If Mako had been moderating this thread, how many people would have been sandboxed?

  • 28 votes.
  • Started by bobn2 on May 2, 2023.
6 votes, 22% of total.
  • 6 votes, 22% of total.
0 votes, 0% of total.
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3 votes, 11% of total.
  • 3 votes, 11% of total.
1 vote, 4% of total.
  • 1 vote, 4% of total.
20 or more.
18 votes, 65% of total.
  • 18 votes, 65% of total.
  • Members 680 posts
    April 29, 2023, 1:11 a.m.

    He should never be a moderator here. Just. Never.

    If he posts as a member, he will have to take his chances being put in with the "General Population," so to speak. Let's see how he deals with that.

    But if he becomes a moderator that will literally be an insult to those whom he abused. And that he did. Make no mistake, no matter how he has tried to spin it.

    If he was "helpful" to Bob in getting this site underway in any manner, the contribution of all who have registered here in establishing this forum is many, many magnitudes greater.


  • Members 284 posts
    April 29, 2023, 1:20 a.m.

    He would never register under his DP nickname for sure, and will navigate here undercover. Obviously Bob will never tell who he is.

  • April 29, 2023, 1:49 a.m.

    It's being worked on by the Misago project (the forum software DPRev is based upon).

  • Members 3675 posts
    April 29, 2023, 2:19 a.m.

    I am happy to hear that he is helping you and your team in an advisory role to setup the overall governance for these forums. It sounds like he is a big help to you and that is a good thing.

    But it also tells me that he has two distinct and very different sides to his personality because a very different story is told about several dpreview moderators, including Mako2011, in the DPR moderators still at it thread.

    Of course, in that thread we are hearing only 1 side of the story and I am sure there are some embellishments, exaggerations and even fiction in some of the posts from members but the shear volume of complaints from members suggests to me that even if 50% of the content in the complaints is true it paints a very poor reflection of the overall performance of dpreview moderators.

    Also, the fact that afaik only 1 or 2 of the dpreview moderators have actually defended their moderation at dpreview here on dprevived tells me that dpreview moderators registered here under different names, as they are entitled to do, feel that most of the accusations against them are accurate.

    Personally I have no issue with ex-dpreview moderators joining here as ordinary members because then we are on a level playing level field with them and they are unable to abuse moderator 'super powers' to deal with members they don't like as many clearly did at dpreview.

  • Members 2294 posts
    April 29, 2023, 2:27 a.m.

    Hi LeeJay Im glad you kept your original name like most of us after we were banned and had to change names, i can remember we used to have some good discussions, evf vers optical, but all in the past now that was a long time ago , you were using canon 7d2 if my memories serve me well.

  • Members 878 posts
    April 29, 2023, 2:28 a.m.

    Bob, if Mako gets to moderate here, do us a favor, let us know. I will be out the same day. I know, you will not miss me…

    He is nice to you because you are powerful here. He is a miserable human being. Feel free to ban me for saying that.

  • Members 3675 posts
    April 29, 2023, 2:38 a.m.

    I think that is a bit harsh even though I also prefer he is not given any moderator/facilitator roles here.

    From what I have read in other forums here on dprevived the 'forum police' here will have less powers than the moderators at dpreview have. Their role will be more as facilitators and so are very unlikely to have the power to issue permabans without getting approval from Admin or whoever will be overseeing the facilitators.

    I also feel that members here will have access to a much better 'appeal process' to appeal any facilitator action taken against them.

    I'm sure facilitators here will not be allowed to effectively run amok here and as some dpreview moderators did over there.

  • Members 284 posts
    April 29, 2023, 3:40 a.m.

    You are 100% right. Part of the awful reputation of DPR forums as a pretty toxic space is thanks to that mako guy, but we totally get that these are Bob's rules and he can do whatever sees fit. We just thought we were free from that reign of terror.

  • Members 273 posts
    April 29, 2023, 3:45 a.m.

    I never rejoined DPReview, and I still shoot with my 7D2 since nothing else is available on the market. Actually, the combination of the DPReview ban, Adobe's switch to the rental model and Canon's decision the stop making dSLRs, plus a couple of personal issues, I mostly quit the hobby for the last two years.

  • Members 621 posts
    April 29, 2023, 4:20 a.m.

    Bob, if Mako gets to moderate here, do us a favor, let us know. I will be out the same day. I know, you will not miss me…

    He is nice to you because you are powerful here. He is a miserable human being. Feel free to ban me for saying that.

    Agreed. If he is here, I am gone. He banned enough people that any advice he gives to Bob is rubbish. It’s him, or the forum. Choose wisely. ]

  • Members 3675 posts
    April 29, 2023, 4:26 a.m.

    fixed the quotes in your post 🙂

  • Members 1031 posts
    April 29, 2023, 7:39 a.m.

