The continuation of DPReview means that we have to consider what this site is for. Originally this site was intended as a home for DPReview members who were displaced by its closing. Obviously this mission makes no sense now. DPReview will always make a better job of being DPReview than will we (or any other site). On the other hand, in its short life this site has developed into something quite distinct and for which there is clearly some demand. We need to build on that and provide not an alternative, but something complementary, and that fills the gaps that there are in the photographic web space.
A major gap appears to be somewhere which has serious and informed discussion and content. And that's where we think this site should develop. We are lucky enough to have the presence here of maybe two dozen members with very deep expertise in matters photographic, which will help ensure that forum conversations continue to be informed and lively. Adding editorial capability to the site will allow us to provide article content which is similarly well informed and also edited and curated in a way that forum posts never can be. So what is proposed is that over a period of time, and as our development resources allow (remember - we are a volunteer site) to move our development efforts away from the forums towards that kind of content. Also, the site lacks the gallery facilities necessary for sharing and discussion of photographs, so we will intend to develop those as well, to the higher standards expected by photographers. We have some innovative ideas on that front.
That doesn't mean that we should cease all work on the forums. We have some developments in hand, which include the often demanded thread view facilities, and these will be continued, as will general upgrading of the forum software - just with a lower priority than to the site generally.
The other forum issue is moderation policy. It has been put about that we have a zero-moderation policy - which has never been the case. The issue is more where the boundaries are and the reasoning behind them. The reason that we have the presence of many experts here is linked to the policies that we have pursued. On DPReview, and many other forums, those people found themselves shut up by hostile posting which was often structurally supported by moderation policy. That should not be allowed to happen here. On the other hand, we have suffered from too many threads which have been non-productive and have caused annoyance to other members. We do need to refine our policies to ensure that this doesn't happen. At the same time, we shouldn't allow procedures which encourage the problems referred to above. To this end, we'll be clarifying these policies over the next few days.