• Members 503 posts
    May 14, 2023, 7:39 a.m.

    Welcome all to the Sunday Cat!, a weekly gathering of image makers on a subject of mutual interest, our feline friends. The Sunday Cat! has appeared each Sunday, except for a brief interruption in September, 2016, since Anton AK started the thread at DPReview on 23 September 2007. Successive thread managers have been John King, Warriormouse, Robert J, Coldamus, Robert J again (with an assist by StanTsui) and since September 2016, former lurker, me. With the shuttering of DPReview, the last Sunday Cat! was hosted there on 2 April 2023. After taking a leap of faith, the Sunday Cat! landed here at its new home on 9 April 2023.

    Gaussian Blur Kitty of the Week!
    Stella, who photobombed @LindaS' soft focus photo shoot. :D

    As said by Warriormouse, "Photos can be more than just art, they can be memories, so come share your picture and stories of your feline companions with us."

    “Official” posting time is every Sunday at 0000 UTC. Because this is Saturday afternoon for me, posting time may vary to accommodate my schedule. I'll try to post a message if I know I will be very late. Anyone anxious to start the new week is free to do so. But if you do, please PM me so I don’t accidentally double post.

    Come one, come all! All cats, all cameras welcome. Images from any time, any place. Let the Sunday Cat! be a refuge where nice comments abound and only constructive criticism is given when it's requested.

    The Sunday Cat!, though late, is now open for business. :D

    Last week's purrs, #812 / DPRv #5

    Thread Manager's Corner:
    Tonight, this morning really, I'm posting much later than I expected, but it's Sunday now where I am. ;) Today in the US is Mother's Day. Maybe some of our kitties have been mothers, or at the very least, we should be grateful for their mothers! So maybe we can celebrate some mothers, or their wonderful offspring, today. :)

    ~~~ Kim

    Though small in size, the imprint they make on our lives is huge.

  • Members 503 posts
    May 14, 2023, 7:57 a.m.

    The only mom cat I have ever had was Cali:
    She was known to have had several litters of kittens before she was finally captured and spayed. I ended up with two of kittens along with her, although by the time I got them her kittens were grown. Peaches was from her next to last litter and Bugsy from her last. Cali was the sweetest kitty I have ever known. I think she got that from being a mom so many times over. :) Happy Mother's Day Cali!

  • Members 676 posts
    May 14, 2023, 12:21 p.m.

    Visitor !!!!!

    Our neighbor's cat wished he live in our yard and had our birds to watch ,, The Blue Jays haven't schooled him, yet …

    Bird Watching.jpg

    I walked him out of the yard and the birds returned and he would like to … also


    Maybe he won't ….




    JPG, 1.3 MB, uploaded by WhyNot on May 14, 2023.


    JPG, 1.1 MB, uploaded by WhyNot on May 14, 2023.

    Bird Watching.jpg

    JPG, 1.4 MB, uploaded by WhyNot on May 14, 2023.

  • Members 503 posts
    May 14, 2023, 5:42 p.m.

    The kitty looks rather insolent here, like, "so I'm in your yard, what are you going to do about it?"

    This looks like, "oh darn! He caught me looking again."

    And here it's, "well if I just peek over the barrier nobody will know that I'm here." Except for the ears. :)

    Cute set. I hope your neighbor kitty provides entertainment more than harming the birds.

  • Members 676 posts
    May 15, 2023, 2:10 p.m.

    Thanks for stopping by .. yes he is a persistent visitor ...


  • Members 64 posts
    May 15, 2023, 4:23 p.m.

    mokey green eyes small.jpg
    It seems gray and orange look good together. I've posted this image previously but postings are slow this week and I think it would not hurt.
    Mokey agrees with me as he is sitting on my lap helping me type this message.

    mokey green eyes small.jpg

    JPG, 215.9 KB, uploaded by Slojoe on May 15, 2023.

  • Members 71 posts
    May 16, 2023, 10:26 a.m.

    My favorite of the three. She's definitely keeping an eye on things.

  • Members 675 posts
    May 16, 2023, 11:32 p.m.


    Annie, playing with string. Never gets old.



    JPG, 3.6 MB, uploaded by Rich42 on May 16, 2023.

  • Members 503 posts
    May 17, 2023, 6:43 a.m.

    Or shoelaces! It looks like she is really into it. There's nothing else in her world but that piece of string. :)

  • Members 503 posts
    May 17, 2023, 6:47 a.m.

    That's a nice one, definitely worth showing again. I agree, the colors work well together. It also seems to set off his green eyes as well.

  • Members 222 posts
    May 17, 2023, 2:37 p.m.

    13 patch-9132401.jpg1705 patch - now you see me bw-5174390.jpgGoodbye Patch

    Today is a very sad day for me. Patch went to sleep for the final time. She had been getting more and more wobbly and the last 3 days saw her stuck in the cellar in her bed with water, food and litter tray next to her. She couldn't get up anymore...
    We met her in 2005 when we bought a piece of land to build our house on. She came up to us and introduced herself. We moved in in 2011 and she was a regular visitor and we learned she owned our neighbour. He didn't seem to care for her. One day when he was away on holiday I heard some faint meowing and traced it to a shed where Patch had been locked in. I broke the door and released her. She followed me into our house and never left
    She was the sweetest, calmest puss I have ever known. She was a mouser extraordinaire and was the executioner to Tiger and Stripey's deposits of living mice in the house
    We won't forget our Patch

    13 patch-9132401.jpg

    JPG, 8.2 MB, uploaded by softmarmotte on May 17, 2023.

