• Members 1244 posts
    April 15, 2023, 3:31 a.m.

    The tech stuff and the circumstances have been covered in detail. Then there's the image you caught. As duck shots go, it isn't great. Too many things partially blocking our view and let's face it, there are a lot of bird/duck photos we have all seen that catch dramatic moments and have that bird desirable bird feature, high feather detail. What you have here however is a visual that expands on your story. Because of the out of focus reeds, the viewer participates in your stalking and capture. I like those reeds because they suggest that they are closer to you than the duck. You are the one doing the hiding. Consider the change in interpretation if the reeds had been almost in focus.
    If chasing wildlife was easy, where would the achievement be?
    PS, I like blueheelers. The Australian outdoors dog. Seems an appropriate choice for your signature.

  • Members 54 posts
    April 15, 2023, 4:50 a.m.

    I just thought I would add, in case you're interested. I wasn't familiar with this species of duck so I looked it up. I suspect that duck is a female, and that there was probably a male somewhere close by. If so, this behavior could be her "come hither" look. Was it mating season perhaps?

  • Members 1244 posts
    April 15, 2023, 6:15 a.m.

    Before thinking about the photo, was this taken in Australia? The silhouettes of the trees look exactly like what we refer to as Australian lace. 4wds, driving on the left? If so, this isn't one of your usual locations Kumsal.
    I can't escape the Australian connections this image releases. The warm sunset clouds have to make you feel good. The strong horizontal lines, clouds and trees, suggest landscape. The vehicles are centre stage and cannot be ignored. Because there are a couple of them, it feels like a group activity. Coming towards us rather than receding- suggests returning.
    Q.E.D. A group of friends coming home after a great day in the Oz bush. That's a tired and satisfied sensation I have had many times.

  • Members 1244 posts
    April 15, 2023, 7:33 a.m.

    Thanks for the heads-up on colour space. I will pay attention to this in future.
    Re Boardwalk. Low angle sun bringing to the textures and the grain lines in the timber. It didn't interest me until I enlarged it as much as I could in the central area and looked at a smaller section. Your image is very sharp so it held up well to this treatment The closer up detail and especially the nails/wood were immediately more grabbing. I enjoyed examining the fine details like this whereas in the original the diagonal lines dominated without seeming to take me anywhere.

  • Members 132 posts
    April 15, 2023, 11:06 a.m.

    Port IJmuiden, Entrance from the North Sea.

    Dear people, On the one hand I am glad that this thread is being continued, but on the other hand I find the thread confusing. The repetitive photo of each participant makes me feel chaotic and less personal and too expansive. For example, this week I didn't find the starting point of this thread!
    I hope there is someone here who can add more lines to this, so that the thread feels a bit more personal like the thread was at Dpreview so and becomes a bit more compact. This is a thought with the happy knowledge that the thread will continue after Dpreview's discontinuation, for which thanks to everyone who contributed to its continued existence.
    Last week I had another medical operation (No.8), so I am still not fully present here.
    My greetings to everyone and see you soon and let me enjoy the many wonderful entries.


  • Members 532 posts
    April 15, 2023, 11:23 a.m.

    Hi Lou,

    The photo certainly succeeds at portraying the busy harbour entrance, with boats and ships travelling in all directions.

    Yes, the thread is not as easy to navigate as it was on DPReview, but the DPRevived team are working hard at improvements, and adding a threaded view is one of their top priorities. We were accustomed to it at DPReview, but it is not so common elsewhere. In any case the team are confident that they will be able to implement threaded view, but not so confident of when that will be, so in the meantime we make do as we can.

    Sorry to hear that you are still undergoing operations and hope that you recover soon enough that no more are necessary. In any case we look forward to you taking part when you can.

  • Members 1458 posts
    April 15, 2023, 12:02 p.m.

    I was interested in your conversation with Mike F about the lensbaby Spark you used here, as I have considered getting one to play with, and have held off wondering if it would end up in the back of the lens drawer for lack of use (I have made such purchases before). So I'll be interested to see what you will do with it.

    The image is more interesting than at first glance. The tiny plane in the distance is quite sharp, and reminds the viewer of the absolute magnitude of sky, and our privilege in this era of riding in it, something our great grandparents could not have imagined. We know how big such a plane is, and the scale is a reminder of the awe we ought to feel. The inherent blur produced by the lens makes the plane more clearly the subject.

    The saturation of the blues is overmuch for my taste, especially in the upper half of the frame. I don't know if this is a lens byproduct or an editing choice but I would have to tone it down some to bear it. But always, artistic choice..

    BTW, welcome to the Wednesday thread.

  • Members 1458 posts
    April 15, 2023, 12:11 p.m.

