Will you stay here if DPReview revives?

  • 85 votes.
  • Voting ends on May 10, 2023.
  • Started by AlanSh on May 5, 2023.
Stay here and enjoy the posts
32 votes, 38% of total.
  • 32 votes, 38% of total.
Go back to DPReview and enjoy the [psts
11 votes, 13% of total.
  • 11 votes, 13% of total.
Visit both
42 votes, 50% of total.
  • 42 votes, 50% of total.
  • June 13, 2023, 1:58 p.m.

    One of the principles of this site is inclusivity, and that includes all personality types (or should we now say 'neuro-diverse'?). What's difficult is when one personality type starts to find the presence of another intolerable. My approach is to ask for a bit of tolerance on the one hand and a bit of restraint on the other. It doesn't always work, but I think that at all positions in this particular spectrum people need to have some understanding that the way they like to look at the world is not the only possible one.

  • Members 81 posts
    June 13, 2023, 3:28 p.m.

    A society can be "inclusive" but still have jails for those individuals who don't follow the norms of the society.

    Continuing to argue for the "rights" of 4 individuals will not likely have the results you desire in the long run.

    • Gary
  • June 13, 2023, 5:44 p.m.

    So, please tell me what the 'norms' that are not being followed, and why you'd think that not following warrants jail time.

  • Members 280 posts
    June 13, 2023, 5:59 p.m.

    I don't know who these four people are, but why can't you just skip over their posts and go on to the next person ?
    After all, you're in no danger of physical injury.



  • Members 63 posts
    June 14, 2023, 5:36 a.m.

    I will use both sites for different purposes.
    Keep going here! 👍

  • Members 457 posts
    June 14, 2023, 6:25 a.m.

    That is not easy, as the same ones (who are mainly focused on ad hominem attacks) often inject themselves into useful discussions. Even an ignore mode would not help.
    IMO, DPReview is still a good place to visit and discuss. The moderation policy works. The purpose of moderation is not to be fair but to make the place more useful.
    DPRevived will work as long as a handful of very knowledgeable members continue to post. Once they decide to leave, this place will lack usefulness.
    The lack of moderation is how DPRevived differentiates itself from DPReview. IMO, it is not working.

  • Members 1662 posts
    June 14, 2023, 8:08 a.m.

    Yes, indeed! I personally really appreciate that and also your effort of trying stay away from the usual tools of moderation and banning. I know it makes your endeavor significantly harder, but it's certainly worth a try. 👍

    Of course, in principle that's how these things should be handled... but you either have to avoid complete threads (even if you would have liked to participate otherwise) or ignore significant parts of the conversation, creating kind of parallel conversations in every thread these kind of posts + responses appear in. The latter was significantly easier for many people with the "threaded view" on DPR, where you could just avoid whole subthreads where the drama reigned. Now it seems more complicated and people get drawn in or be annoyed by the regular attempts to derail otherwise interesting conversations.

    Personally speaking I usually don't get angry and lash out at people easily, but rather tend to stay away from conversations like that, which means, I might not take part in a couple of topics, I would have otherwise... So no big loss to anyone. I'm sure though that some people stay away from this place for that or similar reasons, and unfortunately (for me) there seem to be a couple of them in the sub I was most active in.

    Perhaps it will get better once the alternative to "threaded view" is implemented here and also once we know about the future of the DPReview forum... at the moment it looks like the site will continue, but it's not sure if that applies to the forum as well.

    I agree with most of that! I think we should give it more time, before we judge that... as suggested above at least until the DPReview future is more clear and the "threaded view" alternative here is implemented.

  • June 14, 2023, 10:56 a.m.

    Here is the problem. The 'same ones' don't see themselves as being focussed on 'ad-hominem attacks' (not a thing, BTW, but that's a diversion). They think they are behaving reasonably - and by some social norms they are. We have another group of people who seem to be very focussed on what they think is over hostile reactions. We've addressed this by the invention of the Dumpster, and moving discussions that may go too far for some there. Now we get objections even to the presence of the dumpster. The whole point of it is - if you don't like that kind of interaction, don't go there.
    The whole point about it being inclusive is that there's whole groups of people who have issues with social interaction. Very often they get hounded and discriminated against by people who see themselves as being 'normal'. Sites like DPReview, that happens all the time, and they end up being excluded - very often as a result of the kind of clamour for their exclusion which is happening here. That is just mob bullying - and really can't be supported.
    We've separated posts that we think might be objectionable by people who consider themselves 'normal. That should be enough, unless you really want to hound these people off the forums.

    Quite a few of those very knowledgeable members also found themselves subjected to this kind of mob bullying on DPReview, for knowing too much, being 'self appointed, and various other things. I'm suggesting that the best way to keep them here is to provide an environment where that is not supported.

    Of course we have moderation. What do you think the moving of posts to the Dumpster is? What do you think excluding members that appear to be engaged in illegal activity is? What do you think curating and splitting threads that go off-topic is? At the moment we are still learning about a moderation model that works. One thing that we know, after the moderation threads that happened when we started, we're not going to have a moderation model like DPReview. That's off the table, IMO.

  • Members 196 posts
    June 14, 2023, 6:33 p.m.

    I agree Bob the mob rule approach as favoured in forums we know very well , led to a great deal of unfair outcomes. Unless someone has stated something genuinely criminal I see no reason to ban them . Alas the main criteria for complaining on DPreview was simply disagreeing with the mindset of certain fanatics who perceive every critical comment { regardless or not if it is factual} as a threat to their belief system

    In answer to the OP , I will gradually be using here more and more. I have a couple of old friends still on DPreview whose interactions I enjoy

  • Members 1526 posts
    June 14, 2023, 7:49 p.m.

    Yes, let us just hope this forum remains very different, compared to certain DPR forums and in particular to the M43 forum, where the moderation team were part of the mob who would pounce anybody who had any doubts of criticism of their favourite format. A certain moderator even made a delirious post gloating over how he had banned me.. Unfavourable comparisons with "Fool Frame" as the mob called it, usually ended in a ban.

  • Removed user
    June 14, 2023, 11:13 p.m.
  • Members 510 posts
    June 14, 2023, 11:38 p.m.

    Hoofdaphobia is the fear of capital letters.
    Who knew. lol


  • Members 12 posts
    June 16, 2023, 3:34 a.m.

    It would be under the Nikon group of forums, it adresses a small group of Nikon APS-C cameras, more specifically the D100, D200, D300 and D500. Not many people would use it, but at DPReview I was a fan :-)

  • Members 27 posts
    June 17, 2023, 7:46 a.m.

    Alan, you are currently one of the top posters on the Fujifilm DPR forum. On the same forum here, I replied 5 days ago to a thread that you had started. No follow up on your part so far...

  • June 17, 2023, 10:22 a.m.

    Sorry, what did you ask (I am away at the moment)?

  • Members 27 posts
    June 17, 2023, 11:54 a.m.

    Sorry, but you asked 😄😄😄 And I tried to help. No way to see a post in response to an OP thread?

  • June 17, 2023, 8:46 p.m.

    Sorry, I am still not sure whatI an supposed to follow up on?
