• Members 1662 posts
    June 21, 2023, 8:26 a.m.

    Many thanks - I totally get it! That looks great. And it seems like a perfect fit for that impressive architecture!

  • Members 273 posts
    June 21, 2023, 2:12 p.m.

    But what does it mean? I have over 40,000 pictures of my kids. Do any of these count as one or the other?


  • Members 1662 posts
    June 21, 2023, 2:19 p.m.

    Those are great shots in my opinion. What you see them as is for you to decide. I‘ve no interest in letting yet another thread get derailed by only focusing on definitions of words.

  • Members 1585 posts
    June 21, 2023, 4:15 p.m.
  • Members 1662 posts
    June 21, 2023, 9:22 p.m.

    That's great - a wonderful idea! Have you ever tried stitching them together in any way? I seem to recall @JimKasson having done something like that with a great number of shots and even written a kind of program which did a lot of the stitching work, if I got that right. Could be very interesting to see a couple of your 'same shot over time' series put together like a kind of collage. But regardless of the end goal, it certainly seems like a project with lots of potential to get inspired in and of itself.

  • Members 1662 posts
    June 21, 2023, 9:41 p.m.

    Okay here is a major 😉 theme for me in terms of inspiration:

    MUSIC in all its aspects...

    Major Second
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    Writing able to support the music?
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    Music: frequency of life itself
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    Music is both - particle and wave
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    Radiohead - 2+2=5
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    Keys to happiness. Keys to despair.
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    Pianist writing music on a guitar...
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    Even though I don't get to listen to much music currently, let alone create music, it's still on my mind constantly and affects my photography heavily.

    Anyone else here, getting inspired by music to try something in terms of photography? Or are those two things mostly separated for you?

  • Members 1585 posts
    June 22, 2023, 12:11 p.m.

    No, I've never edited anything like this, but you can already see the 182 photos spread over two pages on Flickr.


    You can also simply use an object as a theme, such as a small figurine.
    One thing's for sure: the more you photograph, the easier it is to come up with ideas.

    I'm in chains( Kodak DCS 620x )
    by Marc Aubry, sur Flickr

    by Marc Aubry, sur Flickr

    by Marc Aubry, sur Flickr

    Meditate in warmth
    by Marc Aubry, sur Flickr

    A good bubble bath
    by Marc Aubry, sur Flickr

    I'm so cold! ( Kodak DCS 760 )
    by Marc Aubry, sur Flickr

    Your photographs are as beautiful as ever, you have a style all your own, it's very refreshing and inspiring 👍 😍

    Personally, I have no talent for music, and no desire to express it in photography. 😂

  • Members 243 posts
    June 22, 2023, 1:31 p.m.

    I am 61. I look at my little 1976 Honda 400-4 and wonder how many years we have left together.
    Tomorrow, I will be attending the Back to the 50s show at the Minnesota State fairgrounds. There will be approx. 12,000 cars there, all pre-1964. Thanks for reminding me to charge the batteries.

  • Members 861 posts
    June 22, 2023, 4:37 p.m.
  • June 22, 2023, 6:44 p.m.

    That’s an interesting question, to which as a musician I ought to know the answer. But I think these are two separate areas of my life. However, the avatar that I use, which I created in Postscript years ago, might suggest some kind of connection.. I dunno!


  • June 22, 2023, 7:06 p.m.

    LOL. I went there. Not my cup of tea, probably because I worked in an opera house of similar design.

    It was interesting seeing Orion “upside down”, however.


  • Members 1662 posts
    June 22, 2023, 11:57 p.m.

    Yeah - I get it! I'm not the worlds biggest fan of brutalist architecture, but I find it quite photogenic when shot by someone who knows what to focus on.

    And working in that building you've shown certainly doesn't seem to help... looks a bit like a toilet unfortunately with those shapes... 😅 Hope it has good acoustics at least.

    Thanks for the explanation. I have been quite curious about your avatar, since I first saw it... I initially thought it might be some kind of experimental composition from the era of Schönberg, Alban Berg or Bauhaus.

  • Members 758 posts
    June 23, 2023, 3:05 a.m.

    Little bikes are tops. Utterly brilliant fun to ride hard. As the old saying goes, it's much more fun to ride a slow bike fast, than a fast bike slow. A couple of my all time favourite bikes were a Honda GB 500tt, which I still regret selling, a Honda VFR 400R NC30 (which I still have) a KTM 625 SXC that I converted to Motard (still have) and KTM 690 Duke (still have). The fun you can have on any single one of those bikes, belting down narrow, winding backgrounds is out of this world. It's just a shame that the law enforcement doesn't share the same enthusiasm ha ha ha.

  • Members 1662 posts
    June 23, 2023, 8:05 a.m.

    Wow - excellent series with really different looking results. Very impressive!

    I've never never done anything like that deliberately, but I've continued to use very small red decoration pearls a lot for different kinds of shots and ideas. Here are a couple:

    Usually that's how well I fit in...
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    I see beauty in what they call 'damaged goods'
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    You‘ll feel the absence of the odd one…
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    Atop the great wall
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    New perspectives...
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    After we were done with Mars they called us 'Humends'
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    Thank you very much - I'm feeling honored. You're doing great work yourself!

    I get it that the combination of those two mediums is not a fit for everyone... I feel like music is my natural way of expressing myself and because I've somewhat neglected it during recent years and focused more on photography, it starts to insert itself there in order for me not to forget who's truly in charge! 😅

  • June 23, 2023, 8:12 a.m.

    Beautifully crafted shots!

  • Members 1662 posts
    June 23, 2023, 11:49 a.m.

    Thank you very much (if mine were included)!

    Oh, I think many of the people working in law enforcement actually do share some of that enthusiasm... at least around here. They just can't show that, when being in their official role.

    Motion and speed can indeed be very effective, both for body and mind in terms of activation/inspiration. I've experimented a little bit with shooting lights out of a moving car more than a decade ago, which was a lot of fun:

    Light doesn‘t move in a straight line
    by simple.joy, on Flickr

    These days I drive myself 95% of the time, so not much opportunity to do that... 😅 at least, if I want to keep my drivers licence.

    Thanks to everyone for sharing such different kinds of inspiration - I really appreciate it.

    If you want to add your own, please feel invited to do so!

  • Members 1585 posts
    June 23, 2023, 12:43 p.m.

    Another source of inspiration and motivation.
    Is to see photos taken by photographers just like you. 👍

    Thank you for sharing

  • Members 1302 posts
    June 23, 2023, 1:33 p.m.

    My inspirations are coming from discovering nature walking my dog nearly every day and shooting what I can find. I am lucky to have some Rainbow Lorikeets around at the moment and discovering the wonderful world of macro and small flowers.
    Looking at all your posts so far in this thread is also an inspiration to continue and explore new areas.
    I have always been a left brain, logical, STEM type but that is not set in stone and opening the right side is a wonderful thing. For that I can thank Yoga providing introspection, expansion, discovery...










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    JPG, 533.5 KB, uploaded by Bryan on June 23, 2023.


    JPG, 1.5 MB, uploaded by Bryan on June 23, 2023.


    JPG, 1.8 MB, uploaded by Bryan on June 23, 2023.