• Members 828 posts
    May 13, 2023, 7:26 a.m.

    This Week Through Your Eyes 2023.xx.xx
    Good morning to everyone wherever you are in the world...

    • This long-running thread originated on DPReview has grown into an all-inclusive community in which all brands of camera are welcome.
    • Leave your guns and knives at the door. Keep it polite.
    • A new week kicks off Saturday morning (UK time).
    • It gets a bit tangled in here, please edit your replies so as to include the image you are discussing.
    • Don’t just post and run, try to comment on other peoples’ work. We all like feedback.

  • Members 828 posts
    May 13, 2023, 7:27 a.m.

    London Fog.jpg

    Westminster Bridge, a while back.

    London Fog.jpg

    JPG, 283.0 KB, uploaded by Wormsmeat on May 13, 2023.

  • Members 1514 posts
    May 13, 2023, 8:16 a.m.

    I was in Pistoia for work this week. As usual I got some sightseeing and some good food in as well. I wanted to add a location to my Romanesque project.

    San Bartolomeo in Pantano took the form we see today in the second part of the Twelfth century. The striped lower façade is in the Pisan style, with an interesting lintel over the door depicting the Apostles. The inside takes the form of a typical basilica with three naves.

    The most interesting part of this church is the pulpit. This pulpit has been dismantled and rebuilt a couple of times in different positions. The circular patterned panels come from elsewhere. It was built by a Lombard craftsman. The lion with his thick main and breasts left me perplexed though.

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    JPG, 778.7 KB, uploaded by NCV on May 13, 2023.

  • Members 820 posts
    May 13, 2023, 9:30 a.m.

    Blue hour

    I was lucky that I managed to find a space to park my car :)








    JPG, 2.6 MB, uploaded by Daneland on May 13, 2023.


    JPG, 3.4 MB, uploaded by Daneland on May 13, 2023.


    JPG, 2.5 MB, uploaded by Daneland on May 13, 2023.


    JPG, 3.1 MB, uploaded by Daneland on May 13, 2023.


    JPG, 3.0 MB, uploaded by Daneland on May 13, 2023.


    JPG, 3.3 MB, uploaded by Daneland on May 13, 2023.

  • Members 842 posts
    May 13, 2023, 9:35 a.m.

    Black & White film shots from last month
    I took these just over a month ago while on a walk along The River Traun river, here in Austria, with some friends.

    The Photo company I found in Vienna to develop and scan the shots was reasonably quick and good, but I had a load of other things to finish before I got round to posting these :-)

    Camera :Yashica 300AF
    Lenses: 50mm /F1.8 + AF 24mm /F2.8 + AF 35-70mm /F3.3-4.5 + AF 70-210mm /F4.5
    ...but which shots were made with which lenses is a bit of a guess :-)
    The exif showing under each photo is "just" the scanner.

    Starting at my brother-in-law's house
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    Then drove to Stadl Paura
    Walking past the church "Sanctuary to the Holy Trinity" on the way to the River Traun
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    Hand held inside
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    down by the river
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    A strange looking sculpture by the bridge
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    And for a change, one taken by my wife of your's truely
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    And finally, to use the film up, a few shots at the end of the day from our garden
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    ... Dinner's ready !
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    JPG, 2.9 MB, uploaded by Fireplace33 on May 13, 2023.

  • Members 842 posts
    May 13, 2023, 9:45 a.m.

    Great work as usual, I like those sculptures!

  • Members 842 posts
    May 13, 2023, 9:46 a.m.

    foggy indeed!

  • Members 842 posts
    May 13, 2023, 9:47 a.m.

    The whole set is good and very colourful. Definitely a good time of day for such shots !

  • Members 1514 posts
    May 13, 2023, 9:50 a.m.

    Blue hour

    I was lucky that I managed to find a space to park my car :)

    A different sort of set this week. I particularly like the shot with the staircase in this set. You have caught the vibe of modern glass and steel London very nicely.

    Did you use a tripod for these long exposures?

  • Members 1514 posts
    May 13, 2023, 9:55 a.m.

    A nice relaxed set of what looks like a nice day out.

    I see there is a big return to film photography. I gave up on film when I could not get chemicals or paper easily. I have still got an FM2 and a couple of battered F801 bodies. I do not know if I would return to film.

  • Members 820 posts
    May 13, 2023, 10:01 a.m.

    Mighty GM1 , loved the muted colours and composition.

  • Members 820 posts
    May 13, 2023, 10:12 a.m.
  • Members 291 posts
    May 13, 2023, 10:25 a.m.

