It seems to me that skill with photography can be summarized by a Venn diagram.
One circle, usually the first we try to master, are the camera/technical skills. Modern cameras are great and a lot can be accomplished with just the "P" mode. To really progress and move well beyond the snapshot level, typically is going to require a lot more advanced skill, the right gear and the ability to use it.
The next circle of the Venn diagram I loosely call composition. I use that in a very broad sense to include all of the elements within the image, how they relate to each other, the balance, the rhythm. Perhaps visual communication would be a better descriptor.
I should also mention, that only a small, very small, proportion of those who do photography have an interest in making art. For many the goal is to be able to make technically good photographs.
The final circle includes the artist elements, our vision, our style, how we see our world, and how we communicate that visually to others. Hard to describe and much harder to achieve.
Back to the Venn diagram, we are looking for that sweet spot where technology, composition and artistic intent overlap.