    We are all grieving the loss of the threaded view we had on old DPR, but we are trying to figure ways to adapt to this forum style. Now that DPR is gone, no photography forum uses that excellent formatting tool. The DPRev owners are trying very hard to find a way to incorporate it here. We hope they are successful, but will carry on the best we can in the meanwhile, and we will pass any discoveries about how to make it less chaotic to read/respond on to our participants.

    You have given us a classic Lou-Holland-Ships-At-Sea image, well caught and nicely composed with three ships of different types angles at odds with each other so that the eye moves naturally from one to the other left to right. The red flag is a nice piece of color contrast. Well caught.

  • Members 1024 posts
    April 15, 2023, 12:27 p.m.

    Thx heaps everyone. I appreciate the camaraderie and critique.

    Mike, there was a thread in News and Discussions or Photography Discussion forums about installing plugins for different browsers to view exif data. For example Exify is the one for Firefox. Once installed it is a simple right click on the photo / select the option. Eventually pics here will have an overlay similar to DPR. I know because I was supposed to be doing it but been too busy. I think someone else had something working briefly.

    f/2.8 is wide open for me and down to f/8. So I definitely had some scope to increase or reduce blur. I could have moved down the bank and stood up getting me closer to the reeds, perhaps by half (roughly 3 metres down to 1 or 2).

    I use P mode with ISO set (easy enough change if I wish). Then I may adjust aperture to get a depth of field or if need be, a fast enough ss. On my camera recommendations are not to go over ISO 400 (noise starts to be an issue). Those shots were at ISO 400 and I probably could / should have reduced it because ss was around 1/2000. I am just beginning to get into pp - that is a much bigger learning curve...

    You are correct. The male has a distinct white eye. I was referring to a "him" but I got it wrong... I just looked up their mating season - Sep to Dec. The predominant bird here is what we call a wood duck - nothing special. But I have noticed there are a few other species.

    Thx minniev, I was on the DPR Panasonic Compact Talk forum last few months. It hasn't quite taken off here yet but may do. So I am glad to find these open threads.

    I took maybe 30 shots of that duck. I included the first one because it was the sharpest and the light on his black bill showed that nice grey sheen. There were a few others where he was full view between the reads but just a tad less sharp. The second one was clearly less sharp but I included that one because it was interesting to see him flex his wings. I wasn't a bird / wildlife follower although I love nature. But now I have a camera I want to catch them all - because I see so many fantastic shots here and on DPR. There are a few shots somewhere here by a member named nzmacro. He got a swallow flying really close to the water bending his head backwards looking at a small fish he just missed. Great shots by themselves but to top it off the reflection in the water was excellent too. [edit] This Week Through Your Eyes 2023.04.01

    Hi Mike, as someone else said, it's not going to get a cover on National Geographic... and I know that. As you say, the reads were far closer to me than they were to the duck. If ever I get the chance again, I will certainly try to get a better depth of field. I took some shots of a black swan a few weeks ago way across the dam - just way too far away for my 600mm zoom and therefore very poor detail. He disappeared for a few days but was back there today when I took the dogs for a walk. I know swans are done and dusted but just for me I would love to catch him close.
    I got my camera to take some decent pics (phone doesn't cut it) of the Australian Cattle Dogs here at a breeder's place, after I fell in love with their nature. My sig pic is of one I have since taken on as my own. I have a few interesting pics (to me at least) of some of the dogs so will post a few.

  • Members 861 posts
    April 15, 2023, 4:10 p.m.

    To be transparent, I'm working with the original 5.6 only, and it's attached to a Viltrox, on a Lumix G9. For how little I paid for it, and the frustratingly difficult process it can be, I am absolutely shocked at how it reminds me of the Mitakon Zhongyi Speedmaster 50mm III at f/0.95. Lens is super limited, hard to use, but holy crap, when it hits, the look is such a unique magic look. I need to work on the photo, and I'm biased cause it's my wife, but this photo of her I took with this lens is my new favorite photo ever. There's one on ebay right now for like $50 - I would be happy at this price, but one little thing I've noticed. I've used this lens on two cameras now, the Lumix G9 and the Fujifilm GFX 50sII. Boy does that m43 sensor lend itself so much better to making this effect pop. So, keep that in mind. IDK how it would look on full frame, but it shined so much better on that smaller sensor. Maybe if my monitor was calibrated it would be better colored, lol. The over saturation in the corners is likely due to vignetting though.

    Overall, I don't think you can put this lens on a camera and not find something to frame in that sweet spot. Not that it's always going to be perfectly executed, which is why I really recommend smaller sensors - faster FPS so a higher chance of getting that critical focus shot.

    Some others for your amusement. Same setup. Lumix G9, Viltrox.p1283107_$40_72dpi_web.jpgp1293726_$40_72dpi_web.jpg


    JPG, 2.6 MB, uploaded by OpenCube on April 15, 2023.


