• Nov. 2, 2023, 8:02 p.m.

    Hi all,
    First, thanks for the good wishes and thoughts while I've been away. I'm back now and turning my mind to the future of this site again. What I'd like to do now is to make a start at fleshing out the specs for the new facilities that we want to off. Remeber the general aim is to provide best-in-class facilities specifically for the photographic community. Mostly photographic web sites just work like any other sites, and maybe with respect to features such as image presentation and gallery management our community would like something better. So here are some initial thoughts on image presentation:

    Requirements for a new image display system.

    On DPReview there is a member called Detail Man who will sometimes comment on the several problems with the image display system there. Many people do not find problems, but within the community of photographers there are those that think that displayed image quality on galleries and photographic sites should match the standards that they aim for with presentation of their own pictures. It’s a reasonable ask that if a photographer takes the care to work in an extended colour space such as Adobe RGB or ProPhotoRGB that they think that will be reflected in their output and would like it displayed to a viewer, where the viewer has the equipment to support it. Likewise, if you’ve used a high resolution camera and taken care with technique to translate that resolution to the image, it would be good if people with high resolution viewing facilities could see the image as you intended. With respect to both concerns it should be the image display system that takes care of this, and re-rendering to suit those that don’t have the facilities rather than the photographer.

    Resolution management

    Considerations are:
    - Handling high resolutions. The display system should serve full 4k images for those that have them and wish to view images full-screen. At the same time, it is not sensible to download a full 4k image to a phone for casual viewing. Therefore the server-side system should be capable of sending a suitably sized image to the browser depending on the host and user options.
    - Resampling. Poor resampling can make a real mess of an image. Therefore the image display system should use good resampling algorithms both server-side and client side, rather than relying on those provided by the browser or host OS (which are generally poor).

    Colour management

    There is a rule of thumb ‘use sRGB for the web’, but most browsers can handle Adobe or ProPhoto RGB. Some browsers also handle monitor colour profiles, and in that case it would be desirable for the viewer to see the image properly managed for the device being used. It would be a considerable convenience for photographers to be able to share images with colour as they intended, and without doing a colour space conversion just in order to post. Therefore the image system should preserve and serve embedded colour profiles. More can be done. If an image is served in a colour profile which the browser cannot handle the colour translation made at the client side cannot be relied on, or may simply not be done at all, resulting in a miscoloured image. Therefore the client-side system should determine the browser capabilities and the server side (or client side, if the proves to be more sensible) system should perform an appropriate colour space conversion if the image is in a space not supported by the browser.

    Image formats

    Now that formats such as HEIC are being used in addition to JPEG, the system should be able to deal with them - including serving as JPEG is the client side device and browser cannot handle them.

    User control

    It should be possible for the viewing user to view the image as required without downloading the image file. Some systems insist that the whole image is downloaded if a high quality presentation is required. The system should allow zooming and windowing on the image, with good quality rescaling in the client-side software, up to full 100% view. Many images will be presented small, embedded in a post or article. The image system should allow zooming and windowing in place, or using a modal pop-up (with full-screen ‘clean’ display capability) to allow viewing the image without changing the context of the document in which it was originally embedded.

    Gallery facilities.

    The image display system should be integrated with a user gallery system. The gallery system essentially allows a user to organise and curate their content. Features as follows:
    1. All images uploaded by a user will be contained in their gallery.
    2. Images uploaded while posting in forums or within an article will be uploaded to the gallery and linked (and displayed) in the post or article.
    3. Images already loaded to the gallery may be directly included (linked and displayed) within posts and articles.
    4. The link is to a location in the gallery rather than directly to the file. The image file contained may be later updated or edited, if the user decides on a new version.
    5. Photographers are generally serious about copyright issues. Therefore the gallery system should ensure that appropriate copyright notices are inserted into the EXIF of an image either when stored or when served. Existing copyright data should be preserved. If there is none either a default notice identifying the username and site or a notice selected by the user should be added.
    6. The gallery system should allow external browsing of a user’s gallery. The user will have the option to mark some images as not for public viewing or not for viewing in the gallery (for instance, images from posts).
    7. The gallery system should allow the user to provide alternative views - for instance organise images (non-exclusively) into albums or selected by tag.
    8. There should be a collaborative gallery, which may link images from different users (with their agreement) into a common gallery view, for use in contests, themed discussions or so on.
    9. This feature could be a way of presenting themed photograph threads.

    Anyhow, just thoughts for discussion. Comments, suggestions etc very welcome.

  • Members 677 posts
    Nov. 2, 2023, 8:18 p.m.

    First of welcome back and I am glad you are well.
    Everything sounds interesting. One thing, can we get rid of the thumbnails with file names in the posts?

  • Members 1662 posts
    Nov. 2, 2023, 9:01 p.m.

    @bobn2 Welcome back and thanks for the update!

    While I for sure haven't thought about each and every point in detail, I'd say that it all sounds great on a quick look - good to see how much thought you put in there. I'm looking forward to some of the updates/upgrades mentioned and am sure many will appreciate them!

  • Foundation 1437 posts
    Nov. 3, 2023, 6:52 p.m.


    I have read your document several times and can find no reason to disagree with your proposals. I dont think any discusssion is necessary, unless anyone comes up with alternative proposals. Consequently, I urge implementation asap.

    It concerns me that the user base is diminishing. (As I write, only nine threads have seen any activity in the past 24 hours!) This is our largest current problem, and I am not sure that the changes discussed for storage, organisation and display of photos will have any impact on that problem. There is something else missing that needs to be provided. News items and articles that will stimulate and help users to make more interesting photos and explore new subject material would be a good idea, and no doubt that is the tip of the iceberg. We need to be encouraged and challenged not to be so parochial in the photos we post. I believe that Instagram and Fakebook provide showcases for that. (No offense is meant to those whose imagination is above that level — we know who they are!)

