• Members 532 posts
    June 25, 2024, 9:24 p.m.

    Sorry that I couldn’t find time to take part earlier and only have a few minutes now, so I will uncharacteristically start with my own photo then try and find a few others where I feel I can add something.
    Many of you have made suggestions for different crops, and Dan with different brightness levels. They are all interesting and I would normally have had a play, but that will have to be in the future. So I actually agree with Mike, that it is a photo, which can be chopped and changed in different ways, and each would draw attention to different parts and maybe tell different stories.

  • Members 532 posts
    June 25, 2024, 9:33 p.m.

    This is a nice set, but I particularly like the first and third for the way composition leads through the photo, like a hiker through the landscape.
    In the first, the bright slope attracts the eye and leads over the brow of the hill to the light on the next hill, then through the gap in the trees to those great clouds.
    In the third, the fence, supported by the bright slope, to the path and the pointy hill and on to more great clouds.

  • Members 532 posts
    June 25, 2024, 9:40 p.m.

    A few weeks ago we went to the south-western corner of Germany, and I was also confronted with these marvellously colourful birds. They are probably a different species, but similar nonetheless. Unfortunately I was not able to get anything like such a good shot, so I really appreciate this one. I think the ruffled feathers give the bird and photo a bit of character, and set it apart from others. It is not a competent but run of the mill photo from a bird-spotter‘s manual, but a nicely observed moment in nature.

  • Members 532 posts
    June 25, 2024, 10:03 p.m.

    Seeing your processed photo alongside the original is particularly interesting. I think the processing really draws attention to those rocks, which for me are the best part of the photo. Yes, the water is good, but the rocks look like waves themselves, and really participate in the surf scene, giving it that extra kick. I assume you were going for an artistic flair, with a broad brush application of warm light to the lower central patch of the photo, which is fine, but if you were trying for a natural look, then I think it falls short, as the white foam to the left and right of the patch is a giveaway. Maybe use a graduated linear mask to add the warm light, if you are after the natural look.
    I agree with others that the thin strip of sky at the top looks pinched and needs a bit of room, however, you are right that the horizon, and particularly that distant breaking wave, add depth, so I would try to extend the sky in PP. If you have access to the current version of Photoshop, it is quite easy to extend the canvas upwards slightly and use generative fill to increase that strip of sky - not by much, but just so it is not pinched, which is not a very exact explanation, but I guess you know what I mean.

  • Members 1244 posts
    June 25, 2024, 10:08 p.m.

    Sorry Chris. I was preoccupied and meant to come back to your photo before close of business for this week.
    It's interesting to see how time changes our responses. Twenty years ago the shot would have puzzled. We'd have wondered why the figure on the left was jackhammering into the floor.
    You have caught the "tubular" nature of the walkway and the experience of moving through a tube. At first I wanted to make the crop of the lower day section but I've changed my mind. The handrail and path/wall edges are lit. The eye is led into the darkness where the pedestrians are headed. It's a considerable area. Suspense and drama are created.There is a slight tilting of the image as well that adds a little to the drama. Hitchcock would have approved.
    Then there are the repeating and diminishing roof structure forms. They accentuate the length of the tube as does the dark area in the foreground. You ain't getting out of this tunnel quickly.

  • Members 3613 posts
    June 25, 2024, 10:33 p.m.

    Thank you Pete 😊

    Yes, as I mentioned earlier I was aiming for an artistic effect to separate and highlight the foreground from the background more.

    Regarding the pinched sky, some like it and some don't. I explained earlier why I have chosen to leave it as is.

    Thank you for your feedback.

  • Members 1024 posts
    June 26, 2024, 9:46 a.m.

    Thank you minnie. I did indeed feel fortunate that those birds were around and that I got close enough after a few days.You are right that the blurred branch could be removed - just not sure whether my skills would leave something obvious in it's place...

    Yes Rainbow is the right name for these birds. I did see one feeding with other birds in the Dragonfly dam back in Autumn and got a blurry pic with enough to identify it. Very happy that some came again.

    Thank you Mike. After a few days they let me get close enough. That small flock seem to have moved on but today I noticed another pair that were very cautious.

    I recently saw a photo of a Motmot from Central America with very similar markings, just different colours. In a brief discussion we discovered they are from the same Order although that is perhaps a bit far up the tree to suggest much. I also saw a post of another colourful bee-eater that was eye-catching. I never worked out why his feathers were ruffled like that. It was the only time I saw it and they gradually went back to normal over an hour or so.