Not had a lot of time for photography lately. I have lots of catching up to do with my work, after all my backwards and forwards to the UK. I have done a bit of architectural photography, more for relaxation and a change of scene, rather than any artistic drive. Here are some shots of some spontaneous architecture in the Apennines above Reggio, one of my favourite subjects.
First off Castellaro, a massive tower house, that seems not to be lived in now.

This Tower house in Pineto is in a sad state, as is much of this little hamlet.
I am seriously thinking to get a small house in Tuscany and live there after retired, I am not so sure how practical it will be but I love the country

Santo Stefano, a couple of houses, a church and a cemetery.

Legoreccio. The long window on the fist floor was once the front door, reached by a ladder. You can see a couple of small slit windows, to enable the owners to shoot at unwanted visitors.