Vigolo Marchese and Castell'Arquato
Some more architecture from my Romanesque project. These two places, near Piacenza are about five kilometres apart. They have been on my list for some time. I had two very different shooting experiences.
Vigolo Marchese is a sleepy little village, with this important Romanesque monument. As well as the church, there is a circular baptistry. This was once a monastery and traces of the monastic buildings can be seen in what is now a run down farmyard. The baptistry may have been built as a church for the local populace, whilst the church was reserved for the monks. Nobody knows for certain. I had the place to myself to photograph.
The Navigator in my car took me down a unsurfaced track to Castell' Arquato. The experience here is a different story. The pieve is in the middle of a spectacular medieval town with walls a castles and lots of visitors. Getting people free shots was pretty challenging, although I noticed that HDR in Capture 1 did a good job in "disappearing" a person in one HDR set.
Mostly shot on a tripod with a D850 + 24TS - Z7 with 24-200 for the details.
Vigolo Marchese

Recycled Roman column capital

For a full immersion baptism.

A much later Column capital addition