A photo with a real camera this week, but an old photo (with ZD50mm F2.0 (macro) lens on Olympus E-3).
And simultaneously a new photo.
This image was made in the early hours (a bit before sunrise) of April 10, 2009, when we were experiencing (really drinking the dew and sucking all the marrow out of the bones) of a once-in-a-lifetime Sahara camping trip in the southern deserts of Libya (Muammar Khaddafi was still in power then).
Our Tuareg guide Risa was already up and preparing the first tea of the day, and I joined him, in silence, while the rest of our two families (4 adults, 4 children) were slowly waking up in their sleeping bags, huddled against the wheels of the Toyota Landcruisers with no tents (because tents are stuffy and only useful in sandstorms).
(Or maybe the children were in the sleeping bags, and the parents were still making do with blankets and all the sweaters we had available, because roughly half of our luggage had arrived in Tripoli with quite some delay, and had to be brought out in the desert to us, many days late in the trip.)
Anyway: Risa and his tea on a glorious Sahara morning.
We visited several parts of the Sahara (it is not a uniform, monotone region of only sand dunes).
Our trip included those dunes but also Fezzan and Meggedet areas.
I believe this was in Meggedet with its very typical rock formations, like giants frozen in time.
This is a memory (and one of those short and intense friendships) I will cherish forever.
It is a memory that is in flux, and highly influenced by my own visual record.
That is why it is interesting to revisit and re-experience old images, and find something fresh.
Indeed, it's a memory whose photo-record I had already processed and put online very shortly after our trip.
(I was WAY better at quickly going through travel images back then.)
And in fact I have shared the image already in the Wednesday C&C thread, on April 22 of 2009.
For some reason totally mysterious to me, I woke up right this morning with this image on the lip of my dreams.
I felt some urgent need to revisit that image.
So I dug up the RAW file and reprocessed it with LR13, several generations after my initial processing.
Processing differences are the result of better tools and slightly more skill.
Here is how I posted this image online originally:

Here is the redux:

The Bertolucci movie with John Malkovich "The Sheltering Sky" was in theatres in 1990 when we were living in Italy.
We saw it there, synchronized in Italian, and it made an impression that lasted in my subconscious.
Hence the title in Italian that this image shares with the movie.