Digital Photogram
In a real photogram I would have placed the leaves directly against a sheet of color film and exposed. No camera involved. I've done that with 4x5 and 8x10 film.
For this image I put the leaves on a light table, a real one - not an led panel, with a 30" x 30" glass top and banks of daylight fluorescent tubes beneath and shot with a digital camera.
At first I overlapped the leaves as they appear here, but that didn't work well at all. They looked OK visually - I got the translucency/transparency I wanted for the single layer part, but where the leaves overlapped, they just became extremely dense and opaque. So I shot them individually and combined/overlapped them in Photoshop, each on its own layer, with the layer blending type set to "multiply." That gave me exactly what I had pre-visualized.
The final print is 24" x 24".

This was all done with an APS-C sensor camera. Friends who know my large format work press their noses up against the glass to see the "fine detail," and say things like, "Just can't beat large format for high resolution!" I just smile and nod.