    1705 patch - now you see me bw-5174390.jpg

    JPG, 9.1 MB, uploaded by softmarmotte on May 17, 2023.

  • Members 675 posts
    May 17, 2023, 4:14 p.m.

    I'm crying as I write this.

    I'm so sorry for you and Patch. Our pets are in our lives for such a short time. And we love them so deeply. Us animal people have all felt this pain as our children go away.

    Don't wait too long. Another companion, meant just for you is at an animal shelter/rescue near you. He or she will never replace Patch in your heart, but you will experience additional love you can't imagine, yet.


  • Members 222 posts
    May 17, 2023, 4:29 p.m.

    Thanks Rich. That means a lot

  • Members 64 posts
    May 17, 2023, 10:53 p.m.

    It is hard to find the words to express the sadness of losing a member of the family.
    Just know that the pain of Patch's loss will be replaced in time with the wonderful memories
    of Patch. She will be alive as long as you remember her.

  • Members 96 posts
    May 17, 2023, 11:03 p.m.

    My condolences for losing Patch. All I can say after losing a few kitties is that over the time the photo memories become less bitter and more sweet; there is a pang of loss seeing old photos of a lost furry friend, but overall you will remember more of all the good times and less of the eventual loss.

    We have no cats as of right now; we lost the first member of our dynamic duo in 2015 and the other one in 2020. I'll try to participate later on with photos of them though :) As for the next generation, we're planning to finally have the next generation next year.

  • Members 71 posts
    May 18, 2023, 4:42 a.m.


    Condolences on having to say goodbye to a loving friend. Based on the dates you cited, she was a very old kitty. Being able to ease her into her final "goodnight" is certainly bittersweet.

    I'm sure you have plenty of good memories of her -- I know I will never forget the potato basket. Hopefully Tiger and Stripey will help ease the pain.


  • Members 503 posts
    May 19, 2023, 1:31 a.m.

    Patch sounds like a very special kitty. The special ones are the hardest to lose. Your love and compassion for her obviously gave her a much better, and probably much longer life than she would have ever known. Thank you for giving that to her and for sharing her images and story with us.

  • Members 14 posts
    May 19, 2023, 10:13 p.m.

    I have to admit, being a dog person - though one who had owned cats in the past - that there are some nice pics in this thread...
    Surely these belong in the Pet Photography section? Tbere is nothing about them that is really relevant to Olympus.
    We could have threads here on dogs, rabbits, hamsters, budgerigars never mind thousands of plants and the myriad of invertebrates.
    Fair enough but they would just get in the way of any posts actually relevant to the camera system.

  • Members 64 posts
    May 19, 2023, 10:44 p.m.

    Chris perhaps you are unaware that the Sunday Cat thread has appeared in the Olympus SLR forum since Sept 2007 in DPR.
    I don't believe anyone since 2007 has complained about cat photos in "their" forum. It might be added that many
    posters in this forum do use Oly m4/3 cameras. I do and have 2 Oly m4/3 cameras. I don't mean to be argumentative but what
    subjects do you deem acceptable. No offense meant sir.

  • Members 675 posts
    May 20, 2023, 1:13 a.m.

    As a new contributor to this thread (I never knew of it at DPReview, exactly because it was buried in a place no one would have thought to look) I have no real objection to it being in the Olympus Forum, and thank those who kept it alive - except to agree with ChrisLL that it is only logical that it be in the Pet Photography section. Moving it there would hurt no one and would most probably bring increased participation.


  • Members 64 posts
    May 20, 2023, 3:29 p.m.

    I am certainly not the spokesperson for this thread. Just someone who has taken part in it for a few years.
    On reading my reply over again it is perhaps an idea to post this thread in the pet section. Not a terrible
    idea at all. Again its not up to me at all to move. We all know how hard it is to move...
    My question to Chris stands. What are the subjects that belong in this section and what does not?

  • Members 503 posts
    May 20, 2023, 10:50 p.m.

    There is a little history behind this. Early on in Sunday Cat! history there was a dispute about where the thread should be posted. The battle, which occurred during the week of Jan 13, 2008 apparently brought DPR to its knees and resulted in the Sunday Cat! being restored to its original home. The Great Crash (of DPR) 2008 :) And it has been in the Olympus SLR forum ever since.

    Another aspect of the Olympus SLR forum was that it used to host a number of threads. There was a dog photo thread, short lived apparently, the Sunday Bird, that went on for years, the Weekly Image Thread and the Wed C&C No Theme thread. Also, if I recall correctly, flower and macro threads. The survivors are the Sunday Cat!, the Weekly Image Thread (now it its own forum, The Weekly M4/3 Talk), and the Wed C&C No Theme thread, (now in the Photography critiques forum). There was a Monochrome thread that departed the Olympus SLR forum for the Micro Four Thirds forum years ago. I don't know where it went after the DPR announcement. In any case, image threads have long been a part of the Olympus SLR forum.

    For now, I'd like to keep the tradition going right here. Yes, it makes it a little slower but DPRv gives us some things we didn't have at DPR. DPRv's home page highlights the latest post, and the threads view cuts across all forum silos showing us the latest activity wherever it occurs. I think this new style has already brought in a few new posters. Also, the Sunday Cat! gives a lift to this forum. If you step back and look at this level, right now it is the main generator of activity here. And besides, some of us do still get our 4/3 DSLRs out for a shoot now and then. :) So for now let's see how the Sunday Cat! does in its new digs. Meantime I'll start spending some time visiting the Pet photography forum.