I see a slight Aurora. I had to search for the cows.
Did you hand hold these, or have some sort of support?
Footbridges vibrate nicely. It is quite easy just moving your body up and down to set them in motion as your movements quickly align with the natural frequency of the bridge and resonance sets in.
I would have to ask my wife to translate the latin, but she claims to have forgotten it. Her aunt was able to translate all the epigraphs on the stones in a Roman monument we visited once, which was pretty cool.
Interesting, not anyone I'm familiar with, although I do recognise some of the locations in that brochure, particularly this one that they've used in their banner image right at the top of the page (it overlooks the valley in Duxbury Park for anyone wanting to photograph Chorley's woods on the cheap).
I'm surprised people will pay over £2K for four days in Chorley though, but hey, if people will pay it, then why not.