If Mako had been moderating this thread, how many people would have been sandboxed?

  • 28 votes.
  • Started by bobn2 on May 2, 2023.
6 votes, 22% of total.
  • 6 votes, 22% of total.
0 votes, 0% of total.
  • 0 votes, 0% of total.
3 votes, 11% of total.
  • 3 votes, 11% of total.
1 vote, 4% of total.
  • 1 vote, 4% of total.
20 or more.
18 votes, 65% of total.
  • 18 votes, 65% of total.
  • Members 1031 posts
    April 29, 2023, 8:50 a.m.

    I was replying to the generalized comment above. I have read this and other threads and am not denying anything mentioned, merely pointing out not all the forums had those issues.

    You are fully active around here and you know that is not going to happen.

  • Members 1527 posts
    April 29, 2023, 9:01 a.m.

    Actually, I think the forum software here is, and has, the potential to be much easier to use than other forums I looked at when DPR came/comes to an end. I like the way you can dive in at any lever to see what is happening in a particular area. I can see what is happening on the Nikon forums generally, or I can dive into lets say the lens section. Vey logical. Maybe WYSWG image insertion is the only thing that need sorting.

    I see we have got some top class technical brains on board the forum, and I guess there are others who have some expertise in other practical and ascetic areas. So getting an editorial part going should be doable, and I would say very important, when new users are needed, to replace the DPR refugees that make up I presume the totality of members right now. Forums seem to have quite a lot of member turnover.

  • Members 217 posts
    April 29, 2023, 9:17 a.m.

    "What I will say is that all Mako was doing was his utmost to operate the rules as he interpreted them..."

    • If I showed you some of the pms he made with me over the years' you would potentially change your viewpoint on that, believe me. I welcome the fruits of your labour here and the website is shaping up nicely day by day; but I think there is very little to be garnered from such a warped mind, even if you are saying you got some pearls of wisdom from him, I think you reconcile this. I think it is very obvious what went wrong at dpreview. Interestingly so, it tracks a path along what is going wrong in the world right now socially. We should make no excuses for his behaviour.

    This is my opinion and I expect it is also the opinion of many others here that had to deal with him. If course he is still welcome here, (but certainly not as a moderator, ever). I wonder what such types will do to fill their lifes' now it is void of inflicting daily abuse on people.

  • April 29, 2023, 11:16 a.m.

    Rules designed to apply to a specific individual are bad rules. The US constitution specifically outlaws Bills of Attainder for just that reason.I very stongly suspect that Mako would never wish to be a facilitator here, but were he to, he should be treated like any other person. We can't have out own version of attainder, saying you don't have the same rights as everyone else because you're Mako.

    I slightly resent the scare quotes around "helpful". Whatever you think of him, if you knew what I know, you'd understand just how much worse things would have been had he not stepped up to the mark when someone there had to. And it was difficult - we know that other mods there were getting defrocked and banned for trying to do the right thing when some of them (now mostly mods elsewhere) went amuck. Actually, we do owe him gratitude for that - which isn't in any way setting that gratitude in opposition to what we owe the people who have joined, contributed and volunteered to get this site running. Gratitude isn't rationed, you can give it one way without having to cut back elsewhere.

    Privacy is a basic right every member gets here.

    As I said, I've probably suffered more grief from Mako's moderation than anyone here. But he doesn't have two sides to his personality - how he moderated was totally in line with his appreciation of the rules he was given, and all the feedback he got from the admins led him to understand that he was doing it as they wished. Anyone taking on such a role, be it cop or mod, has to fairly apply the rules whether or not they agree with them. There are very few rules that are not in some way ambiguous, so what are the rules is always something of a personal interpretation, and that interpretation will reveal something about one's personality - but a well-run system will try to organises so far as possible the remove ambiguity and achieve consistency of interpretation. DPReview in that respect was far from a well-run operation. Mako kept on being asked to do more moderation, not something that he seeked as I understand it, which was pretty clear feedback to him that the way he was moderating was the way the system intended. When the whole new forum issue came up, and I approached him to see how it would be handled, I was surprised about how fair minded and reasonable he was. But as we discussed, I did begin to understand what was going on - and realise that often it isn't the cop that's the problem - it's the system that the cop is working for. There is an issue of whether you really want people who have been willing to work for what you think is a corrupt system to carry on doing the same job - but that's a case by case basis in our flawed reality.

    I'm not sure that I agree with that. Firstly, whatever DPReview forums reputation was, it didn't in the end amount to 'toxic', they were the most active and popular photo forums by far. And Mako was a small cog in the wheel as to what made the site difficult for people that wanted open and informed discussions on photography. That was mainly down to a very vocal faction that didn't want their beliefs challenged, regarded robust conversation itself as 'toxic'. Combined with owners that didn't value the forums, staff that found them an annoyance that led to policies which actively suppressed people with interesting points of view and something worthwhile, if controversial, to say. Mako's become the lightning rod here, but he's not the cause.

