• Members 647 posts
    Feb. 16, 2025, 3:15 a.m.

    Welcome all to the Sunday Cat!, a weekly gathering of image makers on a subject of mutual interest, our feline friends. The Sunday Cat! has appeared each Sunday, except for a brief interruption in September, 2016, since Anton AK started the thread at DPReview on 23 September 2007. Successive thread managers have been John King, Warriormouse, Robert J, Coldamus, Robert J again (with an assist by StanTsui) and since September 2016, former lurker, me. When DPReview was threatened with closure in March 2023, the last regular Sunday Cat! there was hosted on 2 April 2023. After taking a leap of faith, the Sunday Cat! found refuge here on 9 April 2023.

    Interested Kitty of the Week!


    Micio, observant of the world above as much as the world below. :)

    ~~Image by @NCV

    As said by Warriormouse, "Photos can be more than just art, they can be memories, so come share your pictures and stories of your feline companions with us."

    “Official” posting time is every Sunday at 0000 UTC. Because this is Saturday afternoon for me, posting time may vary to accommodate my schedule. I'll try to post a message if I know I will be very late. Anyone anxious to start the new week is free to do so. But if you do, please PM me so I don’t accidentally double post.

    Come one, come all! Remember, all cats, all cameras welcome. Digital cats or silver halide cats, cats of metal, or cats of the wilderness. Big cats, small cats, kittens and their toys. Cats of pen and ink, cats of brush and canvas, from any time, any place. Let the Sunday Cat! be a refuge to enjoy and marvel at the magic of cats, where positive comments abound and constructive criticism is given if requested.

    The Sunday Cat! is now open for mischief. :D

    Last week's purrs, #904 / DPRv #97

    Thread Manager's Corner:
    Last week we saw some strong reactions by kitties to their environment, other kitties, or cameras intruding into their line of sight! But there was also one kitty quietly hiding in plain sight. ;) Meantime for Mr. Me, he had a big setback with his eye problem this week, but things already seem to be turning around after a few days of additional meds. He will be taking another trip to visit his eye doctor this Tuesday. He's hoping to be liberated from the collar he's had to wear last several days. Wish him luck!

    ~~~ Kim

    Though small in size, the imprint they make on our lives is huge.

  • Members 2004 posts
    Feb. 17, 2025, 6:58 p.m.

    Hey I'm Eating

    A less than sharp picture of micio having supper. He makes it clear when he wants some food put in his bowl.



    JPG, 929.4 KB, uploaded by NCV on Feb. 17, 2025.

  • Members 37 posts
    Feb. 19, 2025, 7:35 p.m.

    Niusia as a kitchen helper...



    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by Tasad3 on Feb. 19, 2025.

  • Members 2004 posts
    Feb. 19, 2025, 8:06 p.m.

    Our's has already figured out how to open the fridge.

  • Members 91 posts
    Feb. 20, 2025, 12:28 a.m.

    "How nice of you to buy all those expensive attachments so that I could have a lovely box to sit in!"

  • Members 37 posts
    Feb. 20, 2025, 3:17 p.m.


  • Members 37 posts
    Feb. 20, 2025, 3:20 p.m.

    ...and freshly ground turkey breast meat to eat.

  • Members 79 posts
    Feb. 20, 2025, 11:07 p.m.

    Bandito at Rest.

    20 February 993.jpg

    20 February 993.jpg

    JPG, 6.3 MB, uploaded by Craig on Feb. 20, 2025.

  • Members 647 posts
    Feb. 21, 2025, 8:14 p.m.

    Yes, even the wicked need their rest!

    By the way have you seen the new OM lens roadmap? They have finally partially disclosed the ambiguous 50 to 200 or so lens. Looks like the 100-450's little brother. :) It will be a temptation for sure, and if it is a 2.8 lens, I will probably be on board for it. Good thing it isn't going to come out until late this year. Mr. Me's medical bills are precluding any new gear for now.

  • Members 647 posts
    Feb. 21, 2025, 8:23 p.m.

    For whatever reason kitties and boxes are inseparable. There have been experiments done with tape on a floor in a box outline and cats will sit within it. Mr. Me simply won't adopt any kind of regular cat bed unless it is inside a cardboard box. I did my own small experiment one time with some packing paper forming a rectangular outline. Mr. P participated.




    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by rodriguezPhoto on Feb. 21, 2025.

  • Members 647 posts
    Feb. 21, 2025, 8:26 p.m.

    But of course! What are these human servants good for unless they are making sure that all dishes are kept properly stocked! Mr. Me will come to me while I am working to remind me of my failures. His tummy clock is very accurate. ;)

  • Members 647 posts
    Feb. 21, 2025, 8:29 p.m.

    I know right now the next edition of the Sunday Cat! will be late. I hope to get it posted in the evening my time (am UTC) but it could be as late as the next morning or afternoon UTC.

  • Members 79 posts
    Feb. 22, 2025, 8:42 a.m.

    This bandito looks like he is putting on some weight. Clearly, a lifestyle change is in order for this guy and his merry band of felonious, feral felines.

    As for the new lens, I am not sure where it will fit into kit, but that has never stopped me in the past. I have the 12-100mm, so my preferred kit is only missing the 100mm to 150mm length. A 2.8 at a reasonable price would be welcome by many, particularly if it works well with the teleconverters--$$$$$. I am not sure what value a f/4.0 would bring to the table except size, weight and price advantages. If it is small and light, I might use for times when the 150-400mm is too much to carry around. If it's the size of a 70-200mm lens, it will fit into a regular camera bag. Hopefully, they can keep the weight down (as opposed to the bandito).

  • Members 2004 posts
    Feb. 22, 2025, 11:48 a.m.

    Yes they love them. our Maine Coon, loves to get into any box that is left laying around, even if he hardly fits in.

  • Members 471 posts
    Feb. 22, 2025, 1:50 p.m.


    Hey, when you get one of those Round Tuits, that's fine by me. And, I will expect also fine with the rest of this crowd. I'll wait on my first post of a not-new cat from my new camera until then. ;)

  • Members 471 posts
    Feb. 22, 2025, 1:54 p.m.


    Hmm. Boxes. Yes. Always good value!







    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by StanDisbrow on Feb. 22, 2025.


    JPG, 955.2 KB, uploaded by StanDisbrow on Feb. 22, 2025.

  • Members 471 posts
    Feb. 23, 2025, 4:36 p.m.


    I found another Cat In The Box shot. This time from a real camera. ;)


    Miss Doris. I wanted Jack, because, well, you know.... ;) Maybe later.....

    Notice all the toys on the living room floor. And the bits of chewed box to boot!



    JPG, 13.4 MB, uploaded by StanDisbrow on Feb. 23, 2025.

  • Members 647 posts
    Feb. 23, 2025, 9:53 p.m.

    She looks very proud of the mess around her. ;) Yes, a real camera improves the clarity. Mr. Me like to chew the flaps of the box as well. I have to admit that I don't get it, but because he chews the top corner of the vertical flaps, he does make it clear which side is up!

  • Members 2004 posts
    Feb. 23, 2025, 10:06 p.m.

    I found this old shot of Susu, who decided a hotel safe, was a good place to take a nap.

    Susu, passed away a few years ago. He travelled all over Europe with us.



    JPG, 4.2 MB, uploaded by NCV on Feb. 23, 2025.