• Dec. 21, 2023, 4:29 p.m.

    Hi all,

    An update on our short term and long term plans.

    The aim is to support the specialist needs of photographers in a way that no existing site does.

    Short term plans - we are expecting to do one more update to the existing forum environment. This will bring the backend database and some front end facilities more up to date. It will give us notifications and enable threaded view within a thread (it sounds odd, but will work well).

    After that, things will go quiet for a while. We have some very new and exciting things to develop, but it will take time. We have ideas and plans for an integrated gallery system, updates to image processing/viewing and articles and incorporating the landing site within the main system (and not separate like it is now). So, bear with us on this and you won't be disappointed.

    In the background, I am also getting the shop ready. In the new year, you will be able to donate to help us and we are looking into a partnership system. With this, you will become a partner in The Photographer's Foundation Ltd, which essentially gives you the opportunity to attend and vote in the company's annual meeting, and thus directly influence its future, choose the directors and so on (all in the memorandum and articles). The Foundation itself exists for the benefit of its members. We say 'partner' so as not to confuse with forum membership. Partnership itself can't come with material benefits, otherwise it ceases to be a donation and becomes subject to tax. It should be possible to donate without partnership, but all donations above some threshold (to be decided) should bring partnership, if wanted. All this is voluntary, of course.

    So, that is what we have in store. In the mean time, keep posting away - your pictures are brilliant. As Bob said to me - "The Impact is in the Image" - and your images have impact.


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    Thread title has been changed from Update on sort and long term plans..

  • Foundation 1437 posts
    Jan. 7, 2024, 11:59 a.m.

    I think the problem that some of us have is in understanding the scaling of “short” and „long“ term. Two weeks and three days after the above was posted is for many of us a “long” time.

    What I personally do not see in the plans are proposals that will lead to more active members. We need to be beating the bushes.

    It is not encouraging to arrive and find that the last two postings were created 6 and 12 hours ago.

    I suggest that culling the dead threads and categories would make the site look more “lived in”. This can be done very quickly, and the remaining threads and categories would clarify what we are aiming to be interested in. (I would personally have no problem in erasing the contents of such dead threads.) Human visitors to the site would surely be more inspired to see a smaller number of threads with a lot of participation, rather than a lot of moribund threads. This may be considered by some as “rearranging the deck chairs”; but search engines give a higher rating to sites that change often. It is a cheap form of advertising that you are alive and kicking.

    How about a pinned „Suggestion Box“ thread?


  • Members 73 posts
    Jan. 7, 2024, 6:38 p.m.

    I think the problem that some of us have is in understanding the scaling of “short” and „long“ term. Two weeks and three days after the above was posted is for many of us a “long” time.

    What I personally do not see in the plans are proposals that will lead to more active members. We need to be beating the bushes.

    It is not encouraging to arrive and find that the last two postings were created 6 and 12 hours ago.

    I suggest that culling the dead threads and categories would make the site look more “lived in”. This can be done very quickly, and the remaining threads and categories would clarify what we are aiming to be interested in. (I would personally have no problem in erasing the contents of such dead threads.) Human visitors to the site would surely be more inspired to see a smaller number of threads with a lot of participation, rather than a lot of moribund threads. This may be considered by some as “rearranging the deck chairs”; but search engines give a higher rating to sites that change often. It is a cheap form of advertising that you are alive and kicking.

    Exactly-- the goal here is beyond vague and the update on plans really says nothing. Most of the members of any photo forum are already at a ripe old age and will probably reach their expiration date well before any of these long term goals see the light considering the snail's pace of this forum. Vague and slow is a recipe for failure. There is very little discussion over the posting of uninteresting photos. Many of the photo discussions at dpr begin over equipment and often grow into other subjects from there.I have made suggestions months ago to dump the gear categories here to do nothing more than clean up that abysmal mess of a home page which in a half year has not gotten better. I would guess that anyone visiting here does not stay for more than a few minutes. The "bad dpr moderator" posts seem to be what is happening here. Funny tho- how I have been personally attacked for criticizing this site by the very person criticizing this site in the post above me. The people with the vision at the start of this endeavor, through no fault of their own, are unable to see it through and that is very unfortunate.