    Well maybe in some but not all. I was only there last few months and there wasn't even a need for a mod to make a comment in the forums I visited.

    And all you ppl talking about "if such and such is a mod here", you haven't even bothered to find out the way this site is being setup. I would suggest you grow a bit of thick skin and leave your garbage behind. This is a new place with a new management structure. A few headbutters aside, everyone knows how to get along.

  • Members 3675 posts
    April 29, 2023, 7:57 a.m.

    Like you said, you weren't on dpreview for very long so you haven't bothered to find out what went on there historically. Practise what you preach before you lecture other people here about finding things out.

    At the moment these forums are moving along quite well overall, apart from when DonaldB and I lock horns 😉, without any significant moderation from Admin.

    Many members here justifiably would not want many of the ex-dpreview moderators to be given unfettered permaban powers here on dprevived to abuse like they did over there.

  • Members 164 posts
    April 29, 2023, 7:58 a.m.

    Completely agree. I’ve tried to move away from these moderator knocking threads because it should all be water under the bridge and left behind at the old place, BUT, that was on the assumption that the idea of appointing someone like Mako as moderator was also left at the old place. Bob now has me worried about that.

    I spent ten years on the DPR Fuji forums without a hint of trouble. A few weeks ago I strayed onto the mako-moderated open talk forum for a day and was slapped with a ban almost immediately, long enough to lock me out of what was supposed to be the last week of the site.

    My crime? Mentioning this place in an “announcement” thread which several other people had already replied to, because of course the rules on mentioning other forums during the end of days on DPR were both hugely strict and unknowable. The guy not only robbed me of my last days at DPR but also did all he could to suppress the rescue operation that was being mounted to get people out.

    The icing on the cake was sending me sanctimonious PMs about it that I couldn’t reply to due to the ban.

    Bob, mako is not your friend and he’s no friend to this forum. He can participate here all he wants (though I’d recommend a new name for his sake) but the moment he gets involved in running the place, is the moment this place is going to lose a lot of goodwill.

  • April 29, 2023, 8:12 a.m.

    Let's bring this topic to a close for now. Bob has explained why Mako behaved as he did. Whether you accept that or not is up to you. But it doesn't help the community to keep on about it any more. I think we got the message. 😂😁😊👌

    This is not DPReview. The management structure is different. The people writing the 'rules' (guidance) are different. Plus, we are a community. So, any documentation is put before you all for discussion. That will include the "facilitators guidance". If there is parts of that you don't like, tell us why and we will discuss it. We are not a 'for profit' company or a dictatorial board.

    We (the admin team) will be observing whether the guidance ia adhered to. If not, we will take action.

    And yes, it is unlikely (although not in place) that any facilitators will be allowed to ban users. But all of this is still under discussion.

    Does all that help?


  • April 29, 2023, 8:35 a.m.

    In parts of the various discussions I've had with the proprietor of that site he told me (because he is very certain that he knows it all) that the forum software was the most important thing. I said no, the most important thing is the people, which he scoffed to. Said we'd see in a year who was right.
    Anyhow, the SW software choice in the longterm gives us an advantage. That forum is based on the most popular commercial forum package. However, web forum softwares are no longer big business. The company behind it is no longer really actively developing at any pace, and being a closed commercial system, you get what you get. Hence the absolute rejection of providing threaded mode - no alternative using that software. Also, it's a single PHP system. The choice process here was inevitably hurried, and might not have led to the right conclusion, but was at least a process. We wanted something based on a coherent Web framework, not a standalone forum software - since the aspiration is to be a complete photography site with editorial content and more, not just a forum. It needed to be open source, so we could shape it to our needs and needed to be still under active development and maintenance. The precise UI and style was secondary, because the structural decisions would allow us to adapt as needed. I think it's been demonstrated that wasn't entirely wrong, because we've been able to make some changes to answer users' requests, and the Misago team has produced new software release that cover issues we've found as well. There's a question as to whether the SW base is efficient enough to handle the amount of activity that we are generating, but that would likely be the same with other packages. The framework we use is the same as that powering Instagram, so should be up to it, but there are issues about how the components are working together, but since we're in control of the SW we can deal with it.

  • April 29, 2023, 8:43 a.m.

    Neither thing is correct. I am developing rules - someone has to and I have strong views on them. But they will have to be discussed by the community, adapted as required and agreed by the Forum Team because we need them now and it takes time to get the structures of the Foundation running. When that happens partnership in the foundation will be open to forum members, and they get to select the Foundation directors that ultimately approve the rules.
    Frankly, I'm sick of web site supremos that think that the can do whatever they see fit.

  • April 29, 2023, 8:46 a.m.

    When it comes to people's behaviour there are no simple rules, just simplistic ones.