming by ... Having thought about it during a long walk away from this form I think the PM is workable but asking too much of the participants!.. Maybe yours would be willing but most probably not .. So the only real solution at this time, unless we get someone here with a better idea and willing to test, is to accept what we have here and treat the forum chosen to be the Thread and the community will have to know who is part of their thread and respond as always.... just won't be able to conveniently move from one to the next entry.... Probably means The Weekly will not arrive ... Maybe the Threaded view will come but we will have to start building the communities from scratch and need dedicated leaders to do that, as was the case over on DPR .... but not me ..

    Activity seems to be falling rapidly as most "member"s seem to be window shoppers ... Since the first Picture Thread I started I've had little no interest in participating in this test and that probably indicates the interest in this simulation ...and forum ...


  • Members 1457 posts
    March 30, 2023, 9:42 p.m.

    I agree that the private message approach will be too cumbersome for participants. If we could find a way to better control the quote process within replies, that might help at least some. There is a thread out there about that too. I've done our kinds of image sharing threads on a flat forum, but it had a way to hide the quote so you got the reply function but the quoted material was tucked out of sight unless you clicked on it. The end result was still messy but it didn't get as messy as quickly as I'm afraid it will here. And too, I've seen some quotes here that appeared to have been broken somehow, so you couldn't tell which one said what. Don't know if that's a software thing or user error. Have you found a way to control the quote process?

    Hard to know exactly what will happen next. In a sense, they are loading the lifeboats off the Titanic, and the survivors are grateful to have arrived somewhere but they are still in too much turmoil from the event to settle down and DO anything like what they used to. They are pushing buttons to see what they do, or if they are interested in forum structure, they are talking about moderation, divisions, governance etc. I think if we can start our threads and engage a few people to simply play there, that will be a victory for now.

  • Members 676 posts
    March 30, 2023, 10:16 p.m.

    I agree that the private message approach will be too cumbersome for participants. If we could find a way to better control the quote process within replies, that might help at least some. There is a thread out there about that too. I've done our kinds of image sharing threads on a flat forum, but it had a way to hide the quote so you got the reply function but the quoted material was tucked out of sight unless you clicked on it. The end result was still messy but it didn't get as messy as quickly as I'm afraid it will here. And too, I've seen some quotes here that appeared to have been broken somehow, so you couldn't tell which one said what. Don't know if that's a software thing or user error. Have you found a way to control the quote process?

    Hard to know exactly what will happen next. In a sense, they are loading the lifeboats off the Titanic, and the survivors are grateful to have arrived somewhere but they are still in too much turmoil from the event to settle down and DO anything like what they used to. They are pushing buttons to see what they do, or if they are interested in forum structure, they are talking about moderation, divisions, governance etc. I think if we can start our threads and engage a few people to simply play there, that will be a victory for now.

    The quote process ... Simply delete it but that is asking something of the participant and without the quote in a long thread it may be hard to recognize replies ..... for an individual Thread not so much ...

    Reading form DPR I find that many are expecting to find a perfect solution .... forgetting the DPR took 25 years and a paid staff for much of that time to become what it was ... I am pessimistic after a number of exchanges over there and will probably be looking to start over ...over here ... finding a forum,, maybe new friends, and possibly a new community ... As I wrote if you succeed in bringing C&C over .. I'll try to become a good member!!!


  • Members 1457 posts
    March 30, 2023, 10:54 p.m.

    I agree that the private message approach will be too cumbersome for participants. If we could find a way to better control the quote process within replies, that might help at least some. There is a thread out there about that too. I've done our kinds of image sharing threads on a flat forum, but it had a way to hide the quote so you got the reply function but the quoted material was tucked out of sight unless you clicked on it. The end result was still messy but it didn't get as messy as quickly as I'm afraid it will here. And too, I've seen some quotes here that appeared to have been broken somehow, so you couldn't tell which one said what. Don't know if that's a software thing or user error. Have you found a way to control the quote process?

