• Members 1464 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 11:59 a.m.

    Two exceptionally nice images that show the beauty and character of a China we seldom see - the mix of cultural history and with the imprint of modern times. The first image shows the breath-taking nature of the landscape behind those beautiful old buildings. If not for the young people in modern western style dress (and the inevitable wires) we could believe this was a window into a lost time. But the young people are there, and they are bringing change. I always hope old cultural ways can be preserved, because I have an anthropologist's heart, but change is unavoidable. It is the same with our native tribes in the US. Most work hard to hold onto language, art, craft, traditional dress, and all the trappings of their history, but they cannot avoid change and the intrusion of modern society. All any of us can do is take note, as you have here. Well done.

  • Members 1662 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 12:30 p.m.

    I love the light in this shot and the wonderful colors. I also see a person in the shadow, which adds an interesting layer to the whole thing. It could show someone waiting... so I'm starting to wonder, for whom or what? The narrow alley looks like it has seen a lot of change and not always for the better, looking at some of the paint. So perhaps the waiting person is just a stand-in for a dream in the past of a better future or brighter opportunities here, which didn't come true and ultimately are destined to remain there as ever-degrading layers of paint or the occasional flaring up of the sun on the wall...

    It reminds me of one of my favorite songs of all time:

    "St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church Blues" by La Dispute

    Ten years now standing vacant
    Ten years on empty, maybe more
    Once held the faith of hundreds
    Soon one more cell phone store
    For years they gathered here
    Inside the building sound and true
    To sing their praises to a god that gave them hope
    To carry on, to carry through
    So, I've been thinking about that
    Sometimes go slow when I drive by
    How a home of stone and a house so holy
    Grows so empty over time
    What gave those people purpose
    Past death approaching constantly
    Now left to crumble slowly
    Now left to wither with the weeds
    Now left to ice and vandals
    The advent candles long since gone
    The old foundation shifting hard
    The concrete overgrown, but
    That stained-glass window sits untouched amongst the brickwork worn
    A symbol of the beauty only perfect at that moment we were born
    And just the other day I swear I saw a man there
    Pulling weeds out of the concrete, sweeping up and patching cracks
    I saw him lift a rag to wash the years of filth from off those windows
    Made me wonder if there's anyone like that for you and me and
    Anybody else who broke and lost hope

    An excellent, thought-provoking and really well done image! 👍

  • Members 861 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 5:33 p.m.

    I do little more than play around with what happens to be in hand from my creations and thanks to AI, it's a tad easier to turn that into an expression of the crazy rattling around upstairs, sometimes. I was just testing out a lens after a photoshoot...and those clouds were just so glorious and beautiful that day I needed to take a picture...so I pulled into a spot I've been at before and snapped a few shots. From there I sit in front of a screen and play around. I knew the shadow was there when shooting and I kinda half embraced it but looking at it up close,"Boy that shadow of me is ugly and long. What can I do with it?" and next thing I knew, I saw a gunfighter in that image and, thanks to AI, it's terribly too easy to make that happen. And then if you know anything about that tool, trying to get a gun turns into a 30-minute adventure in frustration and creativity. So now there's a cowboy with a gun, but what is he doing? Well, cowboys shoot people in the Westerns....so let's fix that background and make it a tad more representative of the time and place I'm envisioning. Now let's add a body 😅.

    If you've played with those AI tools, you know making bodies is always a fun RNG game...and I've had success with skeletons before, so what if this was old....ok....and then what if the AI gave you a result that looked like a ink body...."Well that's a fun idea of ink fighting it out in the old West. Where can I go with this?" A little more detail here and there, a less than ideal but it's been 4 hours and I've got to move on ink spot to sell things a bit more and screw it, lets make things a tad more surreal and make that smoke not make complete sense because he's not supposed to be a shadow, he's an ink man. And then, "How does it look in black and white?" happens, and I can't decide which I like more. And then a title idea happens, and in this Mel Brooks sense of funny, I thought the idea of an ink war being colorized was a very odd and humorous thing, plus it gave me a reason to show both versions with cause. And we end up here now with me still wishing that ink trail was more drippy, assessing maybe the smoke weirdness doesn't really work the way I wanted it too.

  • Members 861 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 5:33 p.m.

