• Members 676 posts
    July 20, 2023, 3:14 p.m.

    I usually get in trouble critiquing these leading line pictures that lead out to ..... an empty bench .. better if you could have had Jennifer sitting there !!! But then there is whatever to the left and a lighthouse to the right as well as those people in and about the water .. So i like the final result in spite of being led to an empty bench ....


  • Members 1167 posts
    July 20, 2023, 3:18 p.m.

    Like your dreamy and fuzzy #1 shot. It has a great atmosphere and impact.
    Second capture is a classic mansion in a superb location. Ideal for movie set, perhaps?

  • Members 676 posts
    July 20, 2023, 3:20 p.m.

    Right time for this image .. for me .. as we just had a big wind or maybe a small mico burst hit one of our trees

    Tree Down 1.jpg

    No real damage here either ....


    Tree Down 1.jpg

    JPG, 1.4 MB, uploaded by WhyNot on July 20, 2023.

  • Members 1167 posts
    July 20, 2023, 3:20 p.m.

    Great document, never to be repeated.

  • Members 1167 posts
    July 20, 2023, 3:24 p.m.

    It must be absolutely outstanding dog and the capture shows it.

  • Members 676 posts
    July 20, 2023, 3:33 p.m.

    Good looking dog .... I'm torn between simply liking this as is giving her room to look out of the picture and wanting to square up the frame and strengthen the diagonals that use his nose and ear ... I missed this the first time around as this format is difficult for me on occasion ....


  • Members 532 posts
    July 20, 2023, 4:46 p.m.

    From Darkness

    The Jewish Museum in Berlin in is well worth a visit, and not least for the iconic architecture of Daniel Libeskind, which becomes part of the exhibition. It is not just about the Shoah/ Holocaust, although that is a central theme of course, but also about Jewish life and art through the centuries.

    An architectural feature is dark windowless shafts running the height of the building, to represent “that which cannot be displayed” , artefacts turned to ashes and works of people killed by the Nazis and their non-existent descendants. It represents the hole in the Jewish community left by those who perished.
    The entrance is through a windowless door at the bottom of the shaft, which closes automatically and on a dull winters day, eyes need a moment to adjust before they can see anything. I leant against a wall whilst I waited and found it very moving. But how to express that in a photograph? In the end, I decided to underexpose and thoroughly mistreat the sensor, by raising the brightness in post (about 5 stops, I think) and no processing for noise. This dark thread-bear image is an approximate visual representation of my feelings at the time.



    JPG, 2.7 MB, uploaded by PeteS on July 20, 2023.

  • Members 676 posts
    July 20, 2023, 5:22 p.m.


    An extremely moving image and description.

    Thank you.


  • Members 599 posts
    July 20, 2023, 6:01 p.m.

    Edvard Munch's 'The Scream' figure placed in the position where the person in the forefront is, would work a dream. Or better yet, let Francis Bacon have a go at it.
    Nicely done!

  • Members 532 posts
    July 20, 2023, 6:38 p.m.

    Parking your bike in the photo was an excellent idea, and it has been placed perfectly for the complicated shape of the shadow to balance the complicated shape of the graffiti, whilst the bike itself acts as a leading line.

    I would have said that the colours were a vital part of the image, but having seen this B&W version by Simplejoy, I realise that is not true, and the strong lines and shapes are sufficient. However, I think I still prefer the colour version.


  • Members 523 posts
    July 20, 2023, 6:59 p.m.

    An interesting encounter, especially with the sun's position. It feels like a slight crop would focus more on your key elements while keeping the setting. Here's one idea, though I am not at all confident that it's better.

    crop1 dsc-8921-smaller.jpg

    crop1 dsc-8921-smaller.jpg

    JPG, 1.4 MB, uploaded by LindaS on July 20, 2023.

  • Members 523 posts
    July 20, 2023, 7:20 p.m.

    Without the written information, this is a mesmerizing, uncomfortable, almost scary scene. Powerful! Reading the story about the museum and how you photographed & processed to achieve your heartfel vision is a gift to all of us. So much impact.

  • Members 532 posts
    July 20, 2023, 7:22 p.m.

    You have a very creative attitude to macro photography and I enjoy it. Usually macros show unseen details on an insect, for instance, but we can still see the insect and identify it. You use the details to create something totally new - a new world, or even the death of a new world, as in this case - and we are taken in by the surreal scene and have fun trying to work out what it is.
    It is also nice to be told what the object is, so I appreciate the text and the second photo, although even this more usual photo has been lit beautifully for artistic effect and not just for technical reasons.

    Good stuff.


  • Members 137 posts
    July 20, 2023, 7:54 p.m.

    Got to be around the airport as a photographer last week. Looking for C&C so I can improve.




    JPG, 196.8 KB, uploaded by JSPhotoHobby on July 20, 2023.


    JPG, 590.5 KB, uploaded by JSPhotoHobby on July 20, 2023.

  • Members 1464 posts
    July 20, 2023, 9:20 p.m.

    The mad throng of birds is quite wonderful. I've been in such throngs a few times and it is thrilling, so I relate to the mouth-wide-open child who peeks between the throng to make eye contact with us, the viewer. He does make the shot. His red shirt is a huge bonus. His placement is a perfect focal point around which the obvious action can spin. Lack of sharpness is a part of the charm, since it enhances the sense of unbridled chaos. Engrossing image.

  • Members 1464 posts
    July 20, 2023, 9:26 p.m.

    Two weeks ago I had a tree that was in this same shape after a storm, so I relate. Yours is more interesting because of the pretty fall colors in the background, and especially because of the necklace of starbursts trickling down that central crevice towards where the fragile splinter seems to be holding up the whole affair.

  • Members 676 posts
    July 20, 2023, 9:29 p.m.



    Note though, that the little boy was far behind the flock of birds and not part of the scene as I saw it in any way. He wasn't actually looking at them at all.

    His crucial inclusion into the composition is a lucky happenstance of perspective and timing. His placement, clothes and (probably) micro-fleeting expression couldn't have been improved with any conceivable preparation.

    Some times the angels smile.


  • Members 1662 posts
    July 20, 2023, 9:30 p.m.

    Love the unique look in this shot - a great fit and gives the already unusual wall an almost fantastical aura. Could be a great subject to play around with a tilt/shift lens or lensbaby kind of device as well. Very interesting and well done!