    Hard to know exactly what will happen next. In a sense, they are loading the lifeboats off the Titanic, and the survivors are grateful to have arrived somewhere but they are still in too much turmoil from the event to settle down and DO anything like what they used to. They are pushing buttons to see what they do, or if they are interested in forum structure, they are talking about moderation, divisions, governance etc. I think if we can start our threads and engage a few people to simply play there, that will be a victory for now.

    The quote process ... Simply delete it but that is asking something of the participant and without the quote in a long thread it may be hard to recognize replies ..... for an individual Thread not so much ...

    Reading form DPR I find that many are expecting to find a perfect solution .... forgetting the DPR took 25 years and a paid staff for much of that time to become what it was ... I am pessimistic after a number of exchanges over there and will probably be looking to start over ...over here ... finding a forum,, maybe new friends, and possibly a new community ... As I wrote if you succeed in bringing C&C over .. I'll try to become a good member!!!


    First let me say we would be thrilled to have you join our little band which will be shrinking after the Titanic has sunk. I don't know what the long range will hold but I'm impressed with how fast they got this thing functional and how responsive they are to member issues. Also, the presence of the software author in our midst bodes well for any future enhancements. There is no DPR equivalent. Not anywhere. DPR paid someone to build it from the ground up. Every other photo forum is flat, because they are all built on some forum structure they got from somewhere else and the slicker ones hired someone to tinker with it for them. I've been a part of a build and development before so I'm realistic, but most people don't know how hard it is. Let's try to make it work!

    Quotes - Have you tried deleting parts of a quote without the whole thing? Does it work? Can you delete an image in a quote without deleting the text? Do you know if this forum responds to the usual formatting tags? Let's see

    Ok, looks like it does. Now, can that help us anyway? Wonder if those little quote marks in the top of the reply box are for that? What goes in the little angle brackets do? < I can't tell with the preview mode. Ideas?

  • Members 510 posts
    March 31, 2023, 1 a.m.

    Well, one way that can help a little is to do as we did in email, while there still was an email culture. Only quote necessary text and cut the fat off. It becomes much easier to read that way.

    Of course in a review thread the image(s) need(s) to by included or it will get confusing.

    One other possibility would be to not use a thread at all, but let each entry have its own thread with partly the same subject line. But that has obvious disadvantages too.

    Glad you are coming here, BTW! I got the impression on DPR that you were going off on your own. 👍

  • Members 676 posts
    March 31, 2023, 1:21 a.m.

    Wonder if those little quote marks in the top of the reply box are for that? What goes in the little angle brackets do? < I can't tell with the preview mode. Ideas?

    Sorry about this I seem to have edited it twice

  • Members 676 posts
    March 31, 2023, 1:22 a.m.

    Not completely sure and not sure what i'd do with it ... but hovering over the quotes it says "code" pressing the them brings up a code box now if you select "no syntax highlighting" it brings up a list of programing languages and I suspect you can choose one and use that to write code to do what you want with the select text .. But ignorant as what this would be useful for ... maybe Meow could enlightren us ...


  • Members 1457 posts
    March 31, 2023, 1:31 a.m.

    I see you did that removal thing and so far, nothing broke! So it will hopefully be possible to thin down the responses, preview them, and make them as readable as possible within the flat constraints before posting...

    I don't think individual posts would work, unless we got a separate forum section just for critique, since it would be kind of confusing to tell who was responding to what photo activity, even with a subject line, once they all got intermingled.

    I'm just a scout for the group that shepherds the critique thread, so I don't make the final decision, but we looked at all the options when the announcement first came, and this seemed the best place to try. Time will tell whether we can make it work here (or anywhere). Flat view is a huge barrier for image sharing threads, and other than DPR no one has threaded view that I've found. I sure hope Bob can find a way to adjust this site to accommodate it.

  • Members 510 posts
    March 31, 2023, 1:35 a.m.

    Just get the quote tags right is all it takes. You don't even have to delete if you don't want to. You can copy the line(s) you want from the post, reply without quotes, paste the lines in, select them and click the quote button in the toolbar. Or type the tags.

  • Members 510 posts
    March 31, 2023, 1:45 a.m.

    I was going to show how it should look, but the code box make spaghetti of the square brackets. So, a screen cap.



    JPG, 71.3 KB, uploaded by meow on March 31, 2023.