    JPG, 1.7 MB, uploaded by OpenCube on April 15, 2023.

  • Members 1662 posts
    April 15, 2023, 9:04 p.m.

    Like I may have already mentioned in the Adapted lens talk part of the forum, I really love this shot. Excellent use of that device. The tones and smooth transitions are a pure joy to behold and create a nostalgic feel, very fitting of the subject.

  • Members 676 posts
    April 16, 2023, 1:21 a.m.

    So many good images here.

    When I was learning photography in the late 1950s and 1960s, one of the interesting assignments was to "Photograph Eggs." No other guidelines. It was quite a challenge. We photographed single eggs, multiple eggs, back-lit, side-lit, from above, from below. With dramatic shadows, high-key, low-key. How many ways can you photograph an egg? You learn lighting!

    Some time in the '60s, while I was also learning offset lithography, which was the coming art form of fine printing, and all commercial printing, I chanced upon a magazine printed in Switzerland, I believe, devoted to Large Format photography and high-end printing. No expense was spared in the production of that masterpiece. It was a showcase of LF photography and offset lithography. I don't think there was anything smaller than 8x10 original images. Many were 11x14 and larger, printed on 9x12 heavy-stock pages. Glossy, full color images, cover to cover. Color reproduction and printing were not then what it is now. That magazine, in contrast predicted what the future of color reproduction was going to provide.

    There were architecture shots, advertising, portraits, landscapes, product photography. It was my introduction to the modern view camera with all its swings, tilts, superb lenses, control of focus and DOF and composition. I was dumbstruck. And seriously in love. In every image, the scene was more life-like than the real thing.

    One of the images was similar to this. But of course, much much better, taken with an 8x10 camera, a Schneider lens, multiple strobes. It was just drop-dead Gorgeous.


    Over the years, I tried to replicate that LF shot with 35mm equipment and 6x6 MF cameras. I eventually got some pretty good results on 4x5, both color negative material and Velvia.

    In 2001 I got my first digital camera, a Canon Power Shot G2, 4MP model with a 1/1.8" sensor. This shot is from that camera. This is the full image, processed today in the latest version of ACR and Photoshop and sharpened in Topaz Sharpen.

    I hated that camera. At close range, the 7-21mm zoom lens performed pretty well as you can see here. But at mid and long range, there was some terrible distortion, which Canon refused to acknowledge. I put it up for auction on eBay after a month. The eBay environment was so crazy then and the demand for digital cameras so high, that it sold at auction for $100 more than the retail I had paid and which was still in effect.

    I ate the egg after the shoot. 😏



    JPG, 2.8 MB, uploaded by Rich42 on April 16, 2023.

  • Members 1244 posts
    April 16, 2023, 7:25 a.m.

    We must be about the same age Rich. Maybe I'm a couple of years younger. I remember exactly the same egg challenge and in due course, I used it as a class assignment as well. I never got beyond 2 1/4 format though. At a much later time I also had an early Canon Powershot. Mine definitely didn't sell at a profit. I kept it for years because the tech moved so fast at that time that I couldn't find a buyer at any price.

  • Members 1244 posts
    April 16, 2023, 7:42 a.m.

    Good to hear from you again Lou. That's a lot of ops. With all that practice I'm sure the medical team will soon get it right.
    Meanwhile, I'm very pleased that you have found us in the new home and I hope you will continue to enjoy the posts.
    Pete has explained where we are at. Hopefully we can eventually get a format that makes discussion easier to follow, meanwhile we are trying to work with what we have and are extremely appreciative of the assistance coming from DPRevival.
    While we are working out how to work with this format, I have posted a couple of older shots to experiment with. You will be having trouble getting about and therefore you might consider posting some older photos as well.
    Take care.

  • Members 1244 posts
    April 16, 2023, 8:29 a.m.

    Repeat to self. Go right through looking at all the posts. I very nearly missed these shots. From your introduction, I'm not what I am looking at here. Are these really Winnie images on a wall or are these random marks and the photographer saw Winnie in them? I suspect the latter. I'm also curious about my own response. Same images but my feeling about them depends on the circumstances. If the photographer saw the markings and then saw Winnie in them, I'll applauide the photographer for the vision. If this is a Winnie portrait, the photo doesn't interest me nearly as much. It is probably saying something about me rather than MikePDX's photos.
    Whatever, I prefer the more muted tones of the first, probably because in this version it looks, to me, more likely to be an accidental Winnie.

  • Members 1737 posts
    April 16, 2023, 3:54 p.m.

    If I remember right, EW ate the pepper, too.

  • Members 676 posts
    April 16, 2023, 4:07 p.m.

    What else? It's food. Not, like, a work of art, or anything. 🙄
    All this focusing is hungry work, and this photography nonsense isn't payin' any bills . . . 😉
