• Members 615 posts
    Oct. 20, 2024, 4:56 a.m.

    Welcome all to the Sunday Cat!, a weekly gathering of image makers on a subject of mutual interest, our feline friends. The Sunday Cat! has appeared each Sunday, except for a brief interruption in September, 2016, since Anton AK started the thread at DPReview on 23 September 2007. Successive thread managers have been John King, Warriormouse, Robert J, Coldamus, Robert J again (with an assist by StanTsui) and since September 2016, former lurker, me. When DPReview was threatened with closure in March 2023, the last regular Sunday Cat! there was hosted on 2 April 2023. After taking a leap of faith, the Sunday Cat! found refuge here on 9 April 2023.

    Yogic Postured Kitty of the Week!


    Niusia, in a blissful demonstration of what we admire in cats. :D

    ~~Image by @Tasad3

    As said by Warriormouse, "Photos can be more than just art, they can be memories, so come share your pictures and stories of your feline companions with us."

    “Official” posting time is every Sunday at 0000 UTC. Because this is Saturday afternoon for me, posting time may vary to accommodate my schedule. I'll try to post a message if I know I will be very late. Anyone anxious to start the new week is free to do so. But if you do, please PM me so I don’t accidentally double post.

    Come one, come all! Remember, all cats, all cameras welcome. Digital cats or silver halide cats, cats of metal, or cats of the wilderness. Big cats, small cats, kittens and their toys. Cats of pen and ink, cats of brush and canvas, from any time, any place. Let the Sunday Cat! be a refuge to enjoy and marvel at the magic of cats, where positive comments abound and constructive criticism is given if requested.

    The Sunday Cat! is now open for mischief. :D

    Last week's purrs, #887 / DPRv #80

    Thread Manager's Corner:
    This past week got the better of me. My work week started in chaos and descended into madness on multiple days. And in the last few hours a new incident has cropped up that might make the past week look like the calm before the storm! So I never got back before today. Thanks to all who contributed images and dialog this past week! Hoping for better in the week ahead but it's not looking too good right now...

    ~~~ Kim

    Though small in size, the imprint they make on our lives is huge.

  • Members 1931 posts
    Oct. 20, 2024, 4:13 p.m.

    After a good Sunday lunch, it is time to take nap on the sofa




    JPG, 569.1 KB, uploaded by NCV on Oct. 20, 2024.


    JPG, 528.8 KB, uploaded by NCV on Oct. 20, 2024.

  • Members 21 posts
    Oct. 22, 2024, 8:54 p.m.

    Miki - 8th year on the bed
    Ever since I brought her into the bedroom 8 years ago, Miki has particularly lived on my bed and has refused to leave the bedroom.

  • Members 37 posts
    Oct. 22, 2024, 10:29 p.m.

    Nice...but I prefer cats' natural look - not AI generated.

  • Members 89 posts
    Oct. 23, 2024, 1:16 a.m.

    It's funny the things they find important. I feel bad because my current kitty is housebound. And here's Miki who's not only restricted to a single room, but it's of her own choice! Go figure.

    She is as gorgeous as ever. How are the rest of your clowder doing?

  • Members 615 posts
    Oct. 23, 2024, 7 a.m.

    I like that questioning look in the first one. "You want to take a picture of ME?" :) And then in the second as he makes clear whose sofa it really is.

    My kitty Palmer used to like to sleep on the back cushions of the sofa. The cushions of it however are stuffed with feathers, so they tended to adapt to his contour as he slept. ;)



    JPG, 811.4 KB, uploaded by rodriguezPhoto on Oct. 23, 2024.

  • Members 615 posts
    Oct. 23, 2024, 7:09 a.m.

    It's good to see Miki again. A beautiful kitty but always with such a serious look about her. I suppose it could be the case that her life was so awful before her rescue that she only wants to be where she feels completely safe. She decided that the bedroom is that place. And fortunately, you can give that to her.

  • Members 21 posts
    Oct. 23, 2024, 7:53 a.m.

    Miki did have an awful start in life. She was kept in a small cage outside the home of her previous owner and was crying to be let out so much that the authorities had confiscated her from her ex-owner for negligence and abuse and had her rehome to me eventually. She has very judgy eyes which seem to convey the look of distrust when she look at someone and it took her several years before she started to feel that she could trust me to really love her and looked at me with affection in her eyes. That’s probably why she always looks so serious in her photos.


    JPG, 349.7 KB, uploaded by pschia on Oct. 23, 2024.

  • Members 63 posts
    Oct. 26, 2024, 4:36 p.m.

    IMG_4178.jpeglucas appears after a few weeks ......always wants to give a loving rubs
    IMG_4180.jpeg......loving lucas.....


    JPG, 4.5 MB, uploaded by palin0 on Oct. 26, 2024.


    JPG, 3.5 MB, uploaded by palin0 on Oct. 26, 2024.

  • Members 615 posts
    Oct. 26, 2024, 7:10 p.m.

    I'm glad to see Lucas again, and it's good to know that he appreciates the love he has received and gives it back in return. :)

  • Members 615 posts
    Oct. 26, 2024, 7:18 p.m.

    Miki was fortunate to have found a home that could accommodate her needs. As with Lucas, although under completely different circumstances, love that has been given eventually can be returned.

  • Members 615 posts
    Oct. 26, 2024, 11:15 p.m.

    The next Sunday Cat! will be late today. Stay tuned! :)