Matte Black SL550
I just like the lines and shapes.
This is a very limited edition Mercedes Benz SL550 the company made to commemorate their iconic Gull Wing roadster which won the Italian 1000 Mile Race (Mille Miglia) in 1955. They made only 417 (the race number of the winning car) and shipped just 100 to the U.S.
The Gull Wing car was essentially factory stock right off the production line, competing against dedicated race cars. But it was 200 pounds over the race weight. Among things they shed to lighten the car, they sanded off all the paint, leaving a matte silver (aluminium) finish. They liked the look.
The car is sitting in a dark doorway here - it's very special matte black paint, made only for this model, simply glowing.
This is not a flashy car. It doesn't draw attention to itself. You wouldn't notice it on the street, parked 50 feet away. You don't notice it . . . until you do . . .
Then it's, Oh. My. Dear. God!
And you just can't take your eyes off it.
It is regal like only Mercedes can design. And it is a beast. It is all business in the most luxurious of ways. It exudes supreme confidence. The models shipped to the U.S. have speed limiters that activate at 155 mph. The rest of the world doesn't have that limitation and, tuned to north of 650hp those cars get to their top speeds over 200 mph in frighteningly short times.
There was no way I could image the whole car. I didn't have the equipment or space. I would have needed a studio as big as a car dealership showroom. And soft boxes to match. I took pictures like this of its lines and shapes with which the designers must have had so much pleasure creating. Everywhere, on every part of its glorious body, there isn't a detail that isn't beautiful to look at and capture.