    "I know my demons by name and sometimes they let me take portraits."



    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by OpenCube on Sept. 8, 2023.

  • Members 1464 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 5:55 p.m.

    thanks for humoring my request! It is always interesting to see the creative process behind an image. What you did is very familiar, and quite similar to the way I free-play with composite images, except that I'm less likely to use AI. (I've whined before here about the three eared rabbits and the 2 fingered ladies).

    A lot of folks develop an idea fully in their head, shoot or otherwise acquire a set of images to complete the project, then assemble them. You (and I) seem to shoot the images then let them inform what else to add until they seem done. Very interesting!

  • Members 523 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 6:45 p.m.

    This "workflow" explanation is incredibly entertaining, and like MinnieV, I can relate to a whole lot of it! Thank you for the gift of your time. It means a great deal to me to find others who create this way.

  • Members 523 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 6:50 p.m.

    An unrepeatable moment in time you captured in amazing fashion! The evidence of activity in the snow adds to the interest. Oh - and the mountain backdrop? Too many riches!!

  • Members 523 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 6:52 p.m.

    What I like most is the light and focus fading away at the top. The foreground is so real, and rich in details that the contrast as we look up is a delightful surprise.

  • Members 523 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 6:53 p.m.

    Powerful environmental study and story of life along the Pearl.

  • Members 523 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 6:56 p.m.

    Amazing image! Those faces, those expressions - equally poignant and humorous.

  • Members 523 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 7:01 p.m.

    I spent time trying to understand the sharp piece (unsuccessfully), but then decided the impact is based on everything else. The soft colors make me feel optimistic about the future, and this papa's role in his children's lives. His body language says he is taking that role very seriously and it weighs on him. Your creativity is limitless and inspiring!

  • Members 523 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 7:04 p.m.

    A highly enjoyable photo. The composition, exposure and processing feel very natural and very serene.

  • Members 523 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 7:06 p.m.

    A beautiful result! Seems a perfect marriage of colors, subjects and technique.

  • Members 523 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 7:11 p.m.

    After admiring this work - viewed as large as possible, of course 😀 - I feel the satisfaction that comes after a five-star, six-course meal. I'm full, and very very happy.

  • Members 676 posts
    Sept. 8, 2023, 8:19 p.m.

    Mike, MinnieV and LindaS,

    Thank you for the nice comments.

    I took the image in 2004 with a 6 MP APS-C Fujifilm S2 Pro.

    Several years ago, I decided to print it as large as possible to hang in our family room. I first printed a "small test print" at 13" x 30" (define "small!") to check color and detail. That went fine, and I printed the large image at 22" x 48" on my Epson 24" machine.


    I didn't anticipate how hard it would be to mat the thing. Jumbo matting stock is hard to work with. So the large version is still in storage. The "small test print" is framed and hanging on the wall.

    I'm refurbishing my large mat cutter and soon will be able to do the job. It's just as well I've waited this long, though. Technology marches on and I'm able to print the image at much higher quality now than even a few years ago.

    Still it's almost unbelievable that such a huge print can be made from such a tiny sensor.



    JPG, 4.4 MB, uploaded by Rich42 on Sept. 8, 2023.

  • Members 1247 posts
    Sept. 9, 2023, 1:03 a.m.

    It looks very nice on your wall at the smaller size. The chosen frame is just right for your room. The bigger print will be spectacular. I don't believe you really know what you have until it becomes a print.
    Did you do any upscaling or something like Gigapixel to do the big shot?

  • Members 1247 posts
    Sept. 9, 2023, 1:10 a.m.

    Thanks Open cube. That was fascinating. It gives me an idea that Open Cube and others might like to comment on. How would we all feel about a thread where those who post discuss the techniques they used? Of course, the magician is under no obligation to tell us how the trick was done. That's the magic. But maybe a thread where posts are made and the techniques shared and discussed?

  • Members 1247 posts
    Sept. 9, 2023, 1:21 a.m.

    Your opening quote is quite a statement, especially with your photo. From the quote marks, I assume it is from somewhere? I tried to locate it but nothing turned up with Google.
    Along with the quote, the image is disturbing. Something hidden, deep and dark below breaks out. As it does we see into the full details. It threatens to envelope us.