• Members 676 posts
    May 3, 2023, 3:34 p.m.

    ProCap … Still a tyro but learning .. I'm still working the mechanics and technical problems – adjusting the camera settings for ProCap and how to more effectively place myself and adjust the camera as the scene changes in front of me. I'm doing a bit of mental recording how birds behave when taking off, not landing yet... Hope to get to the photographic process before next winter … Yet occasionally I do get sequences that I like now. I'll show a couple pictures not a sequence as I'm not sure there is a lot interest in the process that much or these birds but then ….

    Cardinal Take Off.jpg

    Cardinal in Flight.jpg

    Currently I sit about 10 to 25 feet from the places I expect the birds to start from. This allows me to use the 40-150mm lens + MC-14 effectively .. The field of view is about 30 degrees and, in mornings, the scene varies from tree branches that are brightly lighted to the tree trunk that is shaded by leaves on branches between it and the sun. …

    The problems I am current working on are focus and the rapid adjustment of the camera as I change from the bright to shaded scene. Focusing on a bird on the tree trunk provides an interesting conundrum. I have to focus while the bird is on the trunk but when he flies he will have to move toward me a few inches to clear the trunk so he is rarely in sharp focus. My current thinking is to let him go out of focus but use F/8-F/11 to get deeper DOF (no use if he flies at me!) I would like to focus about 6 inches in front of him as he sit on the trunk but so far see no way to effectively do this … the exposure setting is another problem as the difference between bright sun and shade is about 4 stops. I'd like to control this better but so far have mostly settled on setting the EV to -1/3 and the moving to Manual so I can set the speed and aperture and let the ISO float (and the metering to spot.) … Setting the ISO would mean I have to rapidly change the SS as I move across the scene... I probably will eventually settle on a more restrictive field of view and take less opportunities...

    The birds themselves are another problem and so far I'm not selective, I take them as they come.. I am sort of adding their characteristics as they take off to my memory, I hope .. They are different in how they approach and leave a site … By taking all comers size is a factor as to how much to keep in the frame so that I can capture them as they move in the frame …(too small means considerable cropping that effects the DOF and thus the focus.) Manually tracking is something to consider in the future I have enough problems for now …

    More thoughts later … maybe just pictures … we'll see ….

    Are you tired of these bird yet ???


    Preview still shows me the picture but NO TEXT

    Cardinal in Flight.jpg

    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by WhyNot on May 3, 2023.

    Cardinal Take Off.jpg

    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by WhyNot on May 3, 2023.

  • Members 569 posts
    May 3, 2023, 9:51 p.m.

    The second turned out well WN. The first is not as good as the eye is blocked by the wing.

    I can not replicate your issue of the text not showing. I am using Microsoft Edge and it works as normal here. I have tried Chrome and did not notice anything amiss with it either.


  • Members 676 posts
    May 4, 2023, 1:01 a.m.

    Thanks for stopping by, Andrew

    Concerning the pictures -- they are not a finished product just examples of where I am on the learning curve .. My thinking with this post is that I would share my experience with other Olympus users and FF users who are getting a similar feature on their latest cameras and anyone else that might be interested. … I know Jim is playing with this and I'm following his progress and I watched as Craig played with it earlier and while I have toyed with ProCapture I am just now beginning to work the learning curve … Whether I actually go as far as the “Photographic Process” that I mentioned where I would think about a specific bird, lighting, pose and composition in the pre-visualization phase is somewhere in the future if I actually decide to devote the time to getting there …

    The first picture I thought showed the effort at take off when the focus should be on the feet and the push and second is close to what I would want as a final product …

    Well .. I had reported this problem to the Administrator and know that not all systems are seeing it.... I'm glad you're not .. But I'm just griping … and if I am the only one experiencing it I can live with it … I'm no longer interested in debugging software myself ….

    Thanks again for comments


  • Members 281 posts
    May 7, 2023, 12:29 p.m.

    Looks like you are progressing well, and the two photos above clearly illustrate the need for the ProCap function.
    Without it, even with fast burst shooting, you likely would have missed the moment the cardinal took off, and, having fast sequential shots gave you the option to select shot 2 as it is clearly preferable to shot 1.

  • Members 676 posts
    May 7, 2023, 10:06 p.m.

    So far so good .. thanks Jim ... So far I've noted that the third, fourth and fifth shot of the sequence tend to have that one good shot .. I think Thomas Stirr claims that the third is usually the money frame ...


  • Members 336 posts
    May 8, 2023, 12:05 a.m.

    Not tired of your photos and information as you develop your pro capture skills, WhyNot. I am soaking it up. What I am tired and annoyed by is this forum. I keep missing new posts. Rich

  • Members 676 posts
    May 8, 2023, 2:50 p.m.

    Good to see you again, Rich .. I know what you are talking about I'm having similar problems with this site when I don't stay on line as I have been too too much recently, as I have had to stay closer to the computer these last weeks ... I have been posting more than usual as with this ProCap I'm generating an inordinate number of files ...


  • Members 676 posts
    May 8, 2023, 2:54 p.m.

    Thanks, Jim I just switched to the longer lens -- 100-400 --and moved a bit back from the targets and made a few of the birds happier .. Seems to give slightly better DOF .. I was using F/8 anyway and so light considerations were forgotten when selecting the lens ... I'll have a few of these results later ...