    Can't comply, I'm afraid. Moderators have a right to privacy as does everyone here. What I will say is I very much hope we'll never allow a moderator that moderates in the manner that Mako did on DPReview and will have systems in place that allow review of decisions and take any appropriate measures to ensure that bad practice doesn't carry on.

    I don't know him. But then, neither do you. You shouldn't make such a judgment about anyone based on their performance of one role like that.

    Logical non-sequitur, I'm afraid. Whatever he did doesn't mean anything about advice. In any case, I didn't say anything about giving me advice. What he has done is give me the benefit of a much deeper understanding of the way DPReview moderation worked, where and why it failed, and where my sometimes naive ideas would fail too. There's a mine of experience there, and only a fool throws useful information away - you just need to learn to process it.
    There's another issue - banning. That's one of the parts of DPReview policy that I think is completely wrong headed, I have to say from experience that Mako was much more circumspect about hitting the 'ban' button than other moderators. I'll give my thoughts on banning elsewhere - but my view is that except for some obvious exceptions it is counterproductive.

    Why? No-one could make a statement of principle that they wouldn't appoint 'someone like Mako'. The basis of appointing facilitators is whether they would be willing to apply the rules of the site, would do so evenly and fairly, would stick to the facilitators guidelines and would not themselves act in a manner contrary to the rules. If they do that then why shouldn't they facilitate?

    Yeah, but he was applying the rules as he interpreted them (if it was he the did the ban - and if he did, he wasn't given a lot of choice in the last days in some forum promotion cases - and actually took quite a lot of flack for direct admin imposed sanctions). And it is a question when the sole rule is 'be nice'. It's a very broad spectrum. I once got a warning from him on the 'not nice' rule for 'subtle implied sarcasm'. And he was right - I was implying something that was subtly sarcastic. The real issue is about whether that is 'nice' or not.

    Even more annoying when you're sandboxed. I'm not sure he'd ever worked out that you couldn't pm whilst on a sanction. Still, really down to a faulty system, and the whole idea of bans and control by punishment, of which more later.

    I certainly haven't had enough interaction to decide whether he's a friend or not - but it's not unlikely from what I do know, had I met in a social context, he could have been someone I'd have established a friendship with. As for a 'friend of the forum', in the colloquial context that is taken, yes he certainly is. Not in the way that some other moderators have done with respect to other forums, cravenly begging for what they see as their privileges to be maintained and in return using their DPReview powers to promote and advantage them, but by ensuring that this forum was fairly treated when there was nothing in it at all for him. Except maybe for there to be a photography forum in which he could feel at home, enjoy invigorating discussion, and be in a community in which he wouldn't be abused and mistreated, and I think that's what we all want, isn't it?

  • April 29, 2023, 11:18 a.m.

    I very much doubt it, because for each one you showed me, I could show you one of mine which would make your jaw drop. The thing is not to personalise this and mix up unrelated issues.

    You probably have had no communication with him apart from those pms. You're not in a position to understand what makes him tick.

  • April 29, 2023, 11:28 a.m.

    Coming, but needs editor work to a WYSIWYG editor, and remember how bad DPReviews was when they first put it in place.
    More broadly on your comment - it's interesting how the different UI has affected the way people use the forums. In some ways navigation is much more powerful than DPReview's (or the competition) which is to do with it being a much more modern SW. It's having the effect of overcoming the silo mentality which occurred in some DPReview forums. While it's easy to get to your favourite forum, people who wouldn't usually visit are seeing what's going on and chiming in. Something you wouldn't have seen on DPReview.

    There's a few technical issues, but I can help with giving editorial content a kick start - I have retained copyright over quite a few articles I've written over the last few years and can contribute them here to get things going. We have loads of other members who can produce a pretty fair article also. I do have this little thing that might be controversial - I'd be really sad if we duplicated a load of the nonsense common in other photo web sites. Then we need to get on the manufacturers lists as reputable news outlets. I think reviews are going to be the most difficult part. There's lots out there, and I don't think there's much point adding to them unless we can do something qualitatively better by a fair amount. In the end e need to match DPReview and hopefully do better. That's not hard in principle, but significantly harder in practice.

  • Members 1662 posts
    April 29, 2023, 11:58 a.m.

    Well said! I very much appreciate your ability to separate personal feelings from facts and view a person as more than a single role (and an undoubtedly quite flawed performance in it) they occupied. Most people (me included) wouldn‘t be able to do that with a very high likelihood. I also get why so much loud airing of grievances is allowed here (I personally dislike threads with titles like that where one person is singled out, but with all the hurt received there probably isn‘t any way around that) - it just seems necessary at the moment! 👍

  • Members 510 posts
    April 29, 2023, 1:05 p.m.

    If a facilitator facilitates me, does that mean that I have been facilitated.
    Can I question the actions of a facilitator in an open forum.

    Curious minds want to know, as, to the best of my knowledge, I’ve never been facilitated before, and I’m not really sure if I would like it.

  • April 29, 2023, 1:35 p.m.

