Those histograms could be from anywhere and not from an actual raw file.
Attach the raw file you used that belongs to either of those histograms so that anyone can use something like RawDigger to output the real raw histogram
That is not a raw histogram, it is a histogram of a raw file converted into working file. Things like the color space, white balance and even base line exposure has been add to the file and not giving you are real idea as to how the raw file looks.
Here is an image shown in a raw converter
and here is what the raw data looks likes
Just as you would normally, but the histogram is the end product of what the raw converted has edited and does not represent the raw data.
Much of what is shown within the converter has several hidden processing done to bring the image into the correct tonal range. This would be the base line exposure.
Next there is WB this is a multiplier that is applied to the 3 color channels and depending on the illuminate one or more channels may have be under exposed by more than a stop and not shown in the raw converter
It is not but it does not show you the raw data
Looking at the raw digger histogram you show above does this resemble how it appears in your raw converter?
Why is the green channel a stop bellow clipping and in the raw converter histogram it is not, and why is the red is nearly 3 stops from clipping?
Why is the red channel not even with the Blue and green as it is shown in the raw converter histogram?
Attach the actual raw file to a post because you obviously have no idea what a raw histogram actually is and seem to be trying to cover that fact up by making things up as you go along :-)
Trying to pass off the ACR histogram as the raw histogram is laughable.