    More Moors and Bluebell Season Begins

    A round up from the last couple of weeks moorland wanderingss. All images taken with the Nikon Z7+24-70 f/2.8S or Fujifilm X-H2 + 100-400. A CPL was used on all of the woodland pictures and some of the other Nikon shots (I still don't have adapters for the Fuji lenses). Processed from single raw files in Capture One Pro 22.

    Withnell Moor

    The first collection of images were taken on a fine evening wandering around Withnell Moor. My walk began in Brinscall and after a steep plod up Well Lane I arrived at my first location, Cocker's Folly. A Farm ruin perched high on the hill above Brinscall and one of the few that is actually visible from the village below

    Early Evening Colour at Cocker's Folly

    I was quite taken by the way this shapely tree and how it was softly lit in the early evening sun.


    The Ruins at Cocker's Folly

    The ruins here are little more than a pile of rocks, with the most notable features of the site being the cluster of well developed trees that have grown amongst them.


    Lonesome Tree in Bloom

    It was sunset by the time I reached the ruins of Botany Bay farm, deep in the heart of Withnell Moor. The lonely beech tree, which spends most of the year looking dead as a doorpost has now sprung into life, fielding a healthy covering of leaves and buds. The sunset itself was something of a non event, so I've taken a bit of artistic licence with the magenta tint in the sky.


    Heapey Moor

    The next walk, on another fine evening, began at White Coppice, where, after scrambling up through the quarry I crossed Black Brook and made my way over Grain Pole Hill and Hurst Hill. It was then a case of risking life and limb to cross the very boggy Anglezarke moor to arrive at Round Loaf for sunset, before finally returning via Heapey Moor.

    White Coppice

    Looking across White Coppice towards Chorley from the top of the quarry near the beginning of the walk.

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    Coppice Stile

    Looking towards Coppice Stile atop the opposing bank of Black Brook, as I made my way up the surprisingly steep and essentially pathless side of Grain Pole Hill.


    Round Loaf

    By the time I reached Round Loaf, the sun had done its usual disappearing act into the fog bank on the Irish Sea, sucking the colour out of the evening and scuppering any chance of a nice sunset in the process. This is the cairn on the summit of Round Loaf, with the many masts of Winter Hill in the background.


    The Guardians of Heapey Moor

    It was dark by the time I was making my way back across Heapey Moor to White Coppice, but as I approached my destination, my path was blocked with several spectral beings with glowing eyes. Fortunately, these turned out to be sheep rather than anything more sinister and they obligingly made space for me as I passed.


    Bluebell Season In Brinscall Woods

    Finally, this week, I took a teatime walk into Brinscall Woods for what seems like the first time in months. For one reason or another I typically miss the peak time for Bluebells, but I think I hit it just right this year and for once had nice conditions to enjoy the extra burst of colour they bring. The light was constantly changing between harsh, direct sunlight and soft diffuse light as the broken clouds rolled across the sky, high above the woods, but as I was set up on a tripod I was able to take multiple shots of each composition with differing intensities. All of these images were taken with the CPL adjusted to reduce reflection on the damp surface of the vegetation and effectively increase saturation. When I got these images back into Capture I ditched most of the direct sunlight ones as the highlights were way too harsh and the contrast too high, so most of these were taken in diffuse light. I've avoided the urge to boost the colours of the bluebells using a selective colour filter in C1P, so apart from minor tweaks to contrast, exposure and colour balance these are mostly as the camera rendered them.


    Fallen trees slowly disappearing into the bluebells.

    A Jolly Threesome

    These three trees appear to be having a whale of a time.


    The Bluebell Path

    This is one of the few images that benefitted from more direct sunlight. I liked the way the path weaved around the tree in the foreground, although the locations I could take the shot from were limited by a) a scrubby looking tree to the right of where I was stood and b) not trampling the bluebells.


    Fairy House

    If tiny woodland folk were a thing, this is definitely the kind of place I'd expect to find them hanging out.



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    JPG, 1.7 MB, uploaded by SteveMonks on May 13, 2023.


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    JPG, 1.6 MB, uploaded by SteveMonks on May 13, 2023.

  • Members 1514 posts
    May 13, 2023, 10:51 a.m.

    You are right. This Tuscan architecture has an Arabic influence from North Africa.

  • Members 1514 posts
    May 13, 2023, 10:56 a.m.

    There is some lovely light in the moorland shots. I like the lonesome tree shot very much.

  • Members 1514 posts
    May 13, 2023, 10:57 a.m.

    These is a sad sort of atmosphere to this shot.

  • Members 820 posts
    May 13, 2023, 11:12 a.m.

    Yes I did, the first one is actually a high res shot with 1sec exposures.

  • Members 1027 posts
    May 13, 2023, 12:08 p.m.

    I really like those tones. I am finding some nice ones myself here in lower light. Altogether a nice set. Your weather there can be quite bleak sometimes / often...