  • Members 599 posts
    Jan. 7, 2024, 8:11 p.m.

    Terrible suggestion I'm afraid! Threads should never be culled whatsoever...

  • Members 599 posts
    Jan. 7, 2024, 8:15 p.m.

    YOU are part of the problem by not contributing. Your way of thinking causes the problems because you want it all laid out without contributing. Instead, you are still supporting a scab site!

  • Members 878 posts
    Jan. 7, 2024, 9:15 p.m.


  • Members 73 posts
    Jan. 7, 2024, 11:21 p.m.

    There is very little discussion over the posting of uninteresting photos. Many of the photo discussions at dpr begin over equipment and often grow into other subjects from there.I have made suggestions months ago to dump the gear categories here to do nothing more than clean up that abysmal mess of a home page which in a half year has not gotten better. I would guess that anyone visiting here does not stay for more than a few minutes. The "bad dpr moderator" posts seem to be what is happening here. Funny tho- how I have been personally attacked for criticizing this site by the very person criticizing this site in the post above me. The people with the vision at the start of this endeavor, through no fault of their own, are unable to see it through and that is very unfortunate.
    YOU are part of the problem by not contributing. Your way of thinking causes the problems because you want it all laid out without contributing. Instead, you are still supporting a scab site!

    I have probably visited this site at least once every day since it has begun-- as well as the new dpr. Nothing much has changed in the 7 months. The accusation that this place is boring because I don't post pics here is laughable. I enter challenges on dpr regularly . It is a professional feeling & looking site. It was decided early on here that creating a forum with anything that resembled the most popular photo site ever was the Devil. They instead decided to follow the social media pic sharing model while promising something different and wonderful. It's not happening and it's not because I don't post pics here. Pic sharing for the sake of sharing pics is not my cup of tea. Many of the manufacturer categories here could have added interesting discussion here if that abysmal home page touted as great by Allen wasn't such a confusing piece of garbage. Nothing changes. I have seen early on- certain members with expertise in creating professional pages were turned down so this site could keep that nightmare of a page instead. What brand of imbecile would suggest this forum is not flourishing because one member isn't playing instagram with him without looking at the real reasons people aren't flocking here? Often times the wrong people are in charge of making decisions. Vague long term goals and excruciatingly slow implementation of these unknowns is what you have. Not my fault .

  • Members 1662 posts
    Jan. 8, 2024, 12:24 p.m.

    I don't think that's what @Stig meant... of course it doesn't depend on any single person. But if a majority show a similar behavior than you, a small site like this is destined to fail. I know you offered some critizism - which is a highly valuable thing in general - but in the way it's presented and with additional information like this

    I would say it seems more like a case of disaster tourism and taking joy in the failure of others, than really wanting a site to succeed. I think that's what @Stig was getting at. Just standing by the sideline won't make this site better. Of course sharing a couple of shots alone won't either, but if you participate a little bit more - by sharing your experience/giving feedback, receiving in-depth feedback to your images or perhaps even starting a couple of threads with interesting ideas or questions you come up with, could indeed have a little bit of impact. Not saying that it's easy (I've honestly tried, and I consider my attempts pretty much a failure...) but each and everyone does indeed have value in a small community like this one.

    So if you ever happen to develop any real interest in experiencing what the best and most unique version of this site could be, I would suggest the same: Participate, try to help make it work, both by honest (and polite) suggestions/criticism, but also by a handful of contributions apart from that. I'm sure you and your photography could be a valuable addition.

    Yeah, I get that - and I think there's lots to be done here in that aspect. But accusing this site of "following the social media pic sharing model" is just wrong in my opinion. I have been to a real social media site with some focus on photography, and it's vastly more superficial and only focused on numbers and ultimately all about creating money or fame. I don't feel it's similar here. Could there be more in-depth discussion? For sure. But once again: Is anything preventing you or anyone else from starting it? I don't think so.

