UCI Professional Cycling comes to my home town Schoten every year, with the Scheldeprijs, one of the "classic races" and widely considered to be the "informal world championship for sprinters", because it is a mostly flat race that almost invariably ends in a mass sprint.
The race takes place on the Wednesday between the Tour of Flandres (a monument race) and Paris-Roubaix (another monument). The biggest contenders for those other (somewhat bigger) races seldom participate in the Scheldeprijs, unless they use it as an intensive training without taking the risk to crash in the sprint. A champion like Van Der Poel might be someone who could indeed succeed in arriving solo, but that is exceptional.
Anyway, when I have the time, I enjoy picking a good spot on the last part of the race (three local rounds of 17 km) to see the riders pass me a few times.
I've posted my self in previous years at the finish line, on the cobblestones stretch and in various other spots.
This year I went to a bridge alongside the canal and used two vantage points: one on the bridge itself, with the riders racing under me and another a bit further, where I had a straight view onto the riders making a curve into a slight elevation (where I stood perched behind a railing).
I shot a few bursts of images with manual settings of the Women race.
Here are two images, both cropped to different ratios (1:1 square and 16:9 panorama) from the original 4:3 ratio.