• Members 503 posts
    April 7, 2024, 1:10 a.m.

    Welcome all to 53rd edition of the Sunday Cat! at DPRevived. The Sunday Cat!, a weekly gathering of image makers on a subject of mutual interest, our feline friends, has appeared each Sunday, except for a brief interruption in September, 2016, since Anton AK started the thread at DPReview on 23 September 2007. Successive thread managers have been John King, Warriormouse, Robert J, Coldamus, Robert J again (with an assist by StanTsui) and since September 2016, former lurker, me.

    Last year, when DPReview was threatened with closing and then vanishing entirely from the Internet, this long standing thread needed a new home. After reviewing all the photo forums that had been thrown up to replace DPR, DPRevived appeared to be the best place for the Sunday Cat! to make its new home. Thus, the last Sunday Cat! at DPR was hosted on 2 April 2023 and taking a leap of faith, the Sunday Cat! landed here at DPRevived on 9 April 2023. While DPReview was saved by GearPatrol and continues to operate as it long has, the Sunday Cat! remains here, but continues on in the Olympus Systems forum to keep the historical association with its original home alive.

    Disarming Kitty of the Week!


    Kitty past Otis, immortalized through the magic of writing with light. :)

    ~~Image by @Slojoe

    As said by Warriormouse, "Photos can be more than just art, they can be memories, so come share your picture and stories of your feline companions with us."

    “Official” posting time is every Sunday at 0000 UTC. Because this is Saturday afternoon for me, posting time may vary to accommodate my schedule. I'll try to post a message if I know I will be very late. Anyone anxious to start the new week is free to do so. But if you do, please PM me so I don’t accidentally double post.

    Come one, come all! All cats, all cameras welcome. Images from any time, any place. Let the Sunday Cat! be a refuge where nice comments abound and only constructive criticism is given when it's requested.

    The Sunday Cat! is now open for business. :D

    Last week's purrs, #859 / DPRv #52

    Thread Manager's Corner:
    Today is special because it marks the completion of the first year here at DPRv as well as the beginning of the next one. :) The Sunday Cat! isn't the perfect fit for a gear forum, because it is more about the kitties and their stories, and less about the gear and "how I got that shot", but those discussions are certainly welcome along with the cat stories. The Sunday Cat!, which has always inhabited the Olympus forum (except for a week in January 2008), will continue to do so here. And now, on to year two! :D

    ~~~ Kim

    Though small in size, the imprint they make on our lives is huge.

  • Members 86 posts
    April 7, 2024, 2:23 p.m.

    I have got a new job and was very busy to the point that I had to put down my camera. Just today I visited cat cafe for relaxation.

    In the cat cafe, the "Cat Mother" carefully weights each gram of food for the cats, and Coco was waiting there :)



    JPG, 351.2 KB, uploaded by AnnieNg on April 7, 2024.

  • Members 503 posts
    April 7, 2024, 4:50 p.m.

    Welcome back! And it's good that you found time to get away, relax and bring us a new image. 😃

    It looks like Coco is keeping an eye on the measuring to make sure that it really is correct. 😉

  • Members 222 posts
    April 12, 2024, 11:24 a.m.
  • Members 503 posts
    April 13, 2024, 10:47 p.m.

    And it looks like she's thinking, it's a long way down from here. Or could she be looking down at Tiger or Stripey while they look up at her?