• Members 740 posts
    April 12, 2023, 7:59 a.m.

    Hello all,

    We are shaking off the fact that this long-running weekly C&C exercize has originated on the Olympus SLR Talk forum of DP Review.
    The thread was started there, just because some of the original posters used Olympus equipment.
    But the thread has ALWAYS been non-brand specific and welcoming to any gear (in recent years: smartphones included).

    Our move to DP Revived is a good occasion to cut the umbilical with the previous forum location.
    We embrace the fact that on this site, a forum dedicated to C&C has been created.
    This is a decision that we strongly support, while trying to maintain our format of a weekly gathering.

    So please head there, and join us :

    To be clear : we prefer to get NO images anymore posted to THIS thread, but only to the other one.

    Let's get cracking!