    A facilitator is there to help. So, if you feel you have been helped, by all means tell the world. If you think it was wrong, it's up to you where you express your feelings, but personally I would put in a polite request to the admins to see what they thought rather than doing a "Facebook" and complaining to the whole world.

  • Members 273 posts
    April 29, 2023, 1:45 p.m.

    For me, being able to find my threads from any page, having that functionality work on mobile, having a dark mode that's actually dark and having the forum not flash a bright white page before turning dark are top requirements for me. That white flash is especially bad because it triggers ophthalmic migraines in me. How would you like to load a page and be met with flashing lightning bolts before your eyes that obstruct your vision and nausea for 20 minutes? Very annoying.

  • Members 1527 posts
    April 29, 2023, 2:19 p.m.

    I sympathise with you, I suffer from migraines too, but with other triggers. At the top of the forum, you can set the style to grey, which might suit you better

  • Members 878 posts
    April 29, 2023, 2:36 p.m.


  • Members 535 posts
    April 29, 2023, 2:37 p.m.

    You cannot ask for the better from the best Admin/Moderator > unless requiring and pushing hard to have most unfitting rules to be rewritten.

    Personally, I asked and received answers.
    That's what I expected. The unexpected? Even if I was a little rude he was perfectly kind and honest.
    I don't know him personally, but I have a "no preconception" ethical policy for everybody.

    On the last point, "honest broker" > Independently, I noticed it myself. At that time it was a very welcomed surprize!

    I think there will never be something "automatic" here as I discovered chatting with @bobn2, and @AlanSh... they are quite prone to deep thinking like I am.

    • Decisions are responsability. Responsibility is on your shoulder to wear, to make "a thing" correct, for the others to enjoy.
      Otherwise, they never would have shouldered the entire burden.

    Sorry, I tried to condense the quotes.

    a) I don't know personally all the named/quoted actors
    b) I had some contact with them.
    I had in my life to value situations and people with less than I have here today.

    My judgment... I trust completely @bobn2, and @AlanSh on any decision, because I know I can knock on the windows and get really good clarifications for what I didn't understood and what I saw strange.

    If, and I say "IF" they decide to accept a controversial person in a role...

    • I TRUST their decision, and I'm pretty sure they will tightly follow any situation developing.
      The same will be with the "Council" members.

    I personally don't like personal mention in public, it happened to me in the past.
    It was an unintended mistake by a guy who misunderstood some of my actions.

    Yes, when I was aware of it, we clarified and I got his excuse. He wrote the correction but couldn't amend the original post, and nobody care to return on a closed thread.
    Damage was done.
    And I still get referred in real life on that episode the wrong way ... you can go hoarse explaining.
    What everybody's brains retain: it was what was written in an opening post 25 years ago 😂

  • April 29, 2023, 3:04 p.m.

    Yes, it's a nice feature. Here things are context dependent, which is good and bad, and 'my threads' means 'threads I started'. But 'subscribed threads' means 'threads I've posted in' as well as ones that have consciously been subscribed to. But the tagging is lazily done, and this is a big, big site for that, so sometimes it takes time to catch up. In some ways it's like the transition to mirrorless, not better or worse, but different. Some strategies don't work as well, so you find the ones that do. The dark mode thing can be tuned. Now it works like DPReview dark mode does, but these is scope for going further.

  • Members 158 posts
    April 29, 2023, 3:27 p.m.

    The Dark mode and other modes are a great addition, but magenta nicknames and blue links on grey are almost unreadable. Also, editing is still black on white (at least on a phone).
    But overall I actually like this forum's interface more than DPR.

  • Members 360 posts
    April 29, 2023, 3:28 p.m.

    Well, it seems to me that "ad absurdum" statement needs to be made, to make you fully understand bob.

    Following orders is not an excuse.
    Work camp guards are not excused because they did all actions based on their orders, are they?

    In case of forum moderation, you can always step down and leave. If you don't, then one has a good reason for their opinions and judgement.

    Look how these people also do not hesitate to cancel you where possible, which I cannot classify other way than pure evil and damage.

    That being said, He is accepted as an user, because we do not cancel people here indeed. Everybody has a word, even these who I might hate. It is most important for functioning society.

    But the day he is "mod" here, count me with the other dudes leaving. That's not a threat to the forum (I never believed into threatening and putting such things on weights), that's a support decision for (or rather against) him.

    I also refuse this as targeting a specific person.
    It is targeting any very evil and harmful entity, and he just falls into that category. There is a big difference in that.

  • Members 284 posts
    April 29, 2023, 3:30 p.m.

    Well, some of us were at DPR since its beginning, (15+ years) not “a few months”, so maybe you should keep your suggestions and your garbage for yourself.

  • Members 300 posts
    April 29, 2023, 3:31 p.m.

    Have you tried to choose the style? I like the gray style quite a lot.

    But liked it more if the backround was a bit lighter than lightgray now and if text panels were not red as they now are (rgb(255, 245, 245). I'd prefer something neutral like rgb(247, 247, 247).