    We have managed to create and support a lively sub-group of Canon users. Why, for instance, is the Leica forum so moribund? Why are other fora similarly uninhabited? These questions, their answers and the solutions to the problems they represent are what we should be discussing — without navel gazing!

    I believe that something valuable can be made of this site, but while you have been away we have been told to wait for your return. We have done that, and there are those of us that are raring to go!


  • Members 70 posts
    Nov. 3, 2023, 7:10 p.m.

    Hi Bob,

    I didn't give attention to your new topic yet but I'm happy you're back and healed.

    Kindest regards,


  • Members 643 posts
    Nov. 3, 2023, 7:13 p.m.

    Glad you're back Bob.
    Sounds good, I don't have anything to add.

  • Members 1512 posts
    Nov. 4, 2023, 6:42 a.m.

    Good to see you back. I hope everything is going well for you.

    Nothing to add on your plans for the visual side of things, that you set out.

    But I agree with David, in that the site badly needs some sort of front page with articles and maybe some news, to attract and bring back users, who have drifted away.

    I believe there is a space in the world of photography resources for "how to do" articles, written by people who practice the various genres of photography, which in turn will make a good catalyst for discussion. In my choses speciality, I can think of just one resource, which offers any content with value. I am sure those who do other genres can say the same thing. There are tons of sites offering fluff , but I find it difficult to find useful content.

    I believe there is a space for this type of article too.

    Once you have some content, As well as tags, It will be quite easy for those of us who care about this site to do a bit of "article linking" on DPR and other forums to try and get more traffic.

    Digging around here or retracing some of the names of those who have posted here and seem to have gone back to DPR, it should not bee to difficult to find people to make some content.

    Just some idle thoughts.

  • Members 70 posts
    Nov. 4, 2023, 11:49 a.m.

    As I mentioned many times before, a photography site needs a regularly changing picture on the front page...
    All the best and kindest regards,

  • Members 1457 posts
    Nov. 4, 2023, 12:26 p.m.

    So glad you're recovered enough to be back with us, Bob. You've been in our thoughts.

    I agree with David, NCV and others. While a state-of-the-art gallery would be a welcome addition for most photographers, the most urgent need here is a good vibrant landing page - one with appealing visual and text content that changes regularly, and links to other interesting content. We have a small contingent of loyal users here, but no way to attract new ones, and gallery improvements, no matter how lovely, are not likely to solve that.

    The existing photography sites have the usual offerings, typically presented by pro or semi pro photographers discussing the usual topics in the usual ways featuring the best gear used in exotic locations. There is no site that offers editorial content specifically tailored for the average photographer with limited time, money, equipment, skill, locale, and inspiration. There has always been a niche available for practical photography-related content. Why not consider that? There are people here, and people who were once here but left, who could help with such content.

  • Members 1512 posts
    Nov. 4, 2023, 4:31 p.m.

    "There is no site that offers editorial content specifically tailored for the average photographer with limited time, money, equipment"

    That is very true, most of us do not have easy access to wonderous National Parks, or permissions and special access to photograph world famous monuments, concerts or sporting events.

    There sure is space for editorial articles aimed at the common mortal photographer. I have always felt that most articles written by professional photographers never ever reveal those vital little tricks and strategies, that really count in specialist sectors.

  • Nov. 4, 2023, 6:26 p.m.

    I've got an idea 😁Watch this space (I may have something tomorrow evening)

  • Members 96 posts
    Nov. 4, 2023, 11:31 p.m.

    The technical improvements sound very nice to have and probably could attract some users too in addition to existing audience.

    I do agree with the general concerns voiced about needing to retain current users and gather more audience though. A portion of the problem seems to have solved itself by some of the frankly problematic users having left and no longer annoying other people at least.

    Personally I've returned to the site, but due to being busy with my daily job lately and preparations for having to temporarily move due to renovations at our apartment I haven't had much time for hobbies, including photography. Hopefully after a few weeks I should have more time for things like that.

    Also, welcome back!

  • Foundation 1437 posts
    Nov. 5, 2023, 8:48 a.m.

    Let's restock the the site, so they wont return!

    I think that quick photos of your progress in renovating your apartment would be interesting to us!


  • Nov. 5, 2023, 10:58 a.m.

    Thanks to everyone for the kind words.
    This is one part of what we previously posted as our plan going forward. In our previous post we suggested that instead of incremental updates we wanted to develop something that would provide a service to photographers that didn't exist elsewhere. This was an installment for those tha wanted some more detail about what this would be like.
    I fully get the point that a new landing page would be good, but it isn't useful by itself - a landing page has to go somewhere, so we need the new platform before we can include editorial content, galleries, - anything more than forums. So a new landing page requires development work, and then we get to the question of what that work is. To my mind there's little point expending that just to reproduce what is already there, especially when photography sites are closing down.

  • Members 1662 posts
    Nov. 5, 2023, 5:58 p.m.

    Yes, but it doesn't necessarily have to go to articles... it can go to forum content as well for the time being. I think that's what most people here might have in mind. Make the site look more interesting and attractive as soon as possible in order to hopefully gain a couple more members for the moment when the first content is ready... perhaps I'm wrong, but that's what I thought might be possible without much programming or resources needed.

  • Nov. 5, 2023, 6:25 p.m.

    What about this - dprenewed.com - this is temporary and something I knocked up this morning. It may not be what we want (not sure what Bob has in mind yet)


  • Members 73 posts
    Nov. 5, 2023, 9:33 p.m.

    It has nice curb appeal - And- clever how you provided a link to trick an unsuspecting new user to the ghetto curb appeal page. ha ha