Dear all,
First of all, I'm not a frequent contributor, here or on dpreview, but still following and hoping to have more time for photography in the future. I almost deserted this site, despite liking very much the initiative and community spirit displayed by Bob, Alan and others, and the main reason was that the image related sections (such as the landscape one) never really took off. Posts were very limited in number from the start, and comments even more and often just saying "nice". The one series of threads that kept my attention was one about constructive comments and criticism, that is both active and interesting, but somewhat difficult to follow if you can't come and read every day.
To compare, the "landscape and travel" facebook group has a lot more pictures posted. (But also lacks constructive comments very much. And it's on Facebook...)
So I fully agree with some of you here stating that the most important now is to clarify the purpose of this place, and then how to promote it and make it attractive.
Regarding the home page :
- to the one who asked about the dpreview home page : yes I remember it, and the logo, quite well. And the gear reviews that keep coming often were the reason I came to the site at the beginning, then I became active in the forums for a while before I eventually had less time for photo. Yes, a front page is good to have, and it must be clean and attractive enough. It won't make people stay here, but it can make people leave...
- the front page on dprenewed looks like we are still in the 90's. Sorry Alan, but that's not exciting to me. Simplejoy's examples look better but do not show what make this place different and better.
- it's hard to design a front page when the type of content has not been chosen.
Other technicals :
- Great technical ideas in the first post, but make sure that they do not require overly powerful servers to work, and make sure the site remains comfortable to browse with poor Internet connections.
- DPRevived was a brilliant name in its time, but, dpreview being continued, it seems important to find a new one, in line with the purpose of this place.
Thanks all for your efforts !