Here's a few shots from our second trip last weekend.
The plan was to get the hiking bus up to near a mountain hut then just hike down.
Little did we know that the hiking buses had already stopped running this season.
...So we had to walk up and down ;-)
Still close to the village. The light and shadows opposite looked nice here. I might remove those electrical cables later.
... doesn't take long to get on the trail
About half way up there's a fenced of resovoir that feeds, apart from other things, the snow cannons below
...and there are some big fish down there. Of course fishing is forbidden :-)
Closer to our goal now, this shot seemed to work better in B&W with the contrast turned up
one of the same tree in colour
and finally a view of the mountain hut that we had as our goal. It was also closed, but we knew that ;-)