    On a more general note:

    I don't think it's a good idea to get rid of gear-specific forums altogether. I wouldn't care if they were merged into bigger categories (or even a single one) but as someone heavily into adapting and discussing unusual lenses and their history, I'm of the opinion that gear absolutely has its value as a starting point for interesting discussion.

    That's my two cents:

    Monetary growth
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

  • Members 73 posts
    Jan. 8, 2024, 8:51 p.m.

    Simple joy--- Look--I don't think you can find anything in my post that is untrue.If everyone here posted 50 pics a day , nothing here is changing. It is still a photo share site with no concrete plans to
    grow into something greater. Since Bobn has been sidelined there is no real reason to believe allen can take this forum anywhere in your lifetime. Read Allen's goal update -he says he will dink around with this for a bit and then it will go quiet for some time . QUIET for sometime? does that sound like this is going anywhere. I can't even get an answer when I asked where our images are saved here and how can we delete them if we wish. Access to your uploaded pics. This is simple stuff. No one knows. I'm 74 and been a photo hobbyist since I was a kid. I can't deal with this timetable. This just isn't happening with any sense of progress that anyone here should feel comfortable about. Unless after 9 months you are satisfied with "show me your pics and I'll show you mine".It is not evolving because there is no real plan and too many people here think posting more cat pics is going to do the trick.No one is getting on the "admins" to move their ass. If you do get on their case - you will invariably be met with "post more pics- that is the cure " pathetic! They don't have a clue about a real threaded view or a more sophisticated challenge. 9 months--no clue- I need to post more pics-that will get us these forum goodies- right? anyway -that is all I have to say until someone else posts something stupid on how to stop the bleeding out of members. BTW -simplejoy-- really like your pics- very refreshing and creative eye candy shots.nice

  • Removed user
    Jan. 8, 2024, 9:08 p.m.

    Haven't noticed much if any "bleeding out" in the last month or two. Membership almost static at around 3,930.

    Or were you referring to a particular category?

  • Jan. 8, 2024, 9:15 p.m.

    Bgreg - I do wish you'd take the time to get my name right. It's something I feel quite strongly about.

    Also, we are doing things in the background. Bob is around (we chatted today) and we know what we want to do. But it will take a while. We have to do a radical change to everything and it all has to happen at the same time. We are not rushing it just because you are 74. There's all sorts of things going on which you know nothing about - and I am not going to elaborate. Either trust us or don't. Your choice.

    And yes, we do 'have a clue' about threaded view. We know what the code will look like and we also know what else has to be put in place in order for it to happen (some of it has been done - some still to do).

    So, either be patient or feel free to wander off somewhere else. It's up to you.

    Alan [Note - one 'L' and an 'A'.]

  • Members 599 posts
    Jan. 8, 2024, 10:12 p.m.

    BeeGregory -Curmudgeon!

  • Jan. 8, 2024, 10:15 p.m.

    It's actually important to me. It's my identity. If you don't understand that, then your knowledge could be improved in certain areas.


  • Members 599 posts
    Jan. 8, 2024, 10:17 p.m.

    Your attempts have not been a failure at all. In fact, the very opposite.

  • Members 245 posts
    Jan. 8, 2024, 10:56 p.m.

    The original mistake is discourteous, as is your response when it’s pointed out to you.

    Another Alan

  • Members 1024 posts
    Jan. 9, 2024, 1:55 a.m.

    Have you seen the British TV series Grumpy Old Men? (Not the US Movies). If anything, it helps to qualify acceptable grumpiness - with humour along the way.

    I am now a grumpy old man. I enjoy it. But I have to always ask myself, am I just whinging, demanding?

    If this site isn't for you, move on. I am happy enough here for whatever reasons. If the site didn't offer me anything, I would move on, without ranting at the people who created the place or those that partake of it.
    Whether I like this site or not, it has been created for free by people with goodwill. And I think the creators deserve some (plenty of) respect for that.


  • Removed user
    Jan. 9, 2024, 2:38 a.m.

    Amazing. Do get